Calin - Ride or Die (feat. Calin & Viktor Sheen) [Live] - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Calin - Ride or Die (feat. Calin & Viktor Sheen) [Live]

Ride or Die (feat. Calin & Viktor Sheen) [Live]
Ride or Die (feat. Calin & Viktor Sheen) [Live]
Vzhůru, yeah, hah
Upwards, yeah, hah
Woo, Yzo, Yzo
Woo, Yzo, Yzo
Neříkal jsem to, kámo, na tenhle život není návod
I didn't say it, man, there's no manual for this life
Teď se koukni, kámo, o tomhle se nám dřív zdálo
Now look, man, we used to dream about this
Jestli je pro život osnova, tak nežiju podle
If there's a framework for life, I don't live by it
Nemám ambice postavit dům, mít ženu a s děti, hey
I don't have ambitions to build a house, have a wife and kids with her, hey
Máme z prdele kliku, kámo, dost nás to stálo
We're damn lucky, man, it cost us a lot
A ve vteřině o to můžem přijít, vážim si toho furt málo
And we can lose it all in a second, I still don't appreciate it enough
Chvíli chill a pak zas závod, chvíli chill a pak drill
Chill for a while and then race again, chill for a while and then drill
Ale můžu říct, než chcípnu a že jsem pro to žil, yah
But I can say, before I die, that I lived for this, yah
Long trip, jedeme na cesty, baby, udělám flip
Long trip, we're hitting the road, baby, when I make a flip
Sbírám libry, dolary, eura a koruny, yeah
Collecting pounds, dollars, euros and crowns, yeah
Cup, čáru, Henny, baby, dolij mi ten gin
Cup, line, Henny, baby, top up my gin
Chci ride or die, chci fine ass bitch, bro
I want a ride or die, I want a fine ass bitch, bro
Nemám čas, yeah
I don't have time, yeah
Jsem tu první, ale stejně budu last, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
I'm here first, but I'll still be last, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Leží sama
She lies alone
Ale jediný, na co myslim, je hustle, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yah, co?
But the only thing I'm thinking about is the hustle, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yah, what?
Ten motor zní jak stádo koní (yee-haw)
That engine sounds like a herd of horses (yee-haw)
Když projíždíme skrz na skrz celou zemí (skrrt)
As we drive through the whole country (skrrt)
Miluju, když celym klubem ba-basa duní
I love it when the bass is booming through the whole club
Prachy a sláva nepotřebuju obojí (co?)
Money and fame - I don't need either (what?)
Ten motor zní jak stádo koní (yee-haw)
That engine sounds like a herd of horses (yee-haw)
Když projíždíme skrz na skrz celou zemí (skrrt)
As we drive through the whole country (skrrt)
Miluju, když celym klubem ba-basa duní
I love it when the bass is booming through the whole club
Prachy a sláva nepotřebuju obojí
Money and fame - I don't need either
Huh, pořád balancujeme na okraji (woo-hoo)
Huh, still balancing on the edge (woo-hoo)
Sám svůj pán, neposlouchám rozkazy (woo-hoo)
My own master, I don't obey orders (woo-hoo)
Ride or die nejde zastavit (woo-hoo)
Ride or die can't be stopped anymore (woo-hoo)
Nobody, ten beat je zločin, budu ho muset popravit
Nobody, this beat is a crime, I'll have to execute it
Flow katana, drtim to jak kartama
Flow - katana, I'm crushing it like cards
Coca-Cola a do sedm let Havana
Coca-Cola and seven-year-old Havana in it
Sjíždim kolama, sjíždim kolama
Riding wheels, riding wheels
Holly Molly Montana, Holly Molly má-, má-má-má
Holly Molly has Montana, Holly Molly has-, has-has-has
Hah, nedělej badaman, teď s náma jsi pod drnem
Hah, don't act tough, now you're under the ground with us
Vydělat, se nezaprodat, s náma žádnej konfident
Earn, don't sell out, no snitching with us
Říkala, že jsem fakt zmrd, beru to, kotě, jak kompliment
She said I was a real asshole, I'll take that, kitten, as a compliment
Pálim joint, choppin' brick, R.I.P. Jackpot, jsem pod vlivem
Smoking a joint, choppin' brick, R.I.P. Jackpot, I'm under the influence
Pálim joint jak pararampam-pam-pam-pam-pam
Smoking a joint like pararampam-pam-pam-pam-pam
Klekni si a polib můj ankh (co?), ankh (co?), ankh (co?), ankh (co?), ankh (co?)
Kneel down and kiss my ankh (what?), ankh (what?), ankh (what?), ankh (what?), ankh (what?)
Pálim joint jak pararampam-pam-pam-pam-pam
Smoking a joint like pararampam-pam-pam-pam-pam
Klekni si a polib můj ankh, ankh, ankh, ankh, ankh
Kneel down and kiss my ankh, ankh, ankh, ankh, ankh
Yeah, ten motor zní jak stádo koní (yee-haw)
Yeah, that engine sounds like a herd of horses (yee-haw)
Když projíždíme skrz na skrz celou zemí
As we drive through the whole country
Miluju, když celym klubem ba-basa duní
I love it when the bass is booming through the whole club
Prachy a sláva nepotřebuju obojí
Money and fame - I don't need either
Ten motor zní jak stádo koní (yee-haw)
That engine sounds like a herd of horses (yee-haw)
Když projíždíme skrz na skrz celou-
As we drive through the whole-
Miluju, když celym klubem ba-basa duní
I love it when the bass is booming through the whole club
Prachy a sláva nepotřebuju obojí (woo)
Money and fame - I don't need either (woo)
Ano, Sheen je zpátky, je to tak
Yes, Sheen is back, that's right
Nevydal jsem nic rok a stejně dostávám dick suck
I haven't released anything in a year and I'm still getting dick sucked
Jedu jak SL500, na papíře fixa
I'm driving like an SL500, got a Sharpie on the paper
Na mym zápěstí je GMT Rolex můj talisman
On my wrist is a GMT Rolex - my talisman
Brat rozlejvá, jak kdyby byl barista (ta-ta)
Bro is pouring like he's a barista (ta-ta)
Tančím tak, jak kdybych si to nachystal
I'm dancing like I rehearsed it
Alkohol a Molly, pak mi píše vzkaz (pojď, co?)
Alcohol and Molly, then she texts me (come on, what?)
A zapíná tracky, miluje můj hlas, hey
And plays my tracks, she loves my voice, hey
Když přijdeme do klubu my, tak se zastaví, neběží čas
When we come to the club, time stops, time doesn't run
Něco na zase mluví tvá bitch, nic neodpovídám, je to past
Your bitch is talking to me again, I don't answer her, it's a trap
Převlíkám se a pak hituju stage, ptaj se moji bros: "Jakej je stav?"
I change clothes and then hit the stage, my bros ask me: "What's up?"
ti teď povim, jakej je můj stav jdeme namrdat muziku do hlav
I'll tell you what's up now - we're gonna blast music into their heads
My jdeme namrdat jim hudbu do hlav
We're gonna blast music into their heads
Naši bratia za námi (hey, hey, hey, hey)
Our brothers are behind us (hey, hey, hey, hey)
Jdeme namrdat jim hudbu do hlav
We're gonna blast music into their heads
Dej mi eura, dolary (hey, hey, hey, hey)
Give me euros, dollars (hey, hey, hey, hey)
Basa, basa, basa duní (basa duní, co? Co?)
Bass, bass, bass is booming (bass is booming, what? What?)
Basa, b-basa duní (yeah, co? Co? Yeah, co? Co?)
Bass, b-bass is booming (yeah, what? What? Yeah, what? What?)
Basa, b-basa duní (co? Co? Yeah, yeah)
Bass, b-bass is booming (what? What? Yeah, yeah)
Basa, b-basa duní
Bass, b-bass is booming
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Dámy a pánové, tohle je Yzomandias
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Yzomandias
Dámy a pánové, ještě jeden bordel pro Nik Tenda, poprosím, jo
Ladies and gentlemen, one more mess for Nik Tenda, please, yeah
napadlo, že bysme tady mohli dát jednu celkem starou věc s Yzem
I thought we could do one pretty old thing with Yz here
Černobílej svět, let's fuckin' go
Black and White World, let's fuckin' go

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