XY - Equilibri - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский XY - Equilibri

Podria viure sense haver-te conegut.
I could live without having met you.
Veuria el sol sortir, però des d'un altre punt.
I would see the sun rise, but from a different point.
Respirar fons quan veig el mar,
Breathe deeply when I see the sea,
Sense tanta complicitat.
Without so much complicity.
L'hivern segur que se'm faria molt més llarg.
Winter would surely be much longer for me.
Podria escriure sense tenir clar el compàs,
I could write without knowing the beat,
Moltes paraules sense tant significat.
Many words without so much meaning.
Mirar el paisatge des de lluny,
Look at the landscape from afar,
Caminar sense tanta llum,
Walk without so much light,
Però el dia a dia tindria un gust molt més amarg.
But everyday life would have a much more bitter taste.
Ets el pas ferm quan estic a la deriva,
You are the firm step when I am adrift,
Un far encès quan no ho veig clar.
A lighthouse lit when I can't see clearly.
M'aportes calma i energia,
You bring me calm and energy,
Ets l'invencible melodia,
You are the invincible melody,
Som dues ànimes en equilibri constant.
We are two souls in constant balance.
Hem viscut dies carregats d'intensitat,
We have lived days filled with intensity,
Salvat obstacles totalment inesperats.
Saved obstacles totally unexpected.
I quan t'agafo de la
And when I take your hand
Et porto i em deixo portar,
I take you and let myself be carried away,
I ens abracem. No tenim por estant de costat.
And we embrace. We are not afraid side by side.
Podria viure sense haver-te conegut.
I could live without having met you.
Ja veus totes les coses que m'hauria perdut.
You see all the things I would have lost.
La teva màgia és tan gran
Your magic is so great
I t'has tornat tan important,
And you have become so important,
T'estimo tant! T'ho escric aquí i és tot per a tu.
I love you so much! I write it here and it's all for you.
Ets el pas ferm quan estic a la deriva,
You are the firm step when I am adrift,
Un far encès quan no ho veig clar.
A lighthouse lit when I can't see clearly.
M'aportes calma i energia,
You bring me calm and energy,
Ets l'invencible melodia,
You are the invincible melody,
Som dues ànimes en equilibri constant.
We are two souls in constant balance.

Авторы: Marcal Ayats Mialet, Laura Cruells Vallier

XY - Equilibri
дата релиза

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