Wikluh Sky - Znam ja ko si ti - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Wikluh Sky - Znam ja ko si ti

Znam ja ko si ti
I Know Who You Are
E da sad postaje zajebano.
Yeah, things are getting tricky now.
Znas ono kad ti ona kaze"e daj mislim tatula odjebi'ti si kao u
You know that moment when she tells you, "Yeah, I think you should get lost," and you're like,
Fazonu nista nisam hteo lose hocu samo da popricamo"ne,
"I didn't mean anything bad, I just wanted to talk." "No,
Ne znam ja ko si ti,
I don't know who you are,
Mislis zato sto si na MTV-u da ti mozes
You think just because you're on MTV you can
Sve" jebeno ne!"pa sta onda umisljas bre?"
Do anything?" "Hell no!" "Then what the hell are you imagining?"
Znam ja ko si ti, ti si Vikler Sky mc, "stvarno"
I know who you are, you're Wikluh Sky the MC, "really?"
Nece da mi da pored nje da sednem, jer misli da hocu samo da je jebem
She won't let me sit next to her because she thinks I just want to screw her
Zna ona ko sam ja, da sam jebeni Vikler Sky,
She knows who I am, that I'm the freaking Wikluh Sky,
Ocu samo malo da se provedem,
I just want to have a little fun,
Vec sam jebo vecheras, ne moram opet da jebem
I already got laid tonight, I don't need to do it again
Dakle udjem u klub i vidim curu tu
So I walk into the club and I see this girl there
Ima 5 kila karmina, ima najnoviju frizuru
She's wearing 5 kilos of lipstick, she has the latest hairstyle
Daje sve od sebe dok igra, ko da ce smak sveta
She's giving it her all while dancing, like it's the end of the world
Iz sandale joj viri ostrugala peta
Her scraped heel is peeking out of her sandal
E. gleda u mom pravcu, ko da bi mi zgrabila racku
Yeah, she's looking in my direction, like she'd grab my junk
Glumi opasnu machku
Playing the dangerous cat
I dok se guram ka shansku ona dere se
And while I'm pushing my way to the bar, she's yelling
Refren neke pesme od koje meni sere se
The chorus of some song that makes me want to puke
Ona je bomba i oko nje su kreteni, seljachine i ostala govna
She's a bombshell and she's surrounded by idiots, rednecks, and other crap
Neshto mi namigne, kao, mm, ko zna
She kind of winks at me, like, hmm, who knows
Mozhda smo se upoznali al je ne prepoznah
Maybe we've met, but I don't recognize her
I ja joj pridjem kao "Gde si lutko?
And I approach her like, "Hey doll?
Mislim da se nismo videli dugo?"
I don't think we've seen each other in a while?"
I nichim izazvana reche mi da odjebem
And without any provocation, she tells me to get lost
Ja kao, "Ha, ha, jel to shala il stvarno da krenem"
I'm like, "Ha, ha, is that a joke, or should I really leave?"
I onda kao "Ti si poznat, znam ja tebe
And then she's like, "You're famous, I know you
Vidjam te svaki put kad ukljuchim tv"
I see you every time I turn on the TV"
Ti tvoji spotovi, taj tvoj bed kopiz
Those music videos of yours, that cheap copycat crap
Ja se ne palim na to, bejbe pliz
I'm not into that, babe, please
I sad sam zbunjen, razumesh shta ti pricham
And now I'm confused, you understand what I'm saying
Mislim jeste dobra ali nije tako dobra pichka
I mean, she's good looking, but she's not that hot
Mislim jebote, vrela je kao mermoterm
I mean, damn, she's hot as hell
A prema meni ladna, kazhe mi samo da
But she's cold towards me, she just tells me to
Znam ja ko si ti...
I know who you are...
Neumereno svoj novac troshim
I spend my money recklessly
Pa opet autobusom moram da se vozim
And yet I still have to ride the bus
Poluprazan bas, svi su otishli u grad
The bus is half-empty, everyone went to the city
Ima neka prazna mesta, pa sam seo na jedno ja
There are some empty seats, so I sat down on one
Na sledecoj stanici udje jedna dobra
At the next stop, a beautiful girl gets on
Videla mene, pa je sela pored mene odma
She saw me, and immediately sat down next to me
I neshto tu, kao, uzela se smeshi
And something there, like, she started smiling
Sa Banovog brda podvozhnjak smo preshli
We passed the underpass from Banovo Brdo
Zazvonio joj fon "Ej cao,
Her phone rang "Hey, hi,
Mislim ne mozh da verujesh ko pored mene sedi
You won't believe who's sitting next to me
Onaj iz bed kopiz... ne taj... ne, ni taj, onaj treci"
That guy from the cheap copycat... not that one... no, not that one either, the third one"
Zavrshila je razgovor, razmenismo par rechi
She finished the conversation, we exchanged a few words
Ja nisam nishta hteo onda uzela da kmechi
I didn't want anything, then she started whining
"Skloni se od mene, seljachino bezhi"
"Get away from me, you peasant, get lost"
"Ali shta." "Cuti" na mene rezhi
"But what." "Shut up," she cuts me off
Pa sam pokusho nekako da joj se izvinim
So I tried to apologize somehow
I majke mi u tom trenutku autobus se na krivini iskrivi
And I swear, at that moment, the bus swerved on a curve
Jedva sam joj nogom dodirnuo koleno
I barely touched her knee with my foot
Prodrala se iz sveg glasa "JEBENA KONJINO!"
She screamed at the top of her lungs "YOU FUCKING IDIOT!"
Pa. jel sam stvarno zasluzhio ovo?
So... did I really deserve this?
U busu gledaju mene, priznajem da je bolelo
Everyone on the bus is looking at me, I admit it hurt
Stavio sam kapuljachu, ukljuchio mp3 plejer
I put on my hood, turned on my mp3 player
Nju sam iz daleka chuo kako sere
I could hear her talking shit from afar
Znam ja ko si ti...
I know who you are...
Vidite, ovaj posao je rizichna shljaka
You see, this job is risky business
Nocas me je prebilo 8 navijacha iz padinjaka
Tonight, 8 fans from Padinjaka beat me up
Polomili mi rebra, ne pomazhu kolica ni shtaka
They broke my ribs, neither a wheelchair nor a crutch helps
I poshto prvi put imam slushaj
And since this is the first time I've had
Takav, idem do urgentnog da vidim shta sad
Such a thing, I'm going to the emergency room to see what's up
Sedim tu i chekam, kad podizhe me smesta
I'm sitting there waiting, when suddenly they make me get up
Milica se zvala medicinska sestra
Milica was the name of the nurse
"Ti si mlad, ti imash snage ustaj"
"You're young, you have strength, get up"
Ustanem, cutim, ona kazhe "Cuti, slushaj!
I get up, I'm silent, she says "Shut up, listen!
Ima da stojish tu, josh barem dva sata
You're going to stand there for at least two more hours
Boli me kurac shto si na mtvju, znash!" a!
I don't give a shit that you're on MTV, you know!" ah!
Jebeno ne verujem, chime sam ovo zasluzhio
I can't believe it, what did I do to deserve this
Padam u nesvest samo shto se nisam srushio
I'm passing out, I almost collapsed
Dolazi brizhna prema meni
She comes over to me concerned
Daje mi malo vode pa mi kazhe odjebi
Gives me some water and tells me to get lost
Dakle i dalje ne mogu da verujem
So I still can't believe it
Zaobilazi me sve vreme, mislish da preterujem?
She avoids me all the time, do you think I'm exaggerating?
Pa malo pre je primila lika sa uraslim noktom u meso
A little while ago, she admitted a guy with an ingrown toenail
Ja zovem "sestro!"
I call out, "Nurse!"
I ona kao "nemoj tu da mi cmizdrish"
And she's like, "Don't whine to me"
"Al ovo sranje boli", "shta mi sad tu pizdish"
"But this shit hurts," "Don't bitch to me"
"Smiri se i trpi", "al malo sam u frci",
"Calm down and endure it," "But I'm in a bit of a hurry,"
"Mislish, mozhesh shta ocesh jer si u poznatoj grupi?"
"You think you can do whatever you want because you're in a famous band?"
Znam ja ko si ti...
I know who you are...

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