Zhao - Antisocial Club - перевод текста песни на английский

Antisocial Club - Zhaoперевод на английский

Antisocial Club
Antisocial Club
Acum aleg doar ce vreau
Now I choose only what I want
Ce fac cu timpul, cui i-l dau (N-am destul să-l pierd)
What I do with my time, to whom I give it (I don't have enough to waste)
Nu e nimic grav
It's not a big deal
Bine-ai venit în Antisocial Club
Welcome to the Antisocial Club
Ce te impresiona, acum
What used to impress you, now
E doar o perdea de fum
Is just a smokescreen
Ia un loc, nu e nimic grav
Take a seat, it's not a big deal
Bine-ai venit in Antisocial Club
Welcome to the Antisocial Club
Pe la petreceri nu prea mai dansez de mult
I haven't danced much at parties lately
Stau la o masă și fumez, mai mult ascult
I sit at a table and smoke, mostly listen
Discuții despre viață, monștri din dulap
Conversations about life, monsters in the closet
Petrec timpul doar cu oameni care-mi plac
I spend time only with people I like
M-am săturat s-aud discuții idioate
I'm tired of hearing idiotic conversations
Și de zâmbete false, de glume retardate
And fake smiles, retarded jokes
Despre copii, vlogeri, trapperi, influenceri
About kids, vloggers, rappers, influencers
vrea pot fi prost și fericit... mai bag un Jager′
I wish I could be stupid and happy... I'll take another Jager'
Nu mai duc nici pe la party-uri mondene
I don't go to fancy parties anymore
Cu dive ce se pupă, dar se bârfesc între ele
With divas who kiss, but gossip among themselves
Mai bine cu ai mei, lucrăm, ne facem varză
Better with my people, we work, we get wasted
Sunt oameni care te iubesc... restul nu contrază
There are people who love you... the rest is irrelevant
Acum aleg doar ce vreau
Now I choose only what I want
Ce fac cu timpul, cui i-l dau (N-am destul să-l pierd)
What I do with my time, to whom I give it (I don't have enough to waste)
Nu e nimic grav
It's not a big deal
Bine-ai venit în Antisocial Club
Welcome to the Antisocial Club
Ce te impresiona, acum
What used to impress you, now
E doar o perdea de fum
Is just a smokescreen
Ia un loc, nu e nimic grav
Take a seat, it's not a big deal
Bine-ai venit in Antisocial Club
Welcome to the Antisocial Club
Knock-knock, let the devil in
Knock-knock, let the devil in
Am un six-pack și o sticlă de vin
I have a six-pack and a bottle of wine
E pelin sec - sante, Zhaolin
It's dry wormwood - cheers, Zhaolin
Am licoarea ce ma face zen, ca un shaolin
I have the liquor that makes me zen, like a Shaolin
Când cuprinde starea
When the mood takes over me
Agitat mai rău ca marea
More agitated than the sea
Am bag un calmant, n-o ard ca Taz
I'll take a sedative, not to burn out like Taz
Am trecut prin multe etape, ca un jucator retras
I've gone through many stages, like a retired player
Dacă ies la club, tre' fie Comedy
If I go out to a club, it has to be Comedy
Dacă sparg tare, tre′ fie melodii
If I get wasted, it has to be with melodies
N-am vârsta necesară, n-am timp de prostii
I'm not old enough, I don't have time for nonsense
găsești la Anti', naufragiat, ca PI
You'll find me at Anti, shipwrecked, like PI
Dezastru ambalat frumos, nu mi arde petrec
A beautifully wrapped disaster, I'm not in the mood to party
Cu oameni ce se țin de buzunare ca în Prison Break
With people who hold onto their pockets like in Prison Break
A, nu uit până plec
Oh, and before I leave
Piese grele se aud greu, ca dintr un cas' defect
Heavy tracks are hard to hear, like from a broken speaker
Rulăm în foi ce avem, câțiva care ne avem
We roll in what we have, the few that we have
Toți greii-n filmul lor de parcă tragem Irish Man
All the heavyweights in their movie as if we're shooting Irish Man
Multe de zis ca cerneala de sub piele
Much to say like the ink under the skin
Jonglez printre obstacole ca Pele
I juggle obstacles like Pele
Clasic, ca Dinică, Vagabondul vieții mele
Classic, like Dinică, The Wanderer of my life
Mă-nvârte vinu ca vinilul, nu duc harflele mondene - am ieșit
The wine spins me like vinyl, I don't carry worldly harps - I'm out
Devine aglomerat, fumez, mai iau un shot
It's getting crowded, I smoke, I take another shot
E plin de telefoane-n jurul meu
It's full of phones around me
Nimic de discutat, Nici nu m-am îmbătat
Nothing to talk about, I'm not even drunk
Ce caut eu aici, nu-i locul meu
What am I doing here, this is not my place
Acum aleg doar ce vreau
Now I choose only what I want
Ce fac cu timpul, cui i-l dau (N-am destul să-l pierd)
What I do with my time, to whom I give it (I don't have enough to waste)
Nu e nimic grav
It's not a big deal
Bine-ai venit în Antisocial Club
Welcome to the Antisocial Club
Ce te impresiona, acum
What used to impress you, now
E doar o perdea de fum
Is just a smokescreen
Ia un loc, nu e nimic grav
Take a seat, it's not a big deal
Bine-ai venit in Antisocial Club
Welcome to the Antisocial Club

Авторы: Antonio Anghel

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