Wakadinali feat. Boutross, Breeder LW, Abbas Kubaff, Elisha Elai & Dyana Cods - Avoid Those People ft. Boutross, Breeder LW, Abbas Kubaff, Elisha Elai, Dyana Cods - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Wakadinali feat. Boutross, Breeder LW, Abbas Kubaff, Elisha Elai & Dyana Cods - Avoid Those People ft. Boutross, Breeder LW, Abbas Kubaff, Elisha Elai, Dyana Cods

Avoid Those People ft. Boutross, Breeder LW, Abbas Kubaff, Elisha Elai, Dyana Cods
Avoid Those People ft. Boutross, Breeder LW, Abbas Kubaff, Elisha Elai, Dyana Cods
(Ayo Chino, you again?)
(Ayo Chino, you again?)
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Wenye hawakusaidii hawaezi kukujenga
Those who don't help you can't build you
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Juzi nilikula moro hadi sanse wakahepa
The other day I smoked weed till the cops disappeared
Avoid those people (Avoid them)
Avoid those people (Avoid them)
Cold Nairobi still naroweza
Cold Nairobi still I'm surviving
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Life ni bure survival lazima
Life is free, survival is a must
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Wenye hawakusaidii hawaezi kukujenga
Those who don't help you can't build you
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Juzi nilikula moro hadi sanse wakahepa
The other day I smoked weed till the cops disappeared
Avoid those people (Avoid them)
Avoid those people (Avoid them)
Cold Nairobi still naroweza
Cold Nairobi still I'm surviving
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Life ni bure survival lazima
Life is free, survival is a must
Kuna msee aliuza pena ju alipura
There's a guy who sold a pen the other day and got high
Tunauza nyama ya paka kwa mutura
We sell cat meat as mutura
Naziuza mimi na Bena
Me and Bena are selling it
Backdoor tunapurura
Backdoor we sneak in
Ati niaje Dosh anaroll na manzi na ni chura?
How come Dosh is rolling with money yet he's broke?
Niaje na ni Dosh, tungempiga picha but alificha sura
What's up, it's Dosh, we would have taken a picture but he hid his face
Ndani ya pothole nilifall
I fell inside a pothole
Na ni ju ya chingri
Because of weed
We uko wapi niko na ndeng'a na si dikwara
Where are you? I'm with weed and it's not cigarettes
Fuck it, fuck it
Fuck it, fuck it
Nilifall in love na nigri
I fell in love with a black girl
Usiwai toka mbesh Chege hio ni swara
Never come out without shoes Chege, that's a curse
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Nilijam sanse akahepa
I smoked weed the cops disappeared
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Adam ningekuwa matheri hangependa
If Adam was a thug, he wouldn't have liked it
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
I'm cold in Nairobi still naroweza
I'm cold in Nairobi still I'm surviving
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Kuna matha ningemwokotea kibeti but angeniita thegi
There are chicks I would have snatched but they would call me a thug
Ulikuwa unasema nini brathe
What were you saying brother?
Tumemwoket kuku blasé blasé
We have snatched a chicken with ease
Tuna sweeti tumerunda na bei
We have sweets, we have outsmarted the price
Peremende sitakurunda ree
Candy won't outsmart you, man
Sa izo ka niko macho nyanya
Now that I'm wide awake
Walitry kunishika time ya Obama
They tried to get me during Obama's time
Jump on them huko Burma
Jump on them over there in Burma
Walijifanya wanakula nyama
They pretended to be eating meat
Naibia Paul kulipa Peter kuwashow vile kamare imeshika
Robbing Paul to pay Peter to show them how the camera works
Hao ni wa kuland walipotea tangu zile enzi za Greencard
Those ones are lost, they disappeared during the Greencard era
Riomo ni deadman na anatembea courtko aligongewa
Riomo is a deadman and he's walking, he was hit in court
Last mile but execution huh, aliponea
Last mile but execution huh, he survived
Drunken master ki Munga's way
Drunken master the Munga's way
Modafucker from yesterday
Modafucker from yesterday
Badder si lazima dread
Badder doesn't have to be a dread
Mi huchapa mpaka ananiita bae
I hit it till she calls me babe
Anadai ye hunionanga baze hajaijuanga mi ni mnyama bed
She claims she usually sees me at the base, she didn't know I'm a beast in bed
Si hutoka siaka mzee wakule vumbi si hatufiki bei
Don't come out old man to eat dust, we haven't reached the price
Quality haishuki infact usikuje na ideas ka hautoi tukis
Quality doesn't go down, in fact don't come with ideas if you won't give us
Drillting kuna sisi wazee alafu kuna hao marookies (Yoh)
In drilling there's us the OGs then there's those rookies (Yoh)
Doobies si huwa hatutupi incase kuna ukame si huwa hatushtuki
We don't usually throw away doobies, in case of drought we don't panic
Jiji nyuma ya hizo buildings dead amekuona akapata shughli
The city behind those buildings, death saw you and got a job
Mode alishuku akamuoket hadi backbench kunusa vidole
Mode got suspicious and took him to the backbench to sniff fingers
Si huwasha maforeign every morning tukiendaga colle
Don't we light up foreign cigarettes every morning on our way to college?
Nikiwa madrugs mi hukeep it Simple
When I'm on drugs I keep it simple
Boy huwezi pata verse ka haujalipa depo
Boy you can't get a verse if you haven't paid a deposit
Pirate tulimtoka iPhone tukamwacha zero bila hata earphones
We robbed Pirate of his iPhone and left him with zero, without even earphones
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Wenye hawakusaidii hawaezi kukujenga
Those who don't help you can't build you
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Juzi nilikula moro hadi sanse wakahepa
The other day I smoked weed till the cops disappeared
Avoid those people (Avoid them)
Avoid those people (Avoid them)
Cold Nairobi still naroweza
Cold Nairobi still I'm surviving
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Life ni bure survival lazima
Life is free, survival is a must
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Wenye hawakusaidii hawaezi kukujenga
Those who don't help you can't build you
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Juzi nilikula moro hadi sanse wakahepa
The other day I smoked weed till the cops disappeared
Avoid those people (Avoid them)
Avoid those people (Avoid them)
Cold Nairobi still naroweza
Cold Nairobi still I'm surviving
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Life ni bure survival lazima
Life is free, survival is a must
Ushaibiwa na lightskin ukapata extra pressure ju ni rende ni ronger
You were robbed by a lightskin and got extra pressure because she's a foreigner, she's stronger
Mrazi aliingia box nimpone hio mali na vile nimekonda
Mrazi got into a fight, I had to save that girl because I'm skinny
Mtaani ni genje coplo na geri wana different slogan
In the hood, it's weed, cops, and thugs, they have different slogans
Slim alibambwa na bail ilitoka na boy akatoka
Slim was arrested and got bail, and the boy came out
Tuesday morning nishawasha kishada prr ndio Munga anapiga
Tuesday morning I light up a blunt, prr that's Munga calling
Ashaniingisha orosho bag ni thao
He has put me in a mess, it's them
Saf wanashindwa mbona sijafuliza
Safaricom is wondering why I haven't borrowed money
Mi na mastar ni hotbox
Me and my boys are hotboxing
Msela alidhani ni Maybach kumbe ni Probox
The guy thought it was a Maybach but it was a Probox
Tunatingisha Barley na Chrome kiHunters
We're downing Barley and Chrome like hunters
Eh si unajua hii ni formal
Yeah, you know this is formal
Rende niliskia kuna msee anatisha mmh
Foreigner, I heard there's a guy who's scary mmh
Ju wakati imempita
Because when it passed him by
Lakini naskia masocialites mboka ikiisha
But I hear socialites when the money runs out
Survival ni lazima
Survival is a must
Nilikula mali ya Njoro
I ate Njoro's money
Ju Njoro alipiga makali akazima
Because Njoro went hard and died
Nilimpiga kiswahili ya mtaa
I spoke to him in ghetto slang
Mb*ro ya Mmeru na sauti ya Alikiba
A Meru chick with Alikiba's voice
Bouti ni preacher God akibonga unajua utaskiza
Boutross is a preacher, when God speaks you know you'll listen
Rende ni ronger Bouti ni AD familia shrap imefika
Foreigner is stronger, Boutross is AD, the rap family is here
Bouti ni preacher God akibonga unajua utaskiza
Boutross is a preacher, when God speaks you know you'll listen
Rende ni ronger Bouti ni AD familia shrap imefika
Foreigner is stronger, Boutross is AD, the rap family is here
Kwa majina ni Papa Fathela
My name is Papa Fathela
Warazi wao hustuka niaje nilipenya
How did those fools hustle? I penetrated
Nikikafunga leo nasepa
If I close today, I'm leaving
Ambia hao wasoro I'm going till December
Tell those fools I'm going till December
Mi ni Miracle baby nasema mokoro wa mi alishika mimba kwa kesha
I'm a miracle baby, I'm saying my mom got pregnant at a crusade
Kuna msela alijifanya seller
There's a guy who pretended to be a seller
Tukashika stock yote akatinga the wera
We took all the stock, he went crazy
Kuna shugli haitakangi mbogi
There's a job that won't feed a gang
Bado kifo haibishagi hodi
Death still knocks without knocking
Nilichokanga na window shopping
What I've been through with window shopping
Siku hizi wanalipa niwavalie clothing
These days they pay me to wear their clothes
Ni kapyenga kananichoma lips
It's a small thing that burned my lips
Huwezi roll na sisi ju ulitrip
You can't roll with us because you tripped
We si gwangi buda we ni bitch
You're not a gangster, dude, you're a bitch
Compe ni compe na compe ni stiff
Competition is competition and competition is stiff
Breakfast in bed na niko na sidechic
Breakfast in bed and I'm with a sidechic
Rabuoni na stew ina curry
Wednesday and the stew has curry
Henny nacop juu wikendi ni shwari
Hennessy on top, weekend is for partying
Shati Versace na imepigwa pasi
Versace shirt and it's ironed
Tangu enzi za daycare
Since daycare days
Nilikuwa natoka hawa watoi mabano
I used to beat up these kids
Walishindwa kunihandle ka sufuria moto
They couldn't handle me like a hot pot
You know the boy been stubborn
You know the boy been stubborn
Avoid mafala wamejaa
Avoid fools, they are many
Ujinga ni ugonjwa wa kupona ni struggle
Foolishness is a disease, to recover is a struggle
Nikipullup lazima utanotice
When I pull up, you'll definitely notice
Mi huonekana kama Atwoli in purple
I'm seen like Atwoli in purple
Na hii dunia ina mambo
And this world has things
Nikisota nakinda kidney ng'ambo
If I hustle I can buy a kidney abroad
Niko na TK bado top 3 kama jezi ya Carlos
I have a lot of weed, top 3 like Carlos's jersey
Mi huroll incognito, jicho nyanya mfuko nzito
I roll incognito, red eyes, heavy pockets
Madigaga ah za mbao ju mi huwa na avoid some people
Wooden toys because I avoid some people
Unafaa kujichunga wadingo na ma cargo huwanga za imbo
You should be careful with women with big behinds, they're usually pregnant
Makarao watapiga na pingu
Cops will handcuff you
Na do biz na machinku
And do business with girls
Nairoberry kudiambo kwa traffic tinga mawindow
Nairobi, be still in traffic, roll up the windows
Kula rada tafuna ritho ama utameza marithe
Eat rada, chew ritho or swallow marithe
Promoter junkie mwenye show make sure amekudunga ka depo
Promoter junkie, the one with a show, make sure he has given you a deposit
Ati concert bila malipo ah ah na avoid hio risto
A concert without pay ah ah and avoid that loss
Unafaa ku avoid those people
You should avoid those people
Watakuekea mchele kwa disco
They will spike your drink at the disco
Watakuingia mbosho ukishachemsha unafungwa chipo
They will rob you, and when you report, you'll be the one arrested
Yule boy huwa snitch
That boy is a snitch
Naskia ye hundonyo info
I hear he leaks information
Anajuana na mafiv-o ndio maana ye hutembeaga na pistol
He knows the feds, that's why he walks around with a pistol
Woh oh leo sitaki matembo
Woh oh today I don't want problems
Niko maji kushinda Migingo
I'm high as a kite
Itabidi nianze kudetox yaani kupunguza stingo
I have to start detoxing, I mean reduce the sting
Waba imenifika shingo
The weed has really hit me
Ndio kwa maana niko indoors
That's why I'm indoors
Natembea mtaa niki-tiptoe
I walk the streets tiptoeing
Ssshh na avoid those people
Ssshh and avoid those people
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Wenye hawakusaidii hawaezi kukujenga
Those who don't help you can't build you
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Juzi nilikula moro hadi sanse wakahepa
The other day I smoked weed till the cops disappeared
Avoid those people (Avoid them)
Avoid those people (Avoid them)
Cold Nairobi still naroweza
Cold Nairobi still I'm surviving
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Life ni bure survival lazima
Life is free, survival is a must
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Wenye hawakusaidii hawaezi kukujenga
Those who don't help you can't build you
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Juzi nilikula moro hadi sanse wakahepa
The other day I smoked weed till the cops disappeared
Avoid those people (Avoid them)
Avoid those people (Avoid them)
Cold Nairobi still naroweza
Cold Nairobi still I'm surviving
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Life ni bure survival lazima
Life is free, survival is a must
Avoid those people
Avoid those people
Vijana ka sisi your mama told you ukituona hutuavoid
Young people like us, your mama told you if you see us, avoid us
Unachachisha na mamwiko
You're delaying with taboos
Maseska vidungi ziko kinena Udj hapa hakuna toy
The bhang pipes are talking, there are no toys here in Udj
Wikendi toja na olipo
Weekend with weed and alcohol
Ketepa na njugu saa zile hakuna vurugu ni kujienjoy
Smoking and eating peanuts, at that time there's no violence, just enjoyment
Sinaga maneno na people
I don't talk much to people
Elisha Elai toka kitambo ndiomaanake I'm a simple boy
Elisha Elai, since way back, that's why I'm a simple boy
Hizo vitisho zenyu mi siingizi
I don't entertain your threats
Niko 20 na unaninyima usingizi
I'm 20 and you're giving me sleepless nights
Ni 4:20 kila siku huku withii
It's 4:20 every day here in withii
Bila senti huku haupiti zii
You can't pass here without money, zii
Hapa ukicheza dondi pupupu
Here if you play around, pupupu
Nikipita wanageuka bubu
When I pass by they become dumb
Ju mada hapa ni kama Elani kukuku
Because the topic here is like Elani's kukuku
Way before kina Gidi already I was unbwogable
Way before Gidi, I was already unbwogable
Itabidi mpunguze bonga mob
You have to reduce talking too much
Ju mistari zenyu ziko terrible
Because your lyrics are terrible
Here we go
Here we go
Extra pressure inazidi ju rende rong
Extra pressure is increasing because the world is tough
Iko jiji inatesa tu kila zone
The city is tough in every zone
Hii riziki ya mziki itakuja call
This music career will call
Tunasaka money mpaka Senegal
We're looking for money all the way to Senegal
Ka ni hater ni better uniavoid
If you're a hater, you better avoid me
Ju ni ngeta utakulwa ukipatwa boy
Because you'll be eaten if you're caught, boy
Wanateta tangu nianze leta voice
They've been talking since I started voicing
Ju nageuza marapper wakae watoi
Because I turn rappers into kids
Nakuja kijeshi, nikiroga wanadhani Vigetti
I'm coming in hard, when I smoke they think it's spaghetti
Tunasonga hakuna kusleki
We're moving, there's no stopping
Mi ndio thegi anasakwa Dando na Hessy
I'm the thug Dando and Hessy are looking for
This time I tripple
This time I tripple
Mi hufanya ukuwe cripple
I make you cripple
Ka doggy nakuita na whistle
Like doggy I call you with a whistle
Avoid those people deng'a ndio weapon
Avoid those people, weed is the weapon
People infact venye mi huleta vitisho
People, in fact the way I bring threats
Ndani ya nganya mi hukuja kuwahanya
Inside the matatu I won't hesitate
Mistari niliandika kama nimetoka hangdown
I wrote these lyrics like I just came from a hangdown
Venye rende ni rong mi hukam kuwashanda
Since the world is tough, I've come to defeat you
Most definitely after this ni matanga
Most definitely after this it's a funeral
Routes ni za panya hakuna choche utanikosa
The routes are shortcuts, you won't miss me
Salute ju namute hao madem ju ya mboka
Salute because I mute those chicks because of money
Mi hutaka hio doh ka Omollo nai conquer
I want that money like Omollo, I conquer
Si accept-igi loss main goal ni kuomoka
I don't accept loss, the main goal is to succeed
Tangu lini uskie queen ana-argue na mboch
Since when did you hear a queen arguing with a househelp?
Of course mi ni boss nakanyaga ka roach
Of course I'm the boss, I step on them like a roach
Niliruka kwa mbaru nikadara huyo popo
I jumped over the fence and dribbled past that fool
Nikamuacha akicheza na lotion
I left him playing with lotion
Mbleina kwa sisi tunachomanga picha
It's a must for us to take pictures
Ka santa natokaga usiku saa sita
Like Santa I come out at midnight
Usiku na lila ile ikilala italika
At night, the one who sleeps will be robbed
Last victim kwa crime nilimwacha akiwika
I left the last victim of crime crying
Ka mtoi kwa crip nilikeeper
Like a child in a crib, I kept him
Hadi mchombez nilimuacha akijipa
Until the end I left him struggling
Nikamshow after this ni kulipa
I showed him after this is payment
Underdog mi nawasmoke ka fog
Underdog, I smoke them like fog
Ka bulldog nawamaster ka log
Like a bulldog, I master them like a log
We ni analog nakuombea kwa synagogue
You're analog, I pray for you in the synagogue
Then nakuweka kwa dustbin kuflog
Then I put you in the dustbin to flog
We ni monologue, ningedai alone
You're a monologue, I should have said alone
Siwezi share throne mi ni ka hog
I can't share the throne, I'm like a hog
Ka lapdog nawatuma kwa choo
Like a lapdog, I send them to the toilet
Then natokea kwa scene ka smog
Then I appear on the scene like smog
Man fuck those people
Man fuck those people
Mi ukinicheki avoid me
If you see me avoid me
Nikiwaga riko na kibro ni kifo
When I'm with my crew it's death
Lakini alidedi I'll join him
But he died, I'll join him
Nina kilo kwa tiplo
I have a kilo in the triple
Na ng'ango hatusleki we boiling
And we're not slowing down, you're boiling
Mlishindaga Tiktok cheap talk
You failed Tiktok cheap talk
Na kila time tukikutana hambongi
And every time we meet you don't talk
Rong Rende ni vitimbi
Rong Rende is full of drama
Hater alionanga majogi
Hater saw ghosts
Huyu anakuwanga ni pimbi
This one is usually a fool
Kwanza, kwanza nilimpora na dogi
First, I robbed him with a dog
Kile hunirudisha jiji
What brings me back to the city
Ni kukula Nyama choma Nairobi
Is eating Nyama choma in Nairobi
Mi nilipataga bibi kijana bado nakuona na mbogi, haha
I got a wife when I was young, I still see you with a gang, haha
Baba unabonga na mabudeng' hapa lazma banga atakuja na mabunde
Dad, you're talking to fools, he'll come with bundles
Bangaiz na bangi ju hanaku rieng
Smoke weed and bhang because there's no other way
Jaba ikuwe inadi na andasu kuberr
Let the blunt be lit on a big stage
Hii ni wazea na mabudeng
This is a game for fools
Wakiuliza ni jea najibu maberr
When they ask who it is, I answer maberr
Natoka wera narudi kwa wera
I come from the streets, I go back to the streets
Ni nini masela mnataka niwapee
What do you guys want me to give them?
Hatuwezi fanana just look at us
We can't be the same, just look at us
Huyo mama ananiramba na ananuka jasho
That woman is licking me and she smells of sweat
Chini ya maji undercover nikivuta gas
Underwater undercover smoking gas
Na sisi hatujatupa rada ni kukula vako
And we don't hesitate, we're here to eat yours
We piga pang'ang'a tunakuja kwako
Keep struggling, we're coming for you
Kesho utanipata nimedunga chuja zako
Tomorrow you'll find me, I've smoked your weed
We si gangsta ati ju umefuga ras
You're not a gangster just because you grew dreadlocks
Na nikifika lawama si wanajua ni Narcos
And when I arrive, they blame it on Narcos

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