Zoo - Diània - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Zoo - Diània

No ens arriben els cants, hauran mort al poeta
We can no longer hear the songs, they must have killed the poet
Campanes toquen a mort
Bells toll for the dead
I ara anem seguint camins
We are now following paths
De mar i cel
Of sea and sky
El blau als cims
The blue of the peaks
El so del vent
The sound of the wind
Plaers divins, país Diània
Divine pleasures, Diània land
Un plor morisc
A Moorish cry
Que duc ben dins
That I carry deep within me
Paint la fi
I paint the end
Quan cante jo i balla la muntanya
When I sing and the mountain dances
On els bandolers amaguen coses
Where bandits hide things
Que contaven sols a les raboses
That they only told the foxes
Udolaven llops per Malafi
Wolves howled in Malafi
Gaudint les valls en les nits mentiroses
Enjoying the valleys in the deceitful nights
Sentiu la calma, salmorra i vi
Feel the calm, sea salt, and wine
Sublim saleu la parla, andalusins
Sublime speech, the Andalusians
Colliu el fruit, unfleu el pit, pareu taula
Pluck the fruit, puff out your chest, set the table
Ronda una teulada la quarantamaula
A ghost moth circles around a roof
I unes bubotes refrescant-se per les aigües del Pou Clar
And some owls cooling off in the waters of the Pou Clar
Enriallades, sabent-se a casa
Concealed, knowing they're home
Carícies d'esbarzers, de llepó de bassa
Caresses of brambles, taste of the pond
Quan jo muiga no ploreu
When I die, don't cry
Balleu a la plaça
Dance in the square
I vindrà un temporal
And a storm will come
I hauran mort al poeta
And they will have killed the poet
I vindran i diran
And they will come and say
Ja no ens arriben el cants
We can no longer hear the songs
Correrà riu avall
It will run down the river
S'endurà cada lletra
It will carry away every letter
I vindran i diran
And they will come and say
Ara qui ens lleva esta fam?
Now who will quench this hunger?
S'ompli de lluna
It's filled with moonlight
La nit tancada de la vall
The closed-in night of the valley
Les estrelles són fermall
The stars are a clasp
La séquia un mirall
The watercourse is a mirror
Que plany i canta un romanç
That laments and sings a ballad
Dedicat als uelos que se'n van
Dedicated to the ancestors who carry on
Barrancs encantats
Enchanted ravines
Serres foradades
Ridges with holes
Pintures ancestrals
Ancestral paintings
Ballen les aixades
Axes dance
Si tots, com jo, marxem
If we all, like me, leave
A la ciutat
For the city
Qui parlarà amb les oliveres
Who will speak to the olive trees
Lluny de les platges
Far from the beaches
I els titans de formigó
And the concrete titans
Respira el món a les valls de l'interior
The world breathes in the valleys of the interior
Als vells dominis
In the old domains
Del moro dels ulls blaus
Of the Moor with the blue eyes
Les fonts conten rondalles
The fountains tell stories
A rantelles i gripaus
To lace and toads
Pau i amor per als que festegen
Peace and love for those who celebrate
Les solsides
The bonfires
Que ploga
May it rain well
I no bade les collites
And not harm the harvests
Que continuen estes terres ben vives
May these lands continue to thrive
Les figues dolces i les flames adormides
The sweet figs and the sleeping flames
I vindrà un temporal
And a storm will come
I hauran mort al poeta
And they will have killed the poet
I vindran i diran
And they will come and say
Ja no ens arriben el cants
We can no longer hear the songs
Correrà riu avall
It will run down the river
S'endurà cada lletra
It will carry away every letter
I vindran i diran
And they will come and say
Ara qui ens lleva esta fam?
Now who will quench this hunger?
I vindrà un temporal
And a storm will come
I hauran mort al poeta
And they will have killed the poet
I vindran i diran
And they will come and say
Ja no ens arriben el cants
We can no longer hear the songs
Correrà riu avall
It will run down the river
S'endurà cada lletra
It will carry away every letter
I vindran i diran
And they will come and say
Ara qui ens lleva esta fam?
Now who will quench this hunger?

Авторы: Antonio Fort Fayos, Antonio Sánchez Pardines, Arnau Jimenez Sánchez, Héctor Galán I Benito, Ignacio Ciscar Piles, Marcos úbeda I Faus

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