Zenit - Ella - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Zenit - Ella

Ella, era una chica normal, con un trabajo normal
She, was a normal girl, with a normal job
Una familia normal de un barrio normal
A normal family from a normal neighbourhood
Que quería lo normal para su vida, un futuro normal
Who wanted normal things for her life, a normal future
Que en el sueño de cualquier persona anida
That nests in anyone’s dreams
Hasta que aprende a volar y desaparece
Until she learns to fly and disappears
Maldito día invernal en el que bajo un manto de estrellas congeladas
Damned winter day in which under a blanket of frozen stars
Que alguien bajo del cielo en el suelo su alma ya se desvanece
Someone descended from the sky, her soul already fading on the ground
Todo empezó a tornarse gris mucho tiempo atrás
Everything began to turn gray a long time ago
Cuando Satanás en la piel de aquel chaval
When Satan in the skin of that boy
Paso a formar parte por desgracia de su día a día mas
Unfortunately became part of her everyday life
No se conformo con fastidiar la relación que les unía
He wasn't satisfied with messing up their relationship
No, no le basto su inexistente paciencia sin motivos se gastó
No, his nonexistent patience wasn't enough, he wasted it for no reason
Y como no tuvo que demostrar su hombría
And since he didn’t have to prove his manhood
Castigando cuerpo y mente a la mujer que le quería
He punished the body and mind of the woman who loved him
Ella, se sentía culpable por tener en la cabeza
She felt guilty for having in her head
Ese recuerdo ya imborrable que inundaba de tristeza
That indelible memory that flooded with sadness
La riqueza de su ser
The richness of her being
Por no poder retroceder hasta ese ayer
For not being able to go back to that yesterday
En el que la dureza con la que el la maltrataba aun no existía
In which the harshness with which he mistreated her didn’t exist yet
En el que era una niña todavía
In which she was still a girl
Que no tenia por que conocer
Who didn’t have to know
No la angustia que te angustia dejaría su alegría tras perder la sonrisa
The anguish that would leave her joy behind after losing her smile
El amor propio y poder
Self-love and power
Mirarse en un espejo para ver su bello rostro y volver
To look in a mirror to see her beautiful face and return
A sentirse guapa, defender a espada y capa
To feeling beautiful, to defend with sword and cape
Su espacio vital aun a costa de caer en un abismo violento
Her vital space even at the cost of falling into a violent abyss
Su integridad moral aun a riesgo de perecer en ese mismo intento
Her moral integrity even at the risk of perishing in that same attempt
Aun asi lo estuvo haciendo hasta saber
Even so, she was doing it until she knew
Que de momento tanto mal al final la iba a vencer
That for now, so much evil was going to defeat her in the end
Ella era una diosa para dioses
She was a goddess for gods
Ella era una musa de poetas
She was a muse of poets
Ella era la luna de mis noches
She was the moon of my nights
Era ella la que conseguía que alcanzara metas
It was her who made me achieve goals
Ella era el motivo de mi lucha
She was the reason for my struggle
Ella era mi utopía mi quimera
She was my utopia, my chimera
Era ella gracias a quien ahora la gente me escucha
It was her thanks to whom people listen to me now
La primera cosa en la que pensaba cada día era ella
The first thing I thought about every day was her
Estaba hundida, sumida en un conflicto mental
She was sunk, immersed in a mental conflict
Tal que el opaco cristal a través del cual
Such that the opaque crystal through which
Observaba su vida le impedía contemplar
She observed her life prevented her from contemplating
Sus opciones de futuro, averiguar cual seria el camino menos duro
Her options for the future, to find out which would be the least hard path
Para superar ese infranqueable muro
To overcome that insurmountable wall
Por el cual trepar desde lo mas profundo de ese odioso pozo oscuro
To climb from the depths of that hateful dark well
En el que la tristeza la sumía
In which sadness plunged her
Hasta la superficie de ese mundo que asumía
To the surface of that world that she assumed
Alumbrado por un soleado día que veía
Illuminated by a sunny day that she saw
Sin poder luchar anclada en la agonía
Without being able to fight, anchored in agony
Y sin casi darse cuenta se vio envuelta en una manta blanca y fría
And almost without realizing it, she was wrapped in a white and cold blanket
Que traia mas problemas
That brought more problems
Que la aislaba de los demás
That isolated her from others
Y que hacia los enigmas que en el pasado adornaron su piel
And that made the enigmas that in the past adorned her skin
Fueran solo dulce miel
Be only sweet honey
Comparados con los que esa hielen su mente dejo grabados como emblemas
Compared to the ones that frost engraved on her mind as emblems
Intento ahogar sus penas en alcohol
She tried to drown her sorrows in alcohol
Noches de fiesta que unían una puesta con otra puesta de sol
Party nights that linked one sunset with another sunset
Creía tener el control pero solo la mente, su mente respondía
She thought she had control but only her mind, her mind responded
Si recibía diariamente la dosis que le volvía
If she received the daily dose that made her
A sumergir en ese frasco de formol
Submerge in that jar of formalin
Que la mantenía en esa vía con atasco y la destruía
That kept her on that congested path and destroyed her
Decidió tirarlo todo a la basura
She decided to throw it all away
Y arreglarlo por la vía rápida
And fix it the fast way
Pues la única cura requería una fuerza de voluntad
Because the only cure required a willpower
Que ella ya no tendría que reunir
That she wouldn’t have to gather anymore
Si permitía su alma partir
If she let her soul depart
Para que su cuerpo pudiese dormir
So that her body could sleep
Por siempre bajo una lapida
Forever under a tombstone
Esa decisión no era la valida
That decision was not valid
Pero que era casi imposible superarlo era verdad
But it was true that it was almost impossible to overcome it
Ella era una diosa para dioses
She was a goddess for gods
Ella era una musa de poetas
She was a muse of poets
Ella era la luna de mis noches
She was the moon of my nights
Era ella la que conseguía que alcanzara metas
It was her who made me achieve goals
Ella era el motivo de mi lucha
She was the reason for my struggle
Ella era mi utopía mi quimera
She was my utopia, my chimera
Era ella gracias a quien ahora la gente me escucha
It was her thanks to whom people listen to me now
La primera cosa en la que pensaba cada día era ella
The first thing I thought about every day was her
Estuvo muy cerca de desaparecer
She was very close to disappearing
Cayo y nadie confió en que pudiera volver
She fell and nobody trusted that she could come back
A levantarse por su propio pie
To get up on her own feet
Y caminar sin depender de eso que su vida complica
And walk without depending on what complicates her life
Tirar pa lante y defender que reponerse explica
To move forward and defend that recovering explains
Lo fácil que es caer y lo difícil que es hacer a ese desierto florecer
How easy it is to fall and how difficult it is to make that desert flourish
Cuando ha muerto el placer de tener to lo ser una chica feliz implica
When the pleasure of having everything has died, being a happy girl implies
La llegada de un ángel alado, la salvación pronostica
The arrival of a winged angel, the predicted salvation
Para ella tener de nuevo un amigo al lado
For her, to have a friend by her side again
Ha provocado que su estado emocional haya cambiado
Has caused her emotional state to change
Hasta su estética, que su visión de la vida tan patética
Even her aesthetics, that her vision of life so pathetic
Se haya tornado en un alegre visionado
Has become a joyful vision
De todas las esencias que su mente ha sacado
Of all the essences that her mind has extracted
De todas las vivencias que en su piel ha disfrutado
Of all the experiences that she has enjoyed in her skin
Y así recoger recuerdos del pasado
And thus collect memories of the past
Y sin casi revolver lo malo ya olvidado
And without almost stirring up the bad that has already been forgotten
Con pasión de volver lo bueno que le han quitado
With the passion to return the good that has been taken from her
En cada ocasión en la que podría empezar a crecer
On every occasion in which she could start growing
Para nunca mas caer en el querer equivocado
To never fall again into the wrong love
Antes de perder el contacto con aquel
Before losing contact with the one
Gracias al que sonrisas vacías de ilusiones y alegrías había recuperado
Thanks to whom she had recovered smiles empty of illusions and joys
Y así paso la relación ya se acabo
And so the relationship ended
Incluso el contacto se perdió
Even the contact was lost
Este ángel sin saber por que vio
This angel without knowing why he saw
Como de repente su amor se desvaneció
How suddenly his love vanished
Un cielo gris y nublado de nuevo apareció
A gray and cloudy sky reappeared
Mientras el reflejo de su luz en la distancia permaneció
While the reflection of his light remained in the distance
Y del dulce aroma de su fragancia impregnado en cada estancia nació esta canción
And from the sweet aroma of his fragrance impregnated in each room this song was born

Авторы: Juan Gonzalez Moreno, Fernando Munoz Oliver

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