Berakhir sudah satu perjuangan Tanpa sasaran ini yang dinantikan Musnah impian muncul akhirnya Jalan setuju yang dikekal terus berdamai
This fight is over, without any purpose in sight. Dreams have perished, they have finally come to an end. The path of agreement, the only way to ensure peace.
Insaf segera pada yang ada
Realize what you have
Ambil peluang telah dijanji, telah dijanjikan
Take the chance that has been promised to you
Cukup di sini berangan-angan
Enough of dreaming
Apa dilihat yang dijanji belumlah pasti
What you see has not been promised to you
Pengorbanannya itu punca satu tragedi
Your sacrifices led to a tragedy
Kesempitannya menagih rasa simpati
Your suffering only asked for sympathy.
Kau menghalang kedamaian Pengganas nusa, nusa dan bangsa Binasa segala impian harapan Timbul kasih menjadi amalan hidup Perjuangan ditinggalkan
You stand in the way of peace, Terrorist of this land, of this country Dreams and hopes vanish, Love replaced by daily routine. The fight is given up.
Kesedaran kepangkuan
You now understand
Pulang semula bukalah mata Pandang di depan apa yang dijanji, apa yang dijanji
Come back, open your eyes. Look ahead to what has been promised to you.
Biar berlalu apa yang sudah
Let go of what has happened
Terus berdamai untuk hidup dalam selamat
Go in peace, and live in safety.
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