Zverina - Je-Be - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Zverina - Je-Be

Pusti si túto skladbu - okolo tyče tancuj,
Play this track - dance around the pole,
Nechoď do knižnice, tam bitch nemáš šancu.
Don't go to the library, bitch, you have no chance there.
Máš vysoké podpätky, vyzerajú ako chodúle,
You've got high heels, they look like stilts,
Nevieš v tom chodiť, je jak retard čo fetuje.
You can't even walk in them, you look like a retard on meth.
Jak Monica Lewinsky, všetko robíš hubou,
Like Monica Lewinsky, you do everything with your mouth,
Jediná čo sa neučila, prešla maturitou.
The only one who didn't study, passed the graduation exam.
Ideš z Košíc do Prahy, robíš tam eskort,
You go from Košice to Prague, doing escort work,
štetky z Prahy v Blave - import a export.
Prague whores are in Bratislava - import and export.
Pracuješ nonstop, fajčíš Angličanom vtáky,
You work nonstop, sucking off Englishmen's dicks,
Tie ich malé vtáky ako angličáky.
Those small dicks of theirs are like English bulldogs.
Ruský pasák ti vybavil vlastný privát,
A Russian pimp got you your own private room,
Tučný Nemec po tebe skáče ako primát.
A fat German jumps on you like a primate.
Voláš mame a tvrdíš, že tam robíš sekretárku
You call your mom and say you're working as a secretary there,
A že päťtisíc eur máš prvú výplatu.
And that your first paycheck is five thousand euros.
Mama plače, vie, že toľko nemôžeš zarobiť,
Mom cries, she knows you can't make that much,
Bože ty si sprostá, takto sa prezradiť.
God, you're stupid to expose yourself like that.
Je nám to ľúto, ale sa vie o tebe,
We're sorry, but everybody knows about you now,
že robíš hanbu rodine a hlavne sebe.
That you're a disgrace to your family and yourself.
Chceš to zmeniť ale, ee, to nejde,
You want to change it, but, nah, it's impossible,
Všetci dobre vedia, že ti v hlave jebe.
Everyone knows that you're crazy.
Je nám to ľúto, ale sa vie o tebe,
We're sorry, but everybody knows about you now,
že robíš hanbu rodine a hlavne sebe.
That you're a disgrace to your family and yourself.
Chceš to zmeniť ale, ee, to nejde,
You want to change it, but, nah, it's impossible,
Všetci dobre vedia, že ti v hlave jebe.
Everyone knows that you're crazy.
Chváliš sa kamošom, ukazuješ nové auto,
You brag to your buddies, showing off your new car,
Ale zabudol si dodať, že ti ho kúpil tvoj tato.
But you forgot to mention that your daddy bought it for you.
Priorita života pre teba - vkuse dvíhať činky,
Your life's priority - lifting weights in the gym,
Pritom si dokážeš čítať iba z obrázkovej knižky.
Meanwhile, you can only read a picture book.
Celý deň si v posilovni - žereš anaboliká,
You spend all day at the gym - popping steroids,
Máš ruku jak ja nohu, ale kokot jak kolibríka.
Your arm is as big as my leg, but your dick is like a hummingbird's.
Chcel si krásnu frajerku, nech závidí celé mesto,
You wanted a beautiful girlfriend, for the whole town to envy you,
Ale keď si mimo mesta, tak ju šuká celé mesto.
But when you're out of town, the whole town is fucking her.
A že vraj šetríš čas, keď ideš autom dvesto,
And you say you're saving time by driving at 200km/h,
Ale keď ťa stopnú zelení, tak ty im platíš šesto.
But when the cops pull you over, you pay them 60 bucks.
Najprv si heiloval a teraz si zas raper,
First you were a skinhead, and now you're a rapper,
že ťa porodila ľutuje aj tvoja mater.
Even your own mother regrets giving birth to you.
Máš na krku hrubé zlato a tváriš sa jak mafián,
You've got thick gold chains around your neck and you act like a mobster,
Pritom robíš taxikára, na krku bižutéria.
But you're just a taxi driver, wearing cheap jewelry.
Machruješ pred pičkami, robíš sa, že si dealer,
You show off in front of chicks, pretending to be a dealer,
Máš kriedu s omietkou, tvrdíš, že je to bíle.
You've got chalk and plaster, claiming it's coke.
Je nám to ľúto, ale sa vie o tebe,
We're sorry, but everybody knows about you now,
že robíš hanbu rodine a hlavne sebe.
That you're a disgrace to your family and yourself.
Chceš to zmeniť ale, ee, to nejde,
You want to change it, but, nah, it's impossible,
Všetci dobre vedia, že ti v hlave jebe.
Everyone knows that you're crazy.
Je nám to ľúto, ale sa vie o tebe,
We're sorry, but everybody knows about you now,
že robíš hanbu rodine a hlavne sebe.
That you're a disgrace to your family and yourself.
Chceš to zmeniť ale, ee, to nejde,
You want to change it, but, nah, it's impossible,
Všetci dobre vedia, že ti v hlave jebe.
Everyone knows that you're crazy.

Авторы: Daniel Pitonak

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