Young Lex - Kaca - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Young Lex - Kaca

Oh, hidup seperti film tapi tak bisa di rewind
Oh, life is like a movie but it can't be rewound
Putus asa dan jatuh itu pilihan, tapi kuabaikan
Giving up and falling is an option, but I ignore it
Karena yang kutatap kesuksesan
Because what I look forward to is success
Instan? itu yang kau bilang
Instant? That's what you say
Ku masih tulis lirik saat semua mata sudah terpejam
I'm still writing lyrics when everyone's eyes are closed
Seperti tentara yang akan kalah di medan perang
Like a soldier who will lose on the battlefield
Mereka bilang ku tak punya peluang
They say I have no chance
Maka kubuat kesempatan
So I made an opportunity
Kritik itu pahit tapi tetap kutelan
Criticism is bitter but I still swallow it
Kutahan rasa sakit dan tetap berjalan
I endure the pain and keep going
Dan kutatap ke depan kaca
And I look at the mirror ahead
Ada sesosok orang yang beri kudukungan
There's a figure of a person who gives support
Oh, waktu berputar tak pernah berhenti
Oh, time goes by and never stops
Semangat merah tak luntur bagai nyala api
The red spirit doesn't fade like the flame of fire
Garis finish masih jauh di depan menanti
The finish line is still far ahead
Ku jatuh tapi kubangkit lagi
I fall but I rise again
Badai yang besar, menakutkan
A big storm, scary
Aku elang, buatku terbang tinggi di awan
I am an eagle, for me to fly high in the clouds
Mereka bilang tak mungkin untuk gapai impian
They say it's impossible to reach my dreams
Mereka yang lemah cari alasan
Those who are weak seek excuses
They know my name not my story
They know my name not my story
Tak peduli dengan yang iri
Don't care about the jealous ones
They know my name not my story
They know my name not my story
Kutatap kaca, menyemangati
I look at the mirror, encouraging myself
Oh, kuawali manggung, penonton kosong
Oh, I started playing, the audience was empty
Sekarang penuh, usaha keras tak pernah bohong
Now it's full, hard work never lies
Vidio klip kubuat sendiri
I made the video clip myself
Space komputer tak mampu bekerja kupinjam komputer gereja
The computer space was not able to work. I borrowed a church computer.
Dulu, sekarang dan nanti, ku takkan berubah
In the past, now and in the future, I will not change
Terkenal, kaya akan harta tak buat kuangkuh, ku tetap sama
Famous, rich in wealth will not make me arrogant, I remain the same
Tetap yang dulu ingat semua orang yang beriku dukungan
Still the old one remembers all the people who gave me support
Dulu diremehkan sekarang diidolakan
Once underestimated now idolized
Bagiku mereka itu tenaga tambahan
For me they are additional power
Anak kecil, remaja, orang tua semuanya tetap ada
Small children, teenagers, old people all still exist
Buatku jadi yang pertama, oh
For me to be the first, oh
Saat kulelah mereka ada
When I'm tired they are there
Saat kulemah mereka ada
When I'm weak they are there
Lex sugar jadi penyemangatku bekerja
Lex sugar is my encouragement to work
Karena mereka kuterus berkarya, buat diriku terus ada
Because of them I continue to work, for myself to continue to exist
Haters bilang, ku tak bisa, usahaku sia-sia, kubuktikan mereka salah
Haters say, I can't, my efforts are in vain, I prove them wrong
Dan kutatap ke depan kaca ada seorang yang berkata
And I stare at the mirror ahead and there's someone who says
They know my name not my story
They know my name not my story
Tak peduli dengan yang iri
Don't care about the jealous ones
They know my name not my story
They know my name not my story
Kutatap kaca, menyemangati
I look at the mirror, encouraging myself
They know my name not my story
They know my name not my story
Tak peduli dengan yang iri
Don't care about the jealous ones
They know my name not my story
They know my name not my story
Kutatap kaca, menyemangati
I look at the mirror, encouraging myself

Авторы: Samuel Alexander, Robert Wynand Tampubolon

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