Zoo - Tir al Ninot - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Zoo - Tir al Ninot

Tir al Ninot
Shooting at the Figure
On reparteixen el destí abans de néixer?
Is our destiny dealt before we're born?
Quin és l′origen? A qui les gràcies?
What is the origin? To whom do we give thanks?
Qui és l'arquitecte i el rei del castell?
Who is the architect and the king of the castle?
L′han mort a disgustos? Morirà de vell?
Did he die unhappily? Will he die of old age?
Pell contra pell, el cor sap com fer
Skin against skin, the heart knows what to do
Presoner no oblida la cara del carceller
The prisoner doesn't forget the jailer's face
Sincer amb la vida, de boca explosiva
Sincere with life, with an explosive mouth
Sentint-se estranger al desert de la mentira
Feeling like a stranger in the desert of lies
Viu una nostàlgia del passat que no ha superat
Living a nostalgia for a past that hasn't been overcome
Una crisi de relat, un punyal clavat
A crisis of narrative, a dagger stuck
Un regust amarg, un dolor ingrat
A bitter aftertaste, an ungrateful pain
Tristesa no reparada, un rencor innat
Unrepaired sadness, an innate resentment
A ell no l'enxufaven a l'equip de la ciutat
He wasn't included in the city's team
A ella la insultaven per ser pobra i malparlada
She was insulted for being poor and foul-mouthed
Males companyies per a pares malpensats
Bad company for parents with bad thoughts
La xusma selecta, d′este carnaval
The select rabble of this carnival
I el món veu baralles on ells soles ballen
And the world sees fights where they just dance
I no poden parar; i no volen parar
And they can't stop; and they don't want to stop
Fills del caos i la locura
Children of chaos and madness
Filles de les males herbes
Daughters of weeds
Trens que van descarrilar
Trains that derailed
Ara llancen pedres contra eixe ninot del vostre altar
Now they throw stones at that figure on your altar
Fills del caos i la locura
Children of chaos and madness
Filles de les males herbes
Daughters of weeds
Trens que van descarrilar
Trains that derailed
Ara llancen pedres contra eixe ninot del vostre altar
Now they throw stones at that figure on your altar
No recordava els anys d′agitació on el pamflet li funcionava
He didn't remember the years of agitation when the pamphlet worked for him
I ara no fa pamflet, parla d'amor more drama
And now he doesn't make pamphlets, he talks about love, more drama
Ara ha canviat de plans, plans d′encefalograma
Now he has changed plans, encephalogram plans
La fama es paga i qui paga mana i
Fame is paid for and whoever pays, rules, and
No! Que tenen més jaquetes que problemes, que ho jo
No! They have more jackets than problems, I know it
Que venen talladets tots pel mateix patró
They all come cut from the same pattern
Alçaven la peülla, rajaven de qui no
They raised their paw, they spoke ill of those who didn't
Tragava amb les doctrines oficials
They swallowed the official doctrines
Carrera meteòrica, èxits assegurats
Meteoric career, guaranteed successes
Fracassos no es contemplen, mercat no regulat
Failures are not contemplated, unregulated market
Col·legi religiós, censura parental
Religious school, parental censorship
Un retoret de dogma i "cantinela" liberal
A bit of dogma and "liberal chant"
Ací el col·legi públic, ací els que anaven mal
Here the public school, here those who went wrong
Els "jebis" dels 80, els punkis d'aquell bar
The "jebis" of the 80s, the punks from that bar
Els redskins del poble, els rapers d′aquell parc
The redskins of the town, the rappers from that park
L'orgull de la derrota que arrastrem fins al final
The pride of defeat that we drag to the end
I el món veu baralles on ells soles ballen
And the world sees fights where they just dance
I no poden parar; i no volen parar
And they can't stop; and they don't want to stop
Fills del caos i la locura
Children of chaos and madness
Filles de les males herbes
Daughters of weeds
Trens que van descarrilar
Trains that derailed
Ara llancen pedres contra eixe ninot del vostre altar
Now they throw stones at that figure on your altar
Fills del caos i la locura
Children of chaos and madness
Filles de les males herbes
Daughters of weeds
Trens que van descarrilar
Trains that derailed
Ara llancen pedres contra eixe ninot del vostre altar
Now they throw stones at that figure on your altar
I pels seus carrers es passegen
And they stroll through their streets
I tenen un bon mercat, avingudes, llums i parcs
And they have a good market, avenues, lights and parks
I què guapes van per a festes, i què net el cotxe car
And how beautiful they go for parties, and how clean the expensive car
I com saben ells estar
And how they know how to be
I als barris obrers remoregen
And in the working-class neighborhoods they murmur
Fills del caos i la locura
Children of chaos and madness
Filles de les males herbes
Daughters of weeds
Trens que van descarrilar
Trains that derailed
Ara llancen pedres contra eixe ninot del vostre altar
Now they throw stones at that figure on your altar
Fills del caos i la locura
Children of chaos and madness
Filles de les males herbes
Daughters of weeds
Trens que van descarrilar
Trains that derailed
Ara llancen pedres contra eixe ninot del vostre altar
Now they throw stones at that figure on your altar

Авторы: Antonio Fort Fayos, Antonio Sánchez Pardines, Arnau Jimenez Sánchez, Héctor Galán I Benito, Ignacio Ciscar Piles, Marcos úbeda I Faus

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