Yojiro Noda - HYPER TOY - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Yojiro Noda - HYPER TOY

風邪こじらせた僕の魂 この病はすぐ治らないらしい
My soul, caught in this lingering cold, seems to be taking its time to heal.
治す魔法はいつも一歩のとこで 歌にして使っちゃうんだ
The magic cure is always just a step away, always ending up in a song.
でもそれでいい きっとそれがいい いつかアトカタもなく消えるんだ
But that's alright, it's probably for the best. Eventually, it'll all disappear without a trace.
せめてこのホシの今 ココに 俺というアシアトを歌うんだ
At least for now, on this star, in this place, I sing my mark into existence.
「変わらないでいて」なんて言わないで 君の前ではね 嘘はいやなんだ
Don't tell me to "stay the same," not in front of you. I hate lying to you, girl.
十年前のあの告白 聞くに堪えなくて消えたくなる
That confession from ten years ago, I can't bear to hear it, I want to disappear.
でもそんなんも全部俺の中に その全てが今の俺の種に
But all of that is still within me, every bit of it a seed of who I am now.
変わらない愛をこの胸に 宇宙を埋めつくしてしまいたい
This unchanging love in my heart, I want it to fill the entire universe.
死ぬまで 俺のありか
Until I die, my place in the world,
I want to keep searching for it.
We're runners' high wonder boys
あの日夢拗らせた ハイパートーイ
Hyper toys who got caught up in our dreams that day.
サイバーパンク ナイター玩具
Cyberpunk night toys,
Take care of me, always.
We're runners' high wonder boys,
あの日夢拗らせた ハイパートーイ
Hyper toys who got caught up in our dreams that day.
Rebooting too much, running wild
Throwing caution to the wind, going all the way.
ゼロ円紙幣がいつかできるなら それはきっと僕の顔
If zero-yen bills ever exist, it would surely be my face on them.
意味なんて一つもない そんな夜を 抱きしめてたい
I want to embrace those nights that have no meaning.
君がいなくなったって ずっとここにい続けるのはナゼ
Even if you're gone, why do I keep staying here?
いなくなればいなくなるだけ もっとここにい続けるのはナゼ
The more you're gone, the more I stay here, why?
Ah, I'm done diving into sadness,
Let's run through the turquoise city.
影を、色を 追い越し 二度と僕が 僕を見捨てないよう
Passing shadows, passing colors, so I'll never abandon myself again.
Until I die, may my love
Continue to overflow.
We're runners' high wonder boys
あの日夢拗らせた ハイパートーイ
Hyper toys who got caught up in our dreams that day.
サイバーパンク ナイター玩具
Cyberpunk night toys,
Take care of me, always.
We're runners' high wonder boys
あの日夢拗らせた ハイパートーイ
Hyper toys who got caught up in our dreams that day.
Rebooting too much, running wild,
Throwing caution to the wind, going all the way.
駆け出していく はみ出している このイカれた頭気に入っている
Running out, standing out, I love this crazy head of mine.
こざかしくても 血を吐いてでも やる時はやるって決まっている
Even if it's troublesome, even if I cough up blood, when it's time to do it, I'll do it.
明日も空に歌があれば 僕らたぶんまだ生きてける
If there's a song in the sky tomorrow, we'll probably still be alive.
角ばった心 溶かすものは いつだって君だけが持っている
You're the only one who holds the key to melting this hardened heart of mine.
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh

Авторы: Yojiro Noda

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