WJSN - HAPPY - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский WJSN - HAPPY

Yeah! Happy! Uh huh oh
Yeah! Happy! Uh huh oh
실컷 닳아 없어져도
Wear this out until it falls apart,
It doesn't matter. I will
같이 매일 데리고 다녀
Take you everywhere every day
주머니 넣어 갖고
Keep you in my pocket
웃으면서 머리만 쓰담쓰담해
Smile again and nod
으구으구 으구으구
늦게까지 만나고 들어왔지
We met and came in late,
조금 전까지도 톡하고 전화했지
We were just talking and calling on the phone until a while ago.
But 왜왜왜왜
But why, why, why, why, why, why
다시 보고 싶어지는 건데
Do I want to see you again?
멋대로 하던 난걸요
A me who used to do whatever I wanted,
그래서 버림받았죠
So that's why you abandoned me,
Bye bye bye bye bye 예전의
Bye bye bye bye bye old me
돌아가고 싶지 않아 1! 2! 3! 4!
I don't want to go back 1! 2! 3! 4!
책으로 글씨로만 보았던 happy
Happy that I only saw in books and letters,
강아지 이름 인줄 알았던 happy
Happy that I thought was a dog's name,
이제야 같아 (매일 매일 매일)
I think I finally get it (every day, every day, every day)
콧노래 나오네요
Here comes another hum.
나라 인줄만 알았던 happy
Happy that I thought was a foreign language,
나랑은 상관없는 말로만 알고 있었는데
I thought it had nothing to do with me, but
그랬는데 (happy happy happy)
But (happy happy happy)
남들이 보고 내가 많이 변했대요
They say I've changed a lot.
Yeah! Happy! Uh huh oh
Yeah! Happy! Uh huh oh
내친구들 어때 이쁘지
My friends, how am I? Am I pretty?
멋지다고 해주니 기쁘지
I'm happy when you say I'm cool.
요즘 많이 먹지 허벅지 쪘지
I've been eating a lot lately, so my thighs are a bit fat.
어딜 가도 이렇게 자신이 없지
How come I'm so insecure wherever I go?
어떡해 어저께
Sigh, what should I do? Yesterday,
엄마가 내가 아끼는
My mom threw away my favorite clothes
작아져서 버렸대
Because they were too small.
답은 정해졌어 대답만 하면
The answer is set, just answer.
생각할 필요 없어 대답만 하면
No need to think, just answer.
몰라 몰라
I don't know, uh-uh-uh, I don't know.
지금처럼 관심을 가져줘
Show me this much attention always.
변하면 안돼 절대 알았죠
Don't ever change, okay?
가끔은 귀엽게 봐줘요
Sometimes look at me cutely.
내가 잘해볼게요
I'll get better.
Bye bye bye bye bye 예전의
Bye bye bye bye bye old me
돌아가고 싶지 않아 1! 2! 3! 4!
I don't want to go back 1! 2! 3! 4!
책으로 글씨로만 보았던 happy
Happy that I only saw in books and letters,
강아지 이름 인줄 알았던 happy
Happy that I thought was a dog's name,
이제야 같아 (매일 매일 매일)
I think I finally get it (every day, every day, every day)
콧노래 나오네요
Here comes another hum.
나라 인줄만 알았던 happy
Happy that I thought was a foreign language,
나랑은 상관없는 말로만 알고 있었는데
I thought it had nothing to do with me, but
그랬는데 (happy happy happy)
But (happy happy happy)
남들이 보고 내가 많이 변했대요
They say I've changed a lot.
정말로 행복해요
I'm really happy.
내가 제일 예쁘대요
I'm the prettiest.
Uh huh 1! 2! 1! 2! 3! 4!
Uh huh 1! 2! 1! 2! 3! 4!
모든 꿈인 것만 같아요 happy
Everything feels like a dream happy
볼을 세게 꼬집어봐도 happy
Even if I pinch my cheeks hard happy
사랑을 하나 봐요 (매일 매일 매일)
I see you in love (every day, every day, every day)
부서지게 안아줘요
Hold me tightly.
나라 인줄만 알았던 happy
Happy that I thought was a foreign language,
나랑은 상관없는 말로만 알고 있었는데
I thought it had nothing to do with me, but
그랬는데 (happy happy happy)
But (happy happy happy)
남들이 보고 내가 많이 변했대요
They say I've changed a lot.

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