Wurzel 5 - Ghetto Boy - перевод текста песни на английский

Ghetto Boy - Wurzel 5перевод на английский

Ghetto Boy
Ghetto Boy
Eigentlech schad s me sech nümme so gseht aber
Actually, it’s a shame I don't see you like that anymore, but
Irgenwie klar hüt isch nümme wi denn
Somehow, today isn’t yesterday anymore
Nachdäm mer doch so überzügt hei gmeint
After we were so convinced, we thought
Mir sig verbündet fr geng u blibe fründe az änd
We are united forever and will remain friends forever
Zämä g hängt zämä plant i ferie gsi
Hanging out together, making plans on vacations
Heinis no gschwore ws o chäm sig fr ewig es team
Back then we swore we’d forever be a team
Weiss no dr erscht suff doch nüm wini hei bi cho
I still remember the first time I got drunk, I don’t even remember where I ended up
Nächtelang freestyle takes uf tape ufgno
Freestyle battles all night long, recorded takes on tape
Irgendwenn fasch di mit dene type
At some point, you almost get sucked in with those people
Womer früecher so toys hei gfunge afa afründe
While we used to think of them as toys
Da la bländä fo bling u chärä i clips
Da dazzling with bling and chains in videos
Projezierschs uf dis eigete läbö u iz
Projecting it onto your own life, and now
Loufsch wi könig im quartier umenang
You walk around the neighborhood like a king
Hesch vom beck bis zum coop dis revier i dr hang
From the bakery to the coop, you have your territory under control
Mann ws louft mit dir es ire schiinwäut läbsch
Man, who runs with you, lives in a beautiful dream world
Ischs dr würklech so längwilig hätt i niemaus dänkt
Is it really that boring? I would never have thought
Beste fründ hä? iz kennsch mi nümm hä?
Best friend, huh? You don’t know me anymore, huh?
Drfür machsch mit dene tuble uf beste fründ
Now, you’re acting like best friends with those stupid guys
Mer hei no grappt um üs respäkt z verschaffe
We used to struggle to earn our respect
Iz gisch paarne uf d frässe um dr respäkt z verschaffe
Now, you punch others in the face to earn respect
Machsch uf gagsterimage wosch läbe wi die
You’re acting like a gangster, you want to live like them
Läng mer a gring verdammt man wo läbe mer hie
Give me a break, man, where are we living?
Wirsch jedem klische grächt afa deale mit hasch
You’re matching every stereotype, you even started dealing hash
Ds isch real wi im fium au hei chly agfange
That’s the real thing, like in the movie, we also started small
Dr pittbull ar site um idruck z mache?
A pitbull on your side to impress others?
U scho di chly brüetsch red nur vo bitches u chärä
And the little brats next to you only talk about bitches and cars
Tröimt vore karriere im drogebizz
Dreaming of a career in the drug business
Sch a dr zyt es wider zrügg ufe bode fingsch
Come on, it’s time to come back down to earth
I gloube dra i meinä d hoffnig stirbt
I believe in it, I think hope dies
Z letscht s nur ä phase isch wo o mau verbi isch
In the end, it's just a phase that will pass

Авторы: Sandro Durrer, Etienne Marti, Cedric Marti, Pierrot Bissegger, Alex Heidekker

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