Z-Scars - Jūtot tā - перевод текста песни на английский

Jūtot tā - Z-Scarsперевод на английский

Jūtot tā
Feeling Like That
Nezināmais satraukties liek.
The unknown makes the anxious
Bet kam jānotiek, jānotiek
But what has to happen, has to happen
Un es vairāk neticu tam,
And I don't believe in it anymore,
Ka tikai vienreiz dzīvojam
That we only live once
Noriskē un nodzīvo tā-
Take a risk and live in such a way -
Nemelojot patiesībā
Not lying in the truth
Un nekaunies par sevi būt
And do not be ashamed to be yourself
Nekas, ka citi savādāki
It doesn't matter that others are different
Jūtot tā,
Feeling like this,
Neko darīt
Nothing to do about it
Katra diena ir dota,
Every day is given,
Lai Tu maini sapņus pret īstenību
Change your dreams for reality
Es zinu, ka Tu saproti to,
I know that you understand it,
Bet cik daudz Tu to izmanto
But how much do you use it
Kamēr Tu esi tu visi ir dzīvi
While you are you, everyone is alive
Daudz nav taču Tu esi brīvs
There's a lot you don't have, but you're free
Un nekad nepārdoties,
And never sell out, because
Jo ir Tava lielākā bagātība
It is your greatest wealth
Feeling like this
Neko darīt
Nothing to do about it
Viņi jūt to
They feel it that way
Vai zināt par ko runāju es
Do you know what I'm talking about?
Bet par maz mums ir sapratnes
But we have too little understanding
Pārāk dažādas pasaules,
Worlds too different,
Dažādas izvēles
Different choices
Ko man tagad smieties vai skumt
Should I laugh or cry now
Tāds ir mans jautājums
That's my question
Atbilde ir skaidra,
The answer is clear,
Bet labāk-nepārjautā
But it's better not to ask again

Авторы: Andris Kivičs, Artūrs Koris

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