XXL 593 - Madre - перевод текста песни на английский

Madre - XXL 593перевод на английский

Madre ¿sabes lo que significa?
Mother, do you know what it means?
Es el término más lindo que ha existido
It's the most beautiful term that has ever existed.
No amarla está prohibido
Not loving her is forbidden.
Porque es quien te dio la vida, por quien estás vivo y por eso digo
Because she is the one who gave you life, the one for whom you are alive, and that's why I say.
Que el que tenga con vida a su madre, que sea agradecido
That whoever has their mother alive, be grateful.
Que la abrace fuertemente y al oído
Hug her tightly and whisper in her ear
Le diga que la ama y aunque pase lo que pase, es más, no importa lo que pase, siempre contará contigo
Tell her that you love her and no matter what happens, what's more, no matter what happens, she can always count on you.
Hazla reír
Make her laugh.
Dile que es linda como una estrella
Tell her she's as beautiful as a star.
Que en tu constelación es la luz más bella
That in your constellation she is the most beautiful light.
Y aunque el tiempo pase y vaya dejando huella
And even though time passes and leaves its mark,
Así como cuido de ti, cuidaras de ella
Just as she took care of you, you will take care of her.
Porque madre es aquel ser que te dio el nacer
Because a mother is that being who gave you birth.
No es la que se marchó y nunca más volviste a ver
It is not the one who left and you never saw again.
Madre no es la mujer que a tu suerte te deja
A mother is not the woman who leaves you to your fate.
Madre es la que te ama, madre es la que te aconseja
A mother is the one who loves you, a mother is the one who advises you.
Madre no es la que quiere ser madre con la mala intención
A mother is not the one who wants to be a mother with the bad intention
De atrapar un hombre y vivir de la manutención
Of trapping a man and living off child support.
Madre es la que tener un hijo es su más grande ilusión
A mother is the one for whom having a child is her greatest illusion.
Para traerlo, quererlo y amarlo de corazón
To bring him, love him and love him from the heart.
Pero muchas
But many
Olvidaron el mensaje y dejaron a sus hijos a la deriva en este viaje
They forgot the message and left their children adrift on this journey.
Viaje en el cual todo se ha visto
Journey in which everything has been seen.
Padre es tener el papel de madres con hijos que a sus madres nunca han visto
Father is to have the role of mothers with children who have never seen their mothers.
Por esos insisto y repito con mucha pena
That's why I insist and repeat with great sorrow
Que no todo padre es malo y no toda madre es buena
That not every father is bad and not every mother is good.
Porque madre es quien de niño en sus brazos te toma
Because a mother is the one who takes you in her arms as a child.
Es la que por amor todo perdona
She is the one who forgives everything for love.
Madre es quien en las noches canciones de cuna te entona
A mother is the one who sings you lullabies at night.
No es la que te marcha y te abandona
She is not the one who leaves you and abandons you.
Pero si lo hizo
But if she did,
Dile que tu alma la perdona y que sin ella serás una gran persona
Tell her that your soul forgives her and that without her you will be a great person.
Que solo hay amor en tu corazón partido
That there is only love in your broken heart.
Para ella aunque nunca hayan compartido
For her even though you have never shared.
Porque madre es saber lo que significa.
Because being a mother is knowing what it means.
Es el término más lindo que ha existido, y por eso digo
It is the most beautiful term that has ever existed, and that is why I say
Él que no tenga con vida a su madre, que no sea mal agradecido
He who does not have his mother alive, let him not be ungrateful.
Que la visite y que lleve flores consigo
Visit her and bring flowers with you.
Que le diga que aunque la distancia es el olvido
Tell her that even though distance is oblivion,
Donde quiera que vas, siempre la llevas contigo
Wherever you go, you always carry her with you.
Y que has aprendido de manera inoportuna
And that you have learned in an untimely way
Que el que tiene con vida a su madre, tiene una fortuna
That he who has his mother alive has a fortune.
Porque madre es madre y como madre no hay ninguna
Because a mother is a mother and there is no one like a mother.
Porque madre solo hay una
Because there is only one mother.
Madre, ¿sabes lo que significa?
Mother, do you know what it means?
Es el término más lindo que ha existido
It is the most beautiful term that has ever existed.
No amarla está prohibido
Not loving her is forbidden.
Porque es quien te dio la vida, por quien estás vivo, y por eso digo
Because she is the one who gave you life, the one for whom you are alive, and that's why I say.
Madre ¿sabes lo que significa?
Mother, do you know what it means?
Es el término más lindo que ha existido
It is the most beautiful term that has ever existed.
No amarla esta prohibido
Not loving her is forbidden.
Porque es quien te dio la vida, por quien estás vivo, y por eso digo
Because she is the one who gave you life, the one for whom you are alive, and that's why I say.
Si tienes con vida a tu madre
If you have your mother alive,
Dile que la amas
Tell her that you love her.
Si te abandonó
If she abandoned you,
Dile que la perdonas
Tell her you forgive her.
Y si ya no está
And if she's gone,
Dile que es mentira que la distancia es el olvido
Tell her it's a lie that distance is oblivion.
Incondicional love
Unconditional love.
XXL 593
XXL 593

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