Zebda - Singing - перевод текста песни на английский

Singing - Zebdaперевод на английский

Pas vraiment la gueule qui plaise,
Not really the face that pleases,
Pas vraiment le job esthétique.
Not really the aesthetic job.
Le matin confiture í la fraise,
Strawberry jam in the morning,
Le soir déconfiture éthylique.
Alcoholic disappointment in the evening.
Le soir déconfiture, voyage, Sullitzer.
In the evening, disappointment, travel, Sullitzer.
Grosse littérature, collection Arlequin.
Great literature, Harlequin collection.
Beaucoup, beaucoup lecture, ça te donne des airs
A lot, a lot of reading, it gives you the look
D'un mec qui inaugure, le grand salon des blaires.
Of a guy who opens the grand salon of blares.
Singing, Singing, Singing, Singing rubadub
Singing, Singing, Singing, Singing rubadub
Singing, Singing, Singing, Singing rubadub
Singing, Singing, Singing, Singing rubadub
Déchiré d'alcool tu vacilles,
Torn by alcohol you falter,
Déchiré mais pas de problèmes.
Torn but no problems.
Car tout í coup la cité qui brille,
Because all of a sudden the city that shines,
Et ta vie redevient un poème.
And your life becomes a poem again.
Ta vie redevient trois notes musicales,
Your life becomes three musical notes,
Qui font vite le "joint" des lésions cervicales.
That quickly "joint" the cervical lesions.
T'as branché la platine, et t'entends dire "Stop",
You plugged in the record player, and you heard "Stop",
C'est Massillia qu'aligne son phrasé Rubadub.
It's Massillia who lines up his phrasing Rubadub.
T'attends le jour des urnes
You wait for the day of the ballot box
Pour consulter les listes,
To look at the lists,
T'es quand même pas trop le fat indélébile.
You're not really the indelible fat.
T'as juste un peu la carte
You just have a little the card
D'un parti communiste mais
Of a communist party but
T'as déjí gommé tous ces noms qui défilent.
You have already erased all these names that parade by.
T'es juste un peu rocker,
You're just a little bit of a rocker,
Mais bien assez balaise.
But quite strong enough.
Pas vraiment frenchy,
Not really French,
Sicilien du terroir.
Sicilian of the terroir.
Tu ressembles trop aux tronches du malaise,
You look too much like the faces of malaise,
La solution brother n'est pas dans l'isoloir.
The solution, brother, is not in the voting booth.
T'aimes pas les beaux mecs,
You don't like handsome guys,
Ampli-chaí®ne on the car.
Amplifier chain on the car.
Métallisée design, Perfecto et boudoir.
Metallic design, Perfecto and boudoir.
T'aimes pas les beautés,
You don't like beauties,
Les jambes rectilignes.
Straight legs.
Sur bicyclette écartées,
On bicycle spaced,
Moqueuses et "No feeling".
Mocking and "No feeling".
Tu les préfères "pochoir",
You prefer them "stencil",
Ballons rouges réelles.
Red balloons real.
Vendeuses de frites í la foire,
French fries vendors at the fair,
Et lécheuses d'aisselles
And armpit lickers
Le matin tu nettoies ta cervelle,
In the morning you clean your brain,
Simple employé municipal.
Simple municipal employee.
Croiser les voisines et puis celles
To meet the neighbors and then those
Qui n'ont qu'un bonjour amical
Who only have a friendly hello
A te donner!
To give you!
Qu'un bonjour amical,
A friendly hello,
Mais t'attends plus que ça.
But you're waiting for more than that.
Le dégoít radical,
Radical disgust,
Quand on n'a plus le choix.
When you don't have a choice.
Débrancher la platine,
Unplug the turntable,
Jusqu'au fond des poubelles,
To the bottom of the trash cans,
Tu redeviens le "has been",
You become the "has been",
Le citoyen fidèle...
The faithful citizen...
Rubadub - styling
Rubadub - styling
Rubadub - styling
Rubadub - styling
Rubadub - styling
Rubadub - styling

Авторы: Stephane Amokrane, Hakim Amokrane, Magyd Cherfi, Pascal Cabero, Joel Saurin, Vincent Sauvage, Christophe Delannoy

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