Wongrey - Cudzia party - перевод текста песни на английский

Cudzia party - Wongreyперевод на английский

Cudzia party
Someone else’s party
Mám 4 deci šampusu v pohári bonbón a nechápem o čom sa bavia tie holky
I have 4 deciliters of champagne in a bonbon glass and I don't understand what those girls are chatting about
Viem že sa dnes snažíš odísť len so mnou aj keď záujem prejavíš iba lowkey
I know you’re trying to just go away with me today, even though you only show interest lowkey
Poď ku mne dolejem z fľaše nám obom a kľudne si s tebou urobím aj fotky
Come to me, I'll pour us both from the bottle and I'll gladly also take some photos with you
No nehľadaj lásku ktorú dáš na IG na oko a city mŕtve jak zombie
But don't look for the love that you'll put on Instagram for show, and emotions are dead, like zombies
Nepatrím do tohto divadla chalanov na tejto party a ani báb
I don't belong in this theatre of guys at this party, or the girls either
Chceš to tak zober to všetko ja poviem ti o tom len nemíňaj môj drahý čas
If you want it that way, take it all, I'll tell you about it, just don't waste my precious time
Zaľúbiť sa viem tak za 5 minút a za 15 kľudne ja môžem ťa mať
I can fall in love in about 5 minutes and in 15, I can easily have you
Preto fakt verím že iná si aj keď na cieľ ťažko vidieť dokým nie si tam
That’s why I truly believe you're different, even if it’s hard to see the goal before you get there
Sedím na party na ktorú nepatrím
I'm sitting at a party I don't belong at
Kráľovná plesu je preč dávno zhasli
The queen of the ball has been gone for a long time, the lights have gone out
Princezná v snehu čo so mnou chceš zažiť
The princess in the snow, what do you want to experience with me?
Roztopiť mi srdce znamená sa zraniť
Melting my heart means getting hurt
Sedím na party na ktorú nepatrím
I'm sitting at a party I don't belong at
Kráľovná plesu je preč dávno zhasli
The queen of the ball has been gone for a long time, the lights have gone out
Princezná v snehu čo so mnou chceš zažiť
The princess in the snow, what do you want to experience with me?
Roztopiť mi srdce znamená sa zraniť
Melting my heart means getting hurt
Dáme dole masky a pôjdeme na dno
We'll take off our masks and go to the bottom
Rock bottom a potom kričíš moc hlasno
Rock bottom and then you scream very loudly
Spoznávam kto si v tej hĺbke je chladno
I find out who you are in that depth, it's cold
Cynicky depresívna ako Fargo
Cynically depressed like Fargo
Ako sa mám cítiť pri tvojich friends
How am I supposed to feel with your friends?
Ako sa nezblázniť pri tom čo chceš
How not to go crazy about what you want?
Nie som rich kid no trap money vo forme
I'm not a rich kid, but trap money in form
Dva litre dva gramy v po-ho-de
Two liters, two grams in peace and quiet
Nepatrím medzi tých ľudí sick
I don't belong among those people, they're sick
Edgy na tik toku Louis Vuitton drip
Edgy on TikTok, Louis Vuitton drip
Gucci bee snake a rite thick
Gucci bee snake and ass is thick
Holka sa díva na mňa pri tom sniff
Girl is looking at me while sniffing
Sedím na party na ktorú nepatrím
I'm sitting at a party I don't belong at
Kráľovná plesu je preč dávno zhasli
The queen of the ball has been gone for a long time, the lights have gone out
Princezná v snehu čo so mnou chceš zažiť
The princess in the snow, what do you want to experience with me?
Roztopiť mi srdce znamená sa zraniť
Melting my heart means getting hurt
Sedím na party na ktorú nepatrím
I'm sitting at a party I don't belong at
Kráľovná plesu je preč dávno zhasli
The queen of the ball has been gone for a long time, the lights have gone out
Princezná v snehu čo so mnou chceš zažiť
The princess in the snow, what do you want to experience with me?
Roztopiť mi srdce znamená sa zraniť
Melting my heart means getting hurt
Dáme dole masky a pôjdeme na dno
We'll take off our masks and go to the bottom
Rock bottom a potom kričíš moc hlasno
Rock bottom and then you scream very loudly
Spoznávam kto si v tej hĺbke je chladno
I find out who you are in that depth, it's cold
Cynicky depresívna ako Fargo
Cynically depressed like Fargo

Авторы: Tomáš Kuchtanin

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