Zdob și Zdub - Doina haiducului - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Zdob și Zdub - Doina haiducului

Doina haiducului
The Outlaw's Song
Freamata frunza in vant,
The leaves are rustling in the wind,
Murmura apa in rau,
The water murmuring in the brook,
Spicul plecat la pamant,
The corn has bowed down to the ground,
Valura lanul de grau.
The wheat field is waving.
Fiul codrului sunt,
I am the son of the forest,
Liber ca pasarean zbor,
Free as a bird flying,
Doina haiducului cant,
I sing the song of the outlaw,
Plina de jale si dor.
Full of sorrow and longing.
Puscai logodnica mea,
I lost my fiancee,
Murgul e fratele meu,
My horse is my brother,
Viata in codru e grea,
Life in the forest is hard,
Traiul haiduculuii greu.
The life of an outlaw is difficult.
Puneti pistoalelen brau
Put your pistols in your belt,
Boierul la targ a pornit,
The boyar has gone to the market,
Sloboade armasarul din frau,
Release the stallion from the bridle,
Rasplata prin noi a venit.
The reward has come through us.
Si cum imi place sa dorm
And how I love to sleep
Noaptean padure la foc,
In the forest by the fire at night,
Stam impreuna cu toti,
We all stay together,
Visul langa izvor.
Dreaming by the spring.
Seara la rug, obositi,
Weary in the evening at prayer,
Canta haiducii de dor,
The outlaws sing with longing,
Lasii au fost pedepsiti,
The cowards have been punished,
Bem bogatiile lor.
We drink their riches.
Drumul omului greu
The path of man is difficult
Pana la ultima stea,
Until the last star,
Liber e sufletul meu,
My soul is free,
Liberai inima mea.
My heart is free.

Авторы: Andrei Copot

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