ZPU - Voces - перевод текста песни на английский

Voces - ZPUперевод на английский

Me quieren ver ahogado en otro trago de vodka
They want to see me drowned in another shot of vodka
Venderme su moto, hacerme la rosca
Sell me their bike, twist my arm
Darme de lado, un juguete roto
Cast me aside, a broken toy
Hacer una muesca
Make another notch on their belt
Quiero una fiesta, nunca pagarla
I want a party, but never pay for it
Le da a la farla, dice que prueba
She does the blow, says she's just trying it
Quiere que vuele en nieve
She wants me to fly on snow
Quiere que despegue en breves
Wants me to take off in a flash
Siempre promueve que no me conozca
Always promotes that I don't know her
Pero está lloviendo el mar
But the sea is raining
En las paredes de mi casa
On the walls of my house
No tengo con qué remar
I have nothing to row with
No hay madera ni balsa
No wood, no raft
Una falsa carcasa
A false shell
Tan cansada ya que abrasas
So tired that you burn
Sin gasa en la herida
No gauze on the wound
Porque la vida me sobrepasa
Because life overwhelms me
Me sobre peso
I'm overweight
A que sabrá esa masa
What will that dough taste like?
¿Quién me juzga?
Who judges me?
Luz de gas
Ni si quiera sabes dónde vas
You don't even know where you're going
Si quisiera oir tus tonterías piérdelas
If I wanted to hear your nonsense, lose it
Dice: Vende más
She says: Sell more
Préndelas, juega tus cargas
Light them up, play your cards
No me las traigas
Don't bring them to me
Eres tantas veces te levantes
You are as many times as you get up
Frente a gigantes como te caigas
In front of giants, how you fall
Cuán más
How much more
Suenan sordas las palmas
The applause sounds deaf
Vienen las ordas de almas
The hordes of souls are coming
Buscan refugio en Goldman
They seek refuge in Goldman
Abre su jaula
He opens his cage
¿A quién me salva?
Who will save me?
Varias voces que me hablan
Several voices that speak to me
A veces ladran
Sometimes they bark
Quieren que les abra, que arda
They want me to open up, to burn
Pero estoy labrando puertas con cada palabra
But I'm building doors with every word
Voces me visitan, me susurran en mi habitación
Voices visit me, whisper in my room
Me estoy escuchando sin saber qué responder
I'm listening to myself without knowing what to answer
Dicen que conocen lo que hay en mi ser
They say they know what's in my being
Lo que hay en mi ser, lo que hay en
What's in my being, what's in me
Voces que me asustan, me torturan en mi habitación
Voices that scare me, torture me in my room
Me roban el sueño, gritan que debo perder
They steal my sleep, scream that I must lose
Me llenan de miedo si me vienen a ver
They fill me with fear if they come to see me
Si me vienen a ver, si me vienen a ver
If they come to see me, if they come to see me
Son un millar de voces que me hablan
They are a thousand voices that speak to me
Plantan cara, desangran mi alma
They stand up, bleed my soul
Jamás se apartan, mandan cartas envenenadas
They never leave, they send poisoned letters
Al pie de mi cama a las tantas
At the foot of my bed at such hours
Arrastran el hoy al pasado
They drag today to the past
Empujado al borde del acantilado
Pushed to the edge of the cliff
Me han preguntado: ¿por qué nunca saltas?
They have asked me: why don't you ever jump?
Tírate, quiero ser feliz
Throw yourself, I want to be happy
Olvídate, final sin raíz
Forget it, ending without root
Mi epígrafe, ando sin la fe
My epitaph, I walk without faith
Sin saber qué heridas cicatrizaré
Without knowing what wounds I will heal
Quieren que me cubre, la amiga más alta
They want the tallest friend to cover me
Dicen que han visto que no soy tan listo
They say they've seen that I'm not that smart
Apagan mi luz, que ya no hago falta
They turn off my light, I'm no longer needed
Piden que me clave en la cruz, como a Cristo
They ask me to nail myself to the cross, like Christ
Pero aquí estoy
But here I am
Librando batalla, titanes en guerra
Fighting a battle, titans at war
Si nunca se callan
If they never shut up
Construyo murallas en lo alto de la Sierra
I build walls on top of the Sierra
Me lanzan metrallas
They throw shrapnel at me
Se emperran, tiran mi toalla
They get mad, throw away my towel
Me roban agallas
They steal my guts
Aferran mis dudas
They cling to my doubts
Entierran mi fire gritando locuras
They bury my fire shouting crazy things
Mis partes oscuras
My dark parts
Que acabe contigo, conmigo
To end with you, with me
Vibran viviendo al abrigo de mi ego
They vibrate living under the shelter of my ego
Brindan con Desert, beben con Eagle
They toast with Desert, drink with Eagle
Quieren que regrese por donde he venido
They want me to go back where I came from
Vivo en diferido un pasado que se ha ido
I live in deferred a past that is gone
Ya empiezan
They're starting
Rezándole al desconocido
Praying to the unknown
Hay voces en mi cabeza
There are voices in my head
Voces me visitan, me susurran en mi habitación
Voices visit me, whisper in my room
Me estoy escuchando sin saber qué responder
I'm listening to myself without knowing what to answer
Dicen que conocen lo que hay en mi ser
They say they know what's in my being
Lo que hay en mi ser, lo que hay en
What's in my being, what's in me
Voces que me asustan, me torturan en mi habitación
Voices that scare me, torture me in my room
Me roban el sueño, gritan que debo perder
They steal my sleep, scream that I must lose
Me llenan de miedo si me vienen a ver
They fill me with fear if they come to see me
Si me vienen a ver, si me vienen a ver
If they come to see me, if they come to see me
Hombre de oro, Goldman, ZPU
Golden man, Goldman, ZPU
Estoy hablando conmigo
I'm talking to myself

Авторы: Juan Francisco Prieto Sánchez, Mikel Alemany Verdeyen

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