Edith Piaf - Mon amant de la coloniale - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Edith Piaf - Mon amant de la coloniale

Mon amant de la coloniale
My Lover from the Colonies
Il était fort et puis si tendre
He was strong and yet so tender
Que, dès notre première nuit,
That from our first night together
Je sentais que je ne pourrais plus me reprendre,
I felt that I could never get over him
Et pour toujours, j'étais à lui.
And that I would belong to him forever.
J'voyais toutes les femmes lui sourire.
I saw all the women smile at him.
Moi, je m'cramponnais à son bras
I would cling to his arm
Et j'les regardais comme pour leur dire:
And glare at them as if to say:
"Il est à moi, et je l'lâche pas!"
"He's mine, and I'm not letting him go!"
C'était un gars de la Coloniale.
He was a man from the Colonies.
Il avait là, partant du front
On his face, starting from his forehead
Et descendant jusqu'au menton,
And down to his chin,
Une cicatrice en diagonale,
There was a diagonal scar,
Des cheveux noirs, des yeux tout pâles,
Black hair, very pale eyes,
La peau brûlée par le soleil.
Sun-burned skin.
J'en ai plus jamais vu d'pareil
I have never found any like him
A mon amant de la Coloniale.
My lover from the Colonies.
Des fois, quand il avait la fièvre,
Sometimes, when he had a fever,
Il parlait trop et j'avais peur.
He would talk too much and I was afraid.
Je mettais la main sur ses lèvres
I would put my hand over his lips
Pour pas connaître le fond de son coeur
So as not to learn the depths of his heart.
Car je sentais que, dans son âme,
Because I felt that in his soul,
Y avait des larmes et du cafard.
There were tears and sorrow.
Et j'm'disais: "C'est pour un' femme".
And I would say to myself: "It's because of some woman."
Quand j'ai compris, c'était trop tard...
When I understood, it was too late...
Lorsque j'ai connu ma rivale,
When I met my rival,
Alors j'ai serré fort mes bras
I clenched my fists,
Pour qu'cette grande garce "La Coloniale"
So that this great whore "The Colonial"
Lui fich' la paix et n' me l' vol' pas
Would leave him alone and not steal him from me.
Et lui, il m'avait dit: "Je reste"
And he had told me: "I will stay."
Mais un beau jour, il est r'parti
But one fine day, he left again,
Vers ces pays que je déteste
For those lands that I despise
Dont il rêvait souvent la nuit.
Of which he so often dreamed at night.
C'était un gars de la Coloniale.
He was a man from the Colonies.
Il avait là, partant du front
On his face, starting from his forehead
Et descendant jusqu'au menton,
And down to his chin,
Une cicatrice en diagonale.
There was a diagonal scar.
Je r'verrai plus ses beaux yeux pâles,
I will never see his beautiful, pale eyes again,
Ses yeux qui n'ont pas leur pareils.
His eyes that have no equal.
Il est r'tourné vers son soleil,
He has returned to his sunshine,
Mon bel amant de la Coloniale...
My handsome lover from the Colonies...


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