Voltaj - Om - перевод текста песни на английский

Om - Voltajперевод на английский

Nu e prima oara cand am ajuns pe aici
This is not the first time I've landed here
Te cunosc prea bine si stiu exact ce-o sa zici
I know you well and I know what you're going to say
Ca si tu ai fost la pamant si nu ai de ce
That you were also down and needn't
Sa-mi intinzi o mana de parca altul nu e
Reach out to me as if there is no one else
Nu vezi niciun rost sa te opresti tu din calea ta
You see no point in stopping yourself
Si sa fii tu cel care ar salva-o pe-a mea
And that you would save mine
Si uite asa ajungem incet sa fim doar straini
And so slowly we become strangers
Intr-o lume pe care noi toti o-mpartim
In a world that we all share
Am fost print, am fost cersetor
I was a prince, I was a beggar
Prin soare, prin nori
In sunshine, in clouds
Ba urc, ba cobor
I rise, I fall
Am fost tanar, am fost batran
I was young, I was old
Si sclav si stapan
Both slave and master
Dar tot om raman
But I remain a man
Am fost print, am fost cersetor
I was a prince, I was a beggar
Prin soare, prin nori
In sunshine, in clouds
Ba urc, ba cobor
I rise, I fall
Am fost tanar, am fost batran
I was young, I was old
Si sclaν si stapan
Both slave and master
Dar tot om raman
But I remain a man
De ce oare nu-ncercam mai mult sa ne zambim
Why don't we try to smile at each other more?
Si in schimb suntem mereu pregatiti sa cladim
Instead, we are always ready to build
Ziduri reci care sa se inalte pana la cer
Cold walls that rise to the sky
Sa ne apere de ce am simtit pana ieri
Defending us from what we felt yesterday
Dar de astazi poate ca mult mai bine ar fi
But from today, perhaps it might be much better
Sa-ncercam sa le daramam pan' la temelii
To try and tear them down to their foundations
Caci prin locurile pe unde ele ar crapa
For in the places where they would crack
Soarele cu mii de raze ne-ar mangaia
The sun would caress us with a thousand rays
Am fost print, am fost cersetor
I was a prince, I was a beggar
Prin soare, prin nori
In sunshine, in clouds
Ba urc, ba cobor
I rise, I fall
Am fost tanar, am fost batran
I was young, I was old
Si sclav si stapan
Both slave and master
Dar tot om raman
But I remain a man
Am fost print, am fost cersetor
I was a prince, I was a beggar
Prin soare, prin nori
In sunshine, in clouds
Ba urc, ba cobor
I rise, I fall
Am fost tanar, am fost batran
I was young, I was old
Si sclav si stapan
Both slave and master
Dar tot om raman
But I remain a man
Am fost print, am fost cersetor
I was a prince, I was a beggar
Prin soare, prin nori
In sunshine, in clouds
Ba urc, ba cobor
I rise, I fall
Am fost tanar, am fost batran
I was young, I was old
Si sclav si stapan
Both slave and master
Dar tot om raman
But I remain a man
Am fost print, am fost cersetor
I was a prince, I was a beggar
Prin soare, prin nori
In sunshine, in clouds
Ba urc, ba cobor
I rise, I fall
Am fost tanar, am fost batran
I was young, I was old
Si sclav si stapan
Both slave and master
Dar tot om raman
But I remain a man

Авторы: Voltaj

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