Wohnout - Saman - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Wohnout - Saman

Pán u ohně sedí
My Lord is sitting by the fire
Doušky polyká
Gulping down ale
Kalumet delší
His calumet is longer
Než je stín
Than a shadow
Jenže pán ten je indián
But my Lord is an Indian
A indiáni kouřit musej
And Indians have to smoke
Jinak ty svoje stavy nevokusej
Otherwise they don't get their kicks
Ten pán si mezeru v čase
The Lord has filled the gap in time
Krásně vyplnil
Very nicely
Z hlavy mu stoupá
Grey smoke rises from his head
šedej dým
Into the favour of all
A přízně všech
Old forces
Starejch sil
Which fly through the air
Co lítaj vzduchem
Are floating in the mist
Jsou tím vzruchem
In the excitement
Setkání se starým
Of the meeting with the old man
A dobrým duchem
And the good spirit
Plameny skáčou
The flames are leaping
Noc ožívá
The night is coming alive
Kameny pláčou
The stones are weeping
A stín je kytka plazivá
And the shadow is a creeping flower
A že je zvíře
And that's the animal
A že je pták
And that's the bird
A že je plížící se
And that's the creeping
že neni pánem
That he is not the master
To se mu zdá
That's what it seems to him
To se mu jenom zdá
That's what it just seems like to him
Bál se jen bál
He was just scared
Bál se, že to končí
Scared that it was already over
A vítr jen vál
And the wind just blew
A nechtěl zapomenout
And he didn't want to forget
že je zvíře a že je pták
That he's an animal and that he's a bird
A že je plížící se had
And that he is a creeping snake
že není pánem to se mu zdá
That he's not the master that's what it seems to him
To se mu jenom zdá
That's what it just seems like to him
Ten pán se do těla vrátil
My Lord returned to his body
Plameny uhasil
He extinguished the flames
Vysypal dýmku zmizel
He emptied his pipe and then disappeared
The smoke
Ale přízně všech
But the favour of all
Starejch sil
Of the old forces
Co lítaj vzduchem
Which fly through the air
Sou tim uchem
Is in the ear
Naslouchaj lidu
Listening to people
Kterej je duchem
Who are already with the spirits
Je pozdě
It's late
Neni tráva
There's no grass
Není voda
There's no water
Není lesní kráva
There's no forest cows
Není vůbec nic
There's nothing at all
Jen hic
Just heat
Zmizel z ohně dým
The smoke disappeared from the fire
Zmizel z ohně dýmu stína kameny se tváří chladně jako předtím
The smoke disappeared from the fire and the stones look as cold as before

Авторы: Jan Homola, Matej Homola

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