Zedbazi - Khodesh Midoone Khoobe - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Zedbazi - Khodesh Midoone Khoobe

Khodesh Midoone Khoobe
She Knows She's Good
جوابمو نمیده چون خودش میدونه خوبه
She doesn't answer me because she knows she's good
لب لوبو نمیده چون خود میدونه خوبه
She doesn't kiss me because she knows she's good
پول شام و نمیده چون خودش میدونه خوبه
She doesn't pay for dinner because she knows she's good
چون خودش خودش خودش خودش خودش می دونه خوبه
Because she, she, she, she knows she's good
جوابمو نمیده چون خودش میدونه خوبه
She doesn't answer me because she knows she's good
لب لوبو نمیده چون خود میدونه خوبه
She doesn't kiss me because she knows she's good
پول شام و نمیده چون خودش میدونه خوبه
She doesn't pay for dinner because she knows she's good
چون خودش خودش خودش خودش خودش می دونه خوبه
Because she, she, she, she knows she's good
همیشه کامنت خوب داده زیر ویدیوم
She always leaves nice comments under my videos
صبح ها میره شینیوم
She goes to the gym in the mornings
میریم رستوران بالا صده بیله مینموم
We go to restaurants with bills over a hundred, minimum
غذا فیلیپینی و نودلو فیله میدیون
Filipino food and noodles with fillet mignon
با سس چیلی و لمون
With chili sauce and lemon
دسرم کرم رولر
For dessert, crème brûlée
یا به وردو که باهاش هم سن بوده
Or maybe Baileys, which she's the same age as
واسش اپسنت زوده
Absinthe is too early for her
چون باید شب بره خونه
Because she has to go home at night
گفتن تا ۱۰ برسونش
They told me to get her home by 10
مامان باباش نری خونه سامان باهاش
"Don't take her home, Saman"
پافشاری نمیکنه برم خواستگاری
She doesn't pressure me to propose
الکی هم زنگ نمیزه واسه کاری
She doesn't call me for no reason
تازه داریم ماها همدیگرو میشناسیم
We're just getting to know each other
پایه دودمم شده مثه جا سیگاری
She's become my smoking buddy, like an ashtray
عاشق و حیزو و کوشه
She loves parties and weed
لابوتاش لابوتند داف تو فیک میپوشه
Her lips are real, that other girl wears fake ones
شبا بات پیک مینوشه
She drinks Bacardi Breezers at night
موهاشم خیلی پوشه
Her hair is so bushy
مال میدون شوشه
It's from Shoush Square
دافه ترکیده دیگه میگن عین جوشه
The girl's exploded, they say she's like a pimple
جوابمو نمیده چون خودش میدونه خوبه
She doesn't answer me because she knows she's good
لب لوبو نمیده چون خود میدونه خوبه
She doesn't kiss me because she knows she's good
پول شام و نمیده چون خودش میدونه خوبه
She doesn't pay for dinner because she knows she's good
چون خودش خودش خودش خودش خودش می دونه خوبه
Because she, she, she, she knows she's good
جوابمو نمیده چون خودش میدونه خوبه
She doesn't answer me because she knows she's good
لب لوبو نمیده چون خود میدونه خوبه
She doesn't kiss me because she knows she's good
پول شام و نمیده چون خودش میدونه خوبه
She doesn't pay for dinner because she knows she's good
چون خودش خودش خودش خودش خودش می دونه خوبه
Because she, she, she, she knows she's good
خوب میدونه دیگه راه و چاهو
She knows the way things work
نمیرسه دوش ماه سالو
She doesn't settle for two months a year
چند روزی با تو تا صبح
A few days with you until morning
بعدش میخواد آردو کادتو پانتو مانتو پالتو آبو کادو توپی سوشی
Then she wants flour, gifts, pants, coats, water, gifts, balls, sushi
تو کیف گوچیش
In her Gucci bag
۱۰ تا میسکال روی گوشیش
10 missed calls on her phone
شالش روبان سفید
Her scarf is a white ribbon
نمیبینیش رو پایه کسی
You won't see her with anyone else
طول داره اون پایه پسی بیا بیرون چون داره بسی
That high lasts, come out, it's getting crowded
نزدیک میشه دوست داره کشی
It's getting close, she likes to pull
شوهر کنه پول داره اچین
She wants to get married, she has money to stack
هر کیم رو داده بشین
She's given everyone a ride
چون تو صلمونی میگه هرجات مو داره بچین ... سیجل یه زره اروم تر
Because at the salon she says, "Cut any hair you see"... Sijal, calm down a bit
هر هفتم ماه میره سورالیوم
She goes to the solarium every seventh of the month
بیستم لیزر برا سوناسیم
Laser on the twentieth for her bikini line
کیفش لایه کادوهایه هزار دلاری گم
Her bag is lost, a thousand dollar gift
جنگ شده سرش دیگه مثل اورانیوم
There's a war over her, like uranium
ولی وقتی میاد بام ناهار از سر میز
But when she comes with me for lunch from the table
پامیشه میبینه شام مام خبری نیست
She gets up and sees no news about dinner
برام عددی نیست و دفعه اولی نیست
It's no big deal to me, and it's not the first time
که خودم میدونم خوب که خودم میدونم خوب
That I know I'm good, that I know I'm good
جوابمو نمیده چون خودش میدونه خوبه
She doesn't answer me because she knows she's good
لب لوبو نمیده چون خود میدونه خوبه
She doesn't kiss me because she knows she's good
پول شام و نمیده چون خودش میدونه خوبه
She doesn't pay for dinner because she knows she's good
چون خودش خودش خودش خودش خودش می دونه خوبه
Because she, she, she, she knows she's good
جوابمو نمیده چون خودش میدونه خوبه
She doesn't answer me because she knows she's good
لب لوبو نمیده چون خود میدونه خوبه
She doesn't kiss me because she knows she's good
پول شام و نمیده چون خودش میدونه خوبه
She doesn't pay for dinner because she knows she's good
چون خودش خودش خودش خودش خودش می دونه خوبه
Because she, she, she, she knows she's good
خودش میدونه خوبه خودش دیوونه بوده
She knows she's good, she was crazy
جی جیو ول کرده حالا دیوونه شده
She left Gigi, now she's gone crazy
وااای چون منم این اولین باره
Wow, because this is the first time for me too
که یکی روم همچین اثری داره
That someone has such an effect on me
شب تا صبحم میخواد بره اینورو اونور
She wants to go here and there all night long
همه خودشونو میزنن به این درو اون در
Everyone rushes to this door and that door
اونا میبرن زودتر هرجا پر بشه زود
They take her sooner, wherever it gets full faster
ولی نمیره چون نگرانیم مون بشه اون
But she doesn't go because she's worried about that one
چون همه جواد موادن یه نمه سواد ندارن
Because everyone's a junkie, they have no education
بخند هی الان برا من که من هی شراب نیارم
Laugh, hey, now for me, so I don't bring any wine
بکنم صورتی ...
To make it pink...
ماشینو نشون بدم اگه پولکی هستش
Show off the car if she's materialistic
ولی میخوام بهم بگه ارتیستی
But I want her to tell me I'm an artist
شبم کنار من صدام کنه والت دیسنی
Call me Walt Disney at night next to me
چون موشو میکشم وقتی یه میکی میخوام
Because I'll pull her hair when I want a Mickey
اگه جوکو ببینه خیلی شیک میریم شام
If she sees a joker, we'll go to dinner in style
جوابمو نمیده چون خودش میدونه خوبه
She doesn't answer me because she knows she's good
لب لوبو نمیده چون خود میدونه خوبه
She doesn't kiss me because she knows she's good
پول شام و نمیده چون خودش میدونه خوبه
She doesn't pay for dinner because she knows she's good
چون خودش خودش خودش خودش خودش می دونه خوبه
Because she, she, she, she knows she's good
جوابمو نمیده چون خودش میدونه خوبه
She doesn't answer me because she knows she's good
لب لوبو نمیده چون خود میدونه خوبه
She doesn't kiss me because she knows she's good
پول شام و نمیده چون خودش میدونه خوبه
She doesn't pay for dinner because she knows she's good
چون خودش خودش خودش خودش خودش می دونه خوبه
Because she, she, she, she knows she's good

Авторы: Alireza Azabdaftari

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