Wurzel 5 - Typisch - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Wurzel 5 - Typisch

Stress di nid geng so geit de scho
Don't worry so much, it will pass
Isch doch haub so schlimm oder nid
It's not that bad, is it?
Lug es chunnt scho guet i versprichs
Look, it will all turn out well, I promise
Ja ja wi geng
Yes, yes, as always
Wo blibsch wider wart chume verbi
Where are you again? I'm waiting and getting impatient
Scho ufem wäg zu dir nimme no churz es bier
I'm already on my way to you, just stopping for a quick beer
Gad da nur no eis schtah fasch unge ar tür
I'll just have one more and be right outside your door
Sorry di zyt isch wi im flug verbi typisch
Sorry, the time just flew by, typical
Mou i lose geng ds weisch
I should have listened to you, you know
Gad nid glost eh was hesch gad gmeint
Don't be mad, what did you just say?
Chum iz wäg einisch hei
Come on, let's go home
Psst ghöre nid was im fernseh seit typisch
Shhh, don't listen to what he's saying on TV, typical
Was lueg se gar nid a
Don't even look at her
Wirfe nume schnäu bim verbi ga
Just throw snowballs at her as we pass by
I meine frag mi nur wime sone tanga
I mean, why am I asking myself such nonsense?
U wenn scho verdammt i bine ma i darfs typisch
And even if I am, damn it, I'm allowed to, typical
Stress di nid geng so geit de scho
Don't worry so much, it will pass
Isch doch haub so schlimm oder nid
It's not that bad, is it?
Lug es chunnt scho guet i versprichs
Look, it will all turn out well, I promise
Ja ja wi geng
Yes, yes, as always
Was chani derfür aube chunnt mir öppis derzwüsche
What can I do? Something always comes up
Wi hanis chönne vergässe ga ga jasse mit fründe
How could I have forgotten? I have to go play cards with my friends
Chume nid pünktlech s wird zwe schtung schpeter
I won't be on time, I'll be two hours late
Villech duurets de sogar ä chli lenger
Maybe it will take even longer
Fingsch mi ä längwiler da i immer so müed bi
Do you think I'm boring because I'm always so tired?
Ha dr doch geschter scho widr d füess massiert
I gave you a foot massage again yesterday
Lug winmr müeh gib
Look how hard I try
Ha hert büglät mach mers vorem fernseh gmüetlech
I ironed diligently and made myself comfortable in front of the TV
Ke luscht uf grossi schprüng bi o nüm dr jüngscht
I don't feel like doing anything big, I'm not that young anymore
Im freie ga schlafe bini sit jahre nüm
I haven't slept outdoors in years
ässe lieber deheime aus uswärts ir beiz
I prefer to eat at home than out at a restaurant
Lug du weisch dasses hüt nid geit
Look, you know that it's not going to happen today
Stress di nid geng so geit de scho
Don't worry so much, it will pass
Isch doch haub so schlimm oder nid
It's not that bad, is it?
Lug es chunnt scho guet i versprichs
Look, it will all turn out well, I promise
Ja ja wi geng
Yes, yes, as always
Wei mir wieder mau öppis ungernäh am sunnti
We want to do something spontaneous on Sunday
Chume vom gig hei zu später stund
We come home from the gig at a late hour
Wache uf ändlech tag chasch rouche
I finally wake up, I can rest today
Längt no knapp öppis znacht ga choufe typisch
But I still have to go shopping for something for dinner, typical
Ke plan was am wucheänd louft
I don't have any plans for the weekend
Tüe de spontan mau luge was louft wi immer
I'll just check what's on, like always
Egau woni bi i hingerla äs puff
Wherever I am, I'm always in a hurry
äs muess schnäu ga rumes de scho wider uf ja
I have to do everything quickly and then I'm off again, yes
Wieder so abe mit championsleague
Another night with the Champions League
Risse am achti d färnbedienig a mi
I grab the remote control at eight o'clock
Gli aber i wott de chunnt di nächst serie
But then the next series starts
Ig muess dr match gseh dr räscht isch mr glich
I have to watch the match, the rest is unimportant to me
Stress di nid geng so geit de scho
Don't worry so much, it will pass
Isch doch haub so schlimm oder nid
It's not that bad, is it?
Lug es chunnt scho guet i versprichs
Look, it will all turn out well, I promise
Ja ja wi geng
Yes, yes, as always

Авторы: Fierz Stefan

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