Zdob și Zdub - Miorița - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Zdob și Zdub - Miorița

Lasă-n drum căruța
Let the wagon on the road
E-o horă cu DJ
It's a party with a DJ
Joacă băsmăluța
Dance, little fairy tale
Lăutarul Hâncu
Hâncu, the folk musician
Și-o luat avântul
Has gained momentum
La bas-chitară
On the bass guitar
Zguduie pământul
Shakes the ground
Ia la joc fetița
Take the girl to dance
De la Sucevița
From Sucevița
O roșcovană
A redhead
Sprijină portița
Supports the gate
Mai cu jar mămuca
A little more vigorously, Mommy
Roade iar păpucul
Bite the shoe again
Nimeni nu stă, cine vrea
No one stays, who wants
Hai la hora mea!
Come to my party!
Hai la horă ș-om dansa
Come to the party and we will dance
Nu te da, nu te lăsa
Don't give up, don't give up
Nu te da, nu te lăsa
Don't give up, don't give up
De lunea pân' vinerea
From Monday to Friday
Gave a kiss and broke my heart
Gave a kiss and broke my heart
Now I'm lonely as can be
Now I'm lonely as can be
Come to me, oh, can't you see?
Come to me, oh, can't you see?
You're the only one for me
You're the only one for me
Pe-un picior de plai
On the edge of the land
Let's get high
Let's get high
Sărbătoare mare
Great celebration
Nuntă cu alai
Wedding with a procession
Vin la horă-n vale
Come to the party in the valley
Din alte mahale
From other neighborhoods
Și pe sus, și pe jos
And up, and down
Și pe cal călare
And on horseback
E o melodie-n
It's a melody in
Plină armonie
Full harmony
Pentru voi, pentru noi
For you, for us
Pentru veselie
For fun
Cântă, lăutare
Sing, minstrel
Zi și mai tare
And say it louder
Nimeni nu stă, cine vrea
No one stays, who wants
Hai la hora mea!
Come to my party!
Am dansat, am sărutat
We danced, we kissed
După horă ai plecat
After the party you left
Mi se frânge inima
My heart is breaking
Dar așa e dragostea
But that's how love is
You're my man, I'm your bride
You're my man, I'm your bride
Hold me tight and dance all night
Hold me tight and dance all night
And the angels up above
And the angels up above
Tell me you're my only love
Tell me you're my only love
În sat e cumătrie
In the village there is a christening
Mare bucurie
Great joy
Mi-a făcut soția
My wife made me
Am chem famfara
I'll call the brass band
răsune țara
Let the country resound
Un fecior floare de dor
A son - a flower of longing
Un soare primăvara
A sun in the spring
Zi MC Vasile
Say MC Vasile
Cântă două zile
Sing for two days
Pân' nu pot, pân' nu poți
Until I can't, until you can't
Really, really, really
Really, really, really
Salt-o, salt-o
Jump it, jump it
Like this
Nimeni nu stă, cine vrea
No one stays, who wants
Hai la hora mea
Come to my party
Hai la horă ș-om dansa
Come to the party and we will dance
Nu te da, nu te lăsa
Don't give up, don't give up
Nu te da, nu te lăsa
Don't give up, don't give up
De lunea pân' vinerea
From Monday to Friday
Gave a kiss and broke my heart
Gave a kiss and broke my heart
Now I'm lonely as can be
Now I'm lonely as can be
Come to me, oh, can't you see?
Come to me, oh, can't you see?
You're the only one for me
You're the only one for me
Pe-un picior de plai
On the edge of the land
Let's get high
Let's get high
Sărbătoare mare
Great celebration
Nuntă cu alai
Wedding with a procession
Salt-o, salt-o
Jump it, jump it
Uite-așa, iar-așa
Like this, again like this
Nimeni nu stă, cine vrea
No one stays, who wants
Hai la hora mea
Come to my party

Авторы: roman iagupov, bogdan dascal, mihai gincu

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