Zenit - Se Quedo Solo - перевод текста песни на английский

Se Quedo Solo - Zenitперевод на английский

Se Quedo Solo
He Was Left Alone
Quinceañero típico que cree tener 18
A typical fifteen-year-old who thinks he's eighteen
Y que sueña con la mayoría de las tías que ve cada día
And who dreams of most of the chicks he sees every day
Hormona revuelta
Hormones are raging
Odia la rutina, el más gallito de clase con la bronca a la vuelta
He hates routine, the cockiest kid in class with trouble waiting for him
De la esquina
Around the corner
Incluso al volver a casa
Even when he gets home
Ni siquiera saluda, su madre en la cocina
He doesn't even say hello, his mother’s in the kitchen
Después de una jornada laboral vuelve a ponerse
After a day at work, she puts on
El delantal es en el que se mezclan lágrimas y harina
Her apron is where tears and flour mix
Al chaval se la suda
The kid doesn't give a damn
Directo a su habitación parece que hoy estudia
Straight to his room, looks like he's studying today
Solo lo parecía
He just looked like it
Una ducha fría, ropa nueva, móvil, llaves, pasta
A cold shower, new clothes, phone, keys, money
Ya vez...
You see...
Parece que hoy es tu día.
Looks like today's your day.
Y así pasó
And so it happened
La cría que conocía desde hacia solo un día
The girl he had only known for a day
Y a la que ligarse pretendía
And to whom he intended to hit on
Al final de aquella noche, le besó
At the end of that night, he kissed her
Y para enamorarse,
And to fall in love,
Con un beso le bastó.
One kiss was enough.
De la pasión fue pasto
He was a victim of passion
Descubrió lo que era dejar de ser casto
He discovered what it was like to no longer be chaste
Más tonto nunca estuvo
He had never been so stupid
Dejó de frecuentar esos lugares, que fueron sus hogares
He stopped frequenting those places that had been his homes
Descuido las amistades que hasta entonces tuvo
He neglected the friends he had until then
Y como no llamaba, les colgaba y ya nunca aparecía
And since he didn't call, he hung up on them and never showed up again
Sus amigos fueron testigos de que en la convivencia de su grupo
His friends witnessed that in the coexistence of their group
Su presencia nunca cupo
His presence never fit
De él nunca más se supo,
Nothing more was heard of him,
Su paciencia se gastó.
Their patience ran out.
Pero nada es para siempre, todo se acaba
But nothing lasts forever, everything comes to an end
Pasar de los colegas fue una autentica cagada
Ignoring his buddies was a real screw-up
Ella se hartó de él, era el opuesto polo
She got tired of him, he was the opposite pole
Le mando a tomar por culo y al final,
She sent him to hell, and in the end,
Se quedó sólo.
He was left alone.
Por ir siempre a su rollo,
For always doing his own thing,
Se quedó sólo.
He was left alone.
Por ir siempre a lo suyo,
For always doing his own thing,
Se quedó sólo.
He was left alone.
No salvó el escollo,
He didn't avoid the pitfall,
Y se quedó sólo.
And he was left alone.
No escucho el murmullo,
He didn't listen to the whispers,
Y se quedó sólo.
And he was left alone.
Se metió en un embrollo,
He got himself into a mess,
Y se quedó sólo.
And he was left alone.
Le dieron el orgullo,
They gave him his pride,
Y se quedó sólo.
And he was left alone.
Por ser tan capullo,
For being such a jerk,
Se quedó sólo.
He was left alone.
Pensó con el capullo,
He thought with his dick,
Y al final se quedó sólo.
And in the end he was left alone.
Diez y seis recién cumplidos,
Sixteen years old,
Su primer trabajo. Su madre está contenta
His first job. His mother is happy
El chaval se centra y mientras un oficio aprenda
The kid focuses, and while he learns a trade
Que venga lo que tenga que venir
Whatever is to come, let it come
Lo que traiga el de venir, ya lo creo que vendrá
Whatever it brings, I believe it will
Al menos ya no pide pasta pa' salir
At least he doesn't ask for money to go out anymore
Pero como puede ser que se pueda fundir tanta en que lo gasta
But how can he blow so much money on what he spends it on
Que más da,
Who cares,
El caso es que el chaval se acuesta de currar
The point is that the kid goes to bed after working
Y pa currar se levanta
And he gets up to work
Y ya está.
That’s it.
Pero si importa es su primer curro
But his first job matters
Y se corta, el chaval no se comporta como tal
And he gets cut, the kid doesn't act like one
El cómplice tan majo del trabajo
His nice accomplice from work
Le invita a salir como uno más de los demás
Invites him to go out like one of the others
Y eso le reconforta.
And that comforts him.
Además, todos le conocen ya como un tipo enrollao'
Besides, everyone already knows him as a cool guy
Lo que ha provocao' que pa pasar del aprobao'
Which has led him to go from passing
Haya probao' suficiente de ese polvo cortao'
To trying enough of that cut powder
Que todos han catao' con consecuencia tan nefasta.
That everyone has tasted with such disastrous consequences.
De repente no sabes salir sin reincidir
Suddenly you don't know how to get out without relapsing
Y para poder consumir recurre a lo único que se le ocurre
And in order to consume, he resorts to the only thing he can think of
Que es servir de intermediario [¡si!]
Which is to act as an intermediary [yes!]
Lo hará solo una vez como algo extraordinario
He'll only do it once, as something extraordinary
Un par de veces más si es necesario
A couple more times if need be
Pero él tiene mal fario y una fecha marcada en ese calendario
But he has bad luck and a date marked on that calendar
Metió la pata,
He screwed up,
Redada improvisada y se la come doblada
Impromptu raid, and he gets busted
Aunque ser libre no es una cantidad muy importante,
While being free isn't a very important amount,
Es acojónante.
It's scary.
La cantidad de veces qué se le oyó decir, lo controlo.
The number of times he was heard to say, I got it under control.
Y ahora, mírale.
And now, look at him.
Aunque consiguió salvar su culo,
Although he managed to save his ass,
Al final se quedó sólo.
In the end he was left alone.
Por ir siempre a su rollo,
For always doing his own thing,
Se quedó sólo.
He was left alone.
Por ir siempre a lo suyo,
For always doing his own thing,
Se quedó sólo.
He was left alone.
No salvó el escollo,
He didn't avoid the pitfall,
Y se quedó sólo.
And he was left alone.
No escucho el murmullo,
He didn't listen to the whispers,
Y se quedó sólo.
And he was left alone.
Se metió en un embrollo,
He got himself into a mess,
Y se quedó sólo.
And he was left alone.
Le dieron el orgullo,
They gave him his pride,
Y se quedó sólo.
And he was left alone.
Por ser tan capullo,
For being such a jerk,
Se quedó sólo.
He was left alone.
Empezó con medio pollo,
He started with half a chicken,
Y al final se quedó sólo.
And in the end he was left alone.
Estuvo un tiempo sin colegas,
He spent some time without buddies,
Sin hacer entregas.
Without making deliveries.
Sin noches mujeriegas por,
Without ladies' nights for,
Vivir encerrado entre los megas
Living locked up among the megs
De su ordenador, es pasar noches enteras entre de foros de deportes
Of his computer, is to spend whole nights between sports forums
Y un foro es de música underground
And one forum is for underground music
Criticando portes, LP's de artistas que entran en las listas
Criticizing portes, LPs of artists who make it onto the charts
Por, testarudos en su empeño y su trabajo
For, stubborn in their efforts and their work
Como mi hombre nacho fornes nada constructivo.
Like my man Nacho Fornes, nothing constructive.
Y ese fue el motivo de que tras la reprimenda
And that was the reason why after the reprimand
De un tal very senum foro olmeda decidiera ser MC.
Of a certain Very Senum Foro Olmeda, he decided to become an MC.
Y así la primera canción que tuvo el prenda
And so the first song that the guy had
Salió pronto a la venta, en un CD de varios
Was soon released, on a various artists CD
Que esta en todos los barrios desde navidad
Which has been in every neighborhood since Christmas
La revelación del año, dicen comentarios.
Revelation of the year, say the reviews.
Que casualidad.
What a coincidence.
Firmo un contrato tras el arrebato de una multinacional
Signed a contract after the outburst of a multinational
Keka la mirad.
Keka look at her.
Un disco ya en la calle,
An album already on the streets,
Bailongo pa que ensayen las fans y se desmayen
Dance music for the fans to rehearse and faint to
Y los bboys se rayen,
And the b-boys freak out,
Las críticas estallen y las ventas encallen de un producto de mercado caducado desde ayer.
The critics explode, and the sales stall of a product that was out of date yesterday.
El chaval ya no interesa, no eh rentable pa la empresa
The kid is no longer interesting, not profitable for the company
Y como otras tantas marionetas cuyas cancioncitas cantas
And like so many other puppets whose little songs you sing
De CDS que compras en TOP cuantas.
From CDs that you buy in TOP how many.
Nuestro menor de edad fue una mas de esa silenciada gargantas
Our minor was one more of those silenced throats
Que salio por la puerta de atrás del mundo del espectáculo
That came out the back door of the entertainment world
Sin hacer uno solo bolo.
Without doing a single gig.
Una vez mas to' lo que logro fue nulo
Once again, everything he achieved was null and void
Vendieron su culo,
They sold his ass,
Y al final se quedó sólo.
And in the end he was left alone.
Por ir siempre a su rollo,
For always doing his own thing,
Se quedó sólo.
He was left alone.
Por ir siempre a lo suyo,
For always doing his own thing,
Se quedó sólo.
He was left alone.
No salvó el escollo,
He didn't avoid the pitfall,
Y se quedó sólo.
And he was left alone.
No escucho el murmullo,
He didn't listen to the whispers,
Y se quedó sólo.
And he was left alone.
Se metió en un embrollo,
He got himself into a mess,
Y se quedó sólo.
And he was left alone.
Le dieron el orgullo,
They gave him his pride,
Y se quedó sólo.
And he was left alone.
Por ser tan capullo,
For being such a jerk,
Se quedó sólo.
He was left alone.
En el rap nunca fluyo,
He never flowed in rap,
Y al final se quedo solo.
And in the end, he was left alone.

Авторы: Juan Gonzalez Moreno, Roberto Vetere Tiedra

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