Wurzel 5 - Ke Gschänk - перевод текста песни на английский

Ke Gschänk - Wurzel 5перевод на английский

Ke Gschänk
No Gifts
Esch nid immer aues goud wo glänzt
Not everything that glitters is gold
Vilem wir gloube gschänkt wo när wi stoub verwäiht
Many things we think are given to us, vanish like dust
U mir no geng nid wäg sägs mit stouz im härz
And we still won't walk away, with pride in our hearts
Zu 5 im 2 dobbu 0 zum g
Five of us in 2 double 0, we're on our way
Si nid cho um nech gschänk z verteile nei
We're not here to give away gifts, no
Nei si nur da um ds schnäu cho z reglä weisch
No, we're just here to settle things quickly, you know
Chömet nume leget steine i wäg ei
You keep putting stones in our way
Zile vo üs u di steine si wäg versteisch
But our goals are our goals, and the stones are your way, understand?
Eis glert me het ke ziu weme tröimt
They taught us there's no point in dreaming
Hei hert büglet u so viles erreicht
But we listened, worked hard, and achieved so much
Iz mit sadmobil vo gigs dir mitem velo hei
Now we drive from gigs in a minivan, ride home on bikes
Z'3. bum im gschäft dir mit demotapes
At 3 am we’re at the store with our demo tapes
Gigs vor zig vo öich redt niemer jungs
Gigs in front of dozens of you, nobody talks about you boys
Iz säg du mir nomau wär im bizzenes bommt hä?
Now tell me, who made it in the business, huh?
Si ke gradmässer nid emau annähernd
They weren't even close, not even remotely
Lüt wi dir chöme u tagtäglech
People like you come and go every day
Meine si hass mi u hass mi rap
You think you hate me and you hate my rap
Hasse sich nur säuber für ihri passivität
You only hate yourselves for your passivity
Rap sizmä jahrzähnt (nur) us liebi zur musig
I've been rapping for decades (only) for the love of music
Glich schribe d journis nüt aus figg mini groupies
Even though journalists write nothing but lies about me screwing my groupies
Lug söu mi nume au di medie verrisse
Look, they only want to tear me down in the media
Has ir szene bewise i muess mi kem meh bewise
I have proof in the scene, I don't need to prove myself anymore
Mir verteile ke gschänk widerhole mi gärn
We don't give out gifts, I'll gladly repeat that
Ck zu 5 üs isch d chrone in bärn scho
Ck to 5, the crown in Bern is already ours
Si nid cho um nech gschänk z verteile nei
We're not here to give away gifts, no
Nei si nur da um ds schnäu cho z reglä weisch
No, we're just here to settle things quickly, you know
Chömet nume leget steine i wäg ei
You keep putting stones in our way
Zile vo üs u di steine si wäg versteisch
But our goals are our goals, and the stones are your way, understand?
Wi di zyt vergeit wis mitis witergeit
As time goes by, we know how to move forward
Weisch si cho blibe ud ni immer simer heiss
You know we came to stay and we're not always hot
Hinger üs ligt ä strecki wi mond u zrügg
Behind us lies a stretch like to the moon and back
Eine chunnt hüt u tritt morn wider zrügg
One comes today and steps back tomorrow
Hei eniges düregmacht si sit immr fürenang da
We've been through a lot, but we’ve always been at the forefront
Sisch sit immer es dürenang abr si sit 10 jahr da
It's always been a tough ride, but we've been here for 10 years
What the fa wo bisch du de da
What the fa, what are you doing here?
D eierschale no am arsch da trifft mi dr schlag
With the eggshell still on your ass, that's when it hits me
Bhaut d bau tief schüsch hout di der tag i
Building the foundation deep, hiding there for the day
U faus de wirsch ischlah bhaut 10 jahr dr bau tief
And then you get punched, building the foundation for 10 years
Ds gfaut mir we bi fake mcs aube dr fade gad risst
I like it when with fake MCs even the fade rips
U bis sisch aube schnaue da göh schnäu mau jahre verbii
And until you're sniffing up there, years go by quickly
Liebenech jungs egau wis chunnt
Love you boys, no matter what happens
Mr chöme setzte ä punkt u schiebes furt
We're gonna make a point and push it away
Wo füehrt das häre itz hei mr 2006
Where is this going, it's 2006
Mau luege was no ds hole git im musiggschäft
Let's see what the music business has in store for us
Si nid cho um nech gschänk z verteile nei
We're not here to give away gifts, no
Nei si nur da um ds schnäu cho z reglä weisch
No, we're just here to settle things quickly, you know
Chömet nume leget steine i wäg ei
You keep putting stones in our way
Zile vo üs u di steine si wäg versteisch
But our goals are our goals, and the stones are your way, understand?
öie rap homie lueg stagniert wie d eu los
Yo, rap homie, look, stagnating like your Euro lottery
Ig ghöre nüt chasch no viu verzeue so
I don't hear anything, you can still forgive a lot like that
Das isch wurzu 5 wieder mau zur steu
This is Wurzel 5, once again to the point
U öie rap gloub mer s cha sech hingeasteue
And your rap, believe me, it can be neglected
Ig meines ernst si nüm di jüngste i weis
I'm serious, we're not the youngest anymore, I know
Hei glert us fähler u wüsse was es heisst
We’ve learned from our mistakes and know what it means
Ja mir kenne das business wo hinger der bühni abgeit
Yes, we know this business, what's going on behind the scenes
öie rap wott windschatte fahre
Your rap wants to ride in the slipstream
U mir füue itz es gsteu i dim plattelade
And we're now pushing a point on your turntable
Si itz äbe kommerz wüu mer i de charts lande
Now we're commercial, we want to land in the charts
U du füheusch di guet wenn de üse shit abelatsch
And you're doing well if you copy our shit
A de gigs au am start das isch no swiizerrap item
At the gigs, we're also there, that's still Swiss rap, you know
Immer ufem wäg zur spitze vom bärg simer
We're always on our way to the top of the mountain
Kes stück vom chueche häb d finger wäg itz
No piece of the cake, hands off now
Verteile ke gschänk nur ei liebi für berncity
We don't give away gifts, just love for Berncity
Si nid cho um nech gschänk z verteile nei
We're not here to give away gifts, no
Nei si nur da um ds schnäu cho z reglä weisch
No, we're just here to settle things quickly, you know
Chömet nume leget steine i wäg ei
You keep putting stones in our way
Zile vo üs u di steine si wäg versteisch
But our goals are our goals, and the stones are your way, understand?

Авторы: Heidekker Alexander

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