ZRINKO TUTIĆ - Doris - перевод текста песни на английский

Doris - ZRINKO TUTIĆперевод на английский

Uzmi me za ruku i povedi
Take my hand and lead me
I poći su s tobom bilo gdje
And I will follow you anywhere
Sve drugo je osrednje, ne vrijedi
All else is mediocre, not worth it
I ne smij se, volim te
And don't laugh, I love you
Život stvara kolone na cesti
Life creates traffic jams on the road
Znaš da nitko ne čeka svoj red
You know nobody waits for their turn
I hajdemo nešto toplo jesti
And let's go eat something warm
Zagrni se i poljubi me
Wrap yourself up and kiss me
Zagrni se i poljubi me
Wrap yourself up and kiss me
Doris, oduvijek je trebalo preskočiti žice
Doris, we should have always jumped over the fences
Doris, ne plaši ne ni močvare, ni perja, ni ptice
Doris, don't be afraid of swamps, feathers or birds
Doris, oduvijek je pamet bila srcu nepoznata
Doris, intelligence has always been unknown to the heart
Doris, i dalje će biti budala i rata
Doris, and there will still be fools and wars
Doris, oduvijek je trebalo preskočiti žice
Doris, we should have always jumped over the fences
Doris, ne plaši se ni močvare, ni perja, ni ptice
Doris, don't be afraid of swamps, feathers or birds
Doris, oduvijek je pamet bila srcu nepoznata
Doris, intelligence has always been unknown to the heart
Doris, i dalje će biti budala i rata
Doris, and there will still be fools and wars
Uzmi me za ruku i povedi
Take my hand and lead me
Onda će mi biti lakše sve
Then everything will be easier for me
A ona će vjerno da nas slijedi
And she will faithfully follow us
Ljubav svoje ljude poštuje
Love respects his people
Život sam ustanovi mjere
Life has established its own measures
Ako imaš srca imaš sve
If you have a heart, you have everything
I ne čekaj da te odabere
And don't wait to be chosen
Hrabro kreni i zagrli me
Go boldly and hug me
Hrabro kreni i zagrli me
Go boldly and hug me
Doris, oduvijek je trebalo preskočiti žice
Doris, we should have always jumped over the fences
Doris, ne plaši ne ni močvare, ni perja, ni ptice
Doris, don't be afraid of swamps, feathers or birds
Doris, oduvijek je pamet bila srcu nepoznata
Doris, intelligence has always been unknown to the heart
Doris, i dalje će biti budala i rata
Doris, and there will still be fools and wars
Doris, oduvijek je trebalo preskočiti žice
Doris, we should have always jumped over the fences
Doris, ne plaši se ni močvare, ni perja, ni ptice
Doris, don't be afraid of swamps, feathers or birds
Doris, oduvijek je pamet bila srcu nepoznata
Doris, intelligence has always been unknown to the heart
Doris, i dalje će biti budala i rata
Doris, and there will still be fools and wars

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