Zhao - Aripi (feat. Phunk B) - перевод текста песни на английский

Aripi (feat. Phunk B) - Zhaoперевод на английский

Aripi (feat. Phunk B)
Wings (feat. Phunk B)
Traieste sa nu ai nimic de regretat
Live so you have nothing to regret
Atat de simplu si totusi e complicat
So simple yet so complicated
Ce ai sacrificat, ce ai castigat
What you sacrificed, what you gained
Cand tragi linie, oare a meritat
When you draw the line, was it worth it
Caut un strop de optimism, intr-un ocean de pesimism
I'm looking for a drop of optimism, in an ocean of pessimism
Ascund nesiguranta in perfectionism
I hide insecurity in perfectionism
Si flacara din sufletul meu s-a cam stins
And the flame in my soul has almost died out
Am castigat lupta cu ieri, astazi m-a invins
I won the fight with yesterday, today it defeated me
De ce sa ne mai ferim
Why should we hide anymore
Ne-am nascut in locul potrivit, dar nu ne potrivim
We were born in the right place, but we don't belong
Ne zambim, cu cutitul ascuns la spate
We smile, with the knife hidden behind our backs
Viata nu-i o curva, ci omul, din pacate
Life is not a whore, but man, unfortunately
Zbor cu aripile frante
I fly with broken wings
Cautand iar fericire
Searching for happiness again
Ma tratez iar cu un cantec
I treat myself again with a song
Pansament - o amintire
Bandage - a memory
Ce se simte într-un zambet
What is felt in a smile
Cate spune o privire
How much a look says
Ma gasesc tot în oglinda
I find myself in the mirror
Căutând iar fericire
Searching for happiness again
Am taiat fara sa cos mult timp
I cut without sewing for a long time
Ac de cojoc s-a gasit dupa ce-am pierdut ce am iubit
A needle for a coat was found after I lost what I loved
A ramas dulcele nimic
The sweet nothing remained
Lacrimi uscate pe chip
Dried tears on my face
Si dorinta de a ma face auzit
And the desire to make myself heard
Inca o zi... si inca o zic
Another day... and I say it again
Dar am decis, mi-am asumat, am jelit
But I decided, I took responsibility, I mourned
Trec peste
I get over it
Sunt fericit ca am gresit
I'm happy that I made mistakes
Acum am poveste
Now I have a story
Si m-au scolit, trec mai usor viitoarele teste
And I've been taught, I pass future tests more easily
Mi s-a zambit fals, am zambit si io
I was given a fake smile, I smiled too
A trebuit sa planga multi s-ajung sa plang si io
Many had to cry for me to cry too
Poate ca mai fur curent da pot să-ți fac showul
Maybe I still steal electricity but I can make your show
Nu scrie nimeni cum scriu eu si asta-i adevarul
No one writes like I do and that's the truth
Camera mea e dormitor si studio si show-room
My room is a bedroom and a studio and a showroom
În muzica-i tot banisorul. Am dat tot
In music it's all money. I gave it all
E o legatura pura si s-o intrerup nu pot
It's a pure connection and I can't break it
Ca dragostea unui parinte pentru un nepot
Like a parent's love for a grandchild
Ca dragostea ei de fata cuminte pentru un bagabont
Like her love of a good girl for a vagabond
Explica! N-o sa poti
Explain! You won't be able to
Iti spui doar c-o sa poti mai mult
You just tell her she can do more
Daca-i cu tine-n fiecare zi
If he's with you every day
In suflet sa ma porti
Carry me in your soul
In suflet sa ma poti gasi mai simplu
It's easier to find me in your soul
N-o sa fiu langa zilnic, nu-i nimic
I won't be around daily, it's okay
Imi pare rau si bine in acelasi timp
I'm sorry and glad at the same time
Dar intre timp
But in the meantime
Dau din aripile astea terfelite
I flap these tattered wings
Iubim ce facem si se simte, bro
We love what we do and it shows, bro
Zbor cu aripile frante
I fly with broken wings
Cautand iar fericire
Searching for happiness again
Ma tratez iar cu un cantec
I treat myself again with a song
Pansament - o amintire
Bandage - a memory
Ce se simte într-un zambet
What is felt in a smile
Cate spune o privire
How much a look says
Ma gasesc tot în oglinda
I find myself in the mirror
Căutând iar fericire
Searching for happiness again
Stau sus aici in lumea mea, Ochii pe cer
I stand up here in my world, Eyes on the sky
Mereu deasupra mea, nimic sa ii ofer
Always above me, nothing to offer him
Caut in fum intr-una inspiratia
I keep looking for inspiration in the smoke
Tot ce mai sper acum e sa mai pot spera
All I hope for now is to be able to hope
Nu stie nimeni ce e in sufletul tau
No one knows what's in your soul
Nu e prea bine, dar se poate si mai rau
It's not too good, but it could be worse
Lar viata iti arata a nu-stiu-cat-a oara
Life shows you for the umpteenth time
Si dupa ce te intareste te omoara
And after it strengthens you, it kills you
Aa vrea sa curga randuri numai veselie
I would like the lines to flow only with joy
Sa ne petrecem timpul ca-n copilarie
To spend our time like in childhood
Dar viata asta nu e numai comedie
But this life is not just a comedy
Cine a trait destule stie
Whoever has lived enough knows
Zbor cu aripile frante
I fly with broken wings
Cautand iar fericire
Searching for happiness again
Ma tratez iar cu un cantec
I treat myself again with a song
Pansament - o amintire
Bandage - a memory
Ce se simte într-un zambet
What is felt in a smile
Cate spune o privire
How much a look says
Ma gasesc tot în oglinda
I find myself in the mirror
Căutând iar fericire
Searching for happiness again

Авторы: Liviu Vasilescu

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