Zdob și Zdub - Zdubii Bateti Tare - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Zdob și Zdub - Zdubii Bateti Tare

Zdubii Bateti Tare
Zdubii Drums Hard
Hai Zdob Si Zdub
Come on Zdob Si Zdub
Bate doba de la Prut
Beat the drums from the Prut River
Patru feti - frumosi flacai
Four handsome guys
Dau foiala cu scantei
Create sparks
Hai, Zdub Si Zdob
Come on, Zdub Si Zdob
Polobocul n-are dop
The keg has no stopper
Patru lautari holtei
Four bachelor musicians
Sunt nebunii lumii ei
They're the craziest in the world
Hai Zdob Si Zdub
Come on Zdob Si Zdub
Ei bat doba pan' o rup
They beat the drums until they break
Hartuiala pan' la culme
Excitement at its peak
Oboseala multa-n trup
Great fatigue in their bodies
Hai Zdub Si Zdob
Come on Zdub Si Zdub
Vinului nu-i sunt un rob
I'm not a slave to wine
N-am crescut chiar in bordei
I wasn't raised in a shack
Hai strigati odata, hai!
Come on, shout it out
Luni, marti, mercuri, joi
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Trag in jug ca niste boi
We pull the cart like oxen
Voce, bas, chitara, toba
Vocals, bass, guitar, drums
Noi cantam doar pentru voi
We only sing for you
Vara, primavara
Summer, spring
Chiar din zori si pana-n seara
From dawn till dusk
Timpul trece prin cutremuri
Time passes through earthquakes
Ce moravuri si ce vremuri
What morals and what times
Melodiile nu latra
Melodies don't bark
Dinga face must la Vatra
Dinga makes wine at Vatra
'Vantul bate, frunza zboara
'The wind blows, the leaves fly
Viata lunga se strecoara'
Long life slips away'
Nunta si cumatrie
Wedding and christening
Tot in jur e bucurie
Joy all around
Nu-s parale, este foc
No money, but there's fire
Impreuna hai la joc!
Come together for the dance!
Slamul ca valtoare
The slam dance like a washing machine
Imbulzeala mare
A big crowd
De colo colo colo
From here to there to there
Zdubii, bateti tare!
Zdubii, drum hard!
Hai, Zdob Si Zdub, patru feti frumosi flacai!
Come on, Zdob Si Zdub, four handsome guys!
Hai, Zdob Si Zdub, bat in doba pan' o rup
Come on, Zdob Si Zdub, beat the drums until they break
Hai, Zdob Si Zdub, da foiala cu scantei
Come on, Zdob Si Zdub, create sparks
Hai, Zdob Si Zdub, sunt nebunii lumii ei!
Come on, Zdob Si Zdub, they're the craziest in the world!
Melodiile nu latra...
Melodies don't bark...

Авторы: Zdob și Zdub

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