B.U.G. Mafia feat. ViLLy - Bag Pula-N Lume Si V-O Fac Cadou - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский B.U.G. Mafia feat. ViLLy - Bag Pula-N Lume Si V-O Fac Cadou

Bag Pula-N Lume Si V-O Fac Cadou
I'm Putting My Dick in the World and Then I'm Giving It to You
Unde s-au dus, când au apus
Where have they gone, when did they set
Anii de sus ai gloriei lor...
The years of their glory...
Unde-s pistoalele, unde-s pumnalele
Where are the pistols, where are the daggers
Caii si flintele haiducilor...
The horses and flintlocks of the outlaws...
Unde-s pistoalele, unde-s pumnalele
Where are the pistols, where are the daggers
Caii si flintele haiducilor...
The horses and flintlocks of the outlaws...
Am vrut sa fie nu doar BUG Mafia...
I wanted it to be not just BUG Mafia...
Am vrut sa fie o tara-ntraga pentru o tara-ntreaga...
I wanted it to be a whole country for a whole country...
B.U.G. Mafia...
B.U.G. Mafia...
Viata-i un cadou frumos si unu de cacat
Life is a beautiful gift and a piece of shit
E de cacat sa traiesti în România defapt...
It sucks to live in Romania, in fact...
Nu ca e ceata, praf, e un sistem bolnav
Not because of fog, dust, it's a sick system
Într-o tara frumoasa pe care-o fac pilaf...
In a beautiful country that they're turning to pilaf...
Târfe ordinare cu un singur scop
Ordinary whores with a single goal
Sa ne sece pe toti ca ei sa fie-n top
To drain us all so they can be on top
Nu conteaza cine moare, daca moare, cum traieste
It doesn't matter who dies, if they die, how they live
Ca oamenii se-arunca de pe blocuri orbeste
Because people throw themselves off buildings blindly
Ca oamenii-si dau foc, ca nu au de mâncare
Because people set themselves on fire, because they have nothing to eat
Ca se moare în spitale de atâta nepasare
Because people die in hospitals from so much neglect
Ca se spânzura copiii de dor pentru parinti
Because children hang themselves out of longing for their parents
Plecati afara, unii cu multa scoala
Gone abroad, some with a lot of education
Ca n-au mai suportat bataia de joc
Because they couldn't stand the mockery
Politica pe bat cu Pic si Poc...
Politics on the beat with Pic and Poc...
În mortii vostri de hoti cu pretentii de lorzi
To your deaths, you thieves with pretensions of lords
Genocid cu alta fata, sa va vad pe toti morti
Genocide with a different face, I want to see you all dead
Mai bine beau otet, ma jur
I'd rather drink vinegar, I swear,
Decât s-ascult ziaristi cum îi ling pe astia-n cur
Than listen to journalists licking these guys' asses
Decât s-ascult cum au pus-o ei de-un blat...
Than listen to how they made a deal...
O parte din presa înca preseaza doar cacat...
Part of the press still puts out nothing but shit...
Cum ca se face, cum ca se drege
How it's being done, how it's being fixed
Cum ca pe ei nimeni nu îi mai intelege...
How nobody understands them anymore...
Ar trebui ca cineva sa îi alerge
Someone should run them
Si sa îi mângâie pe spate cu ciomege...
And pet them on the back with cudgels...
E vina mea
It's my fault
C-am asteptat atâtia ani...
That I waited so many years...
"Poate s-o schimba ceva..."
"Maybe something will change..."
N-am realizat ca am dusmani p-aici
I didn't realize I had enemies here
Stai asa ca o s-ascut si eu lama de la brici...
Hold on, because I'm going to sharpen my razor now...
Mi-a zis un frate sa tac, sa fiu atent
A brother told me to shut up, to be careful
C-o sa trimita garda sa ma duca la ciment
That they'll send the guards to take me to the cement
Dar tip cât pot de tare pan-o sa cad în cavou
But I'll type as loud as I can until I fall into the grave
Bag pula-n lume si apoi v-o fac cadou!
I'm putting my dick in the world and then I'm giving it to you!
Unde-s pistoalele, unde-s pumnalele
Where are the pistols, where are the daggers
Caii si flintele haiducilor...
The horses and flintlocks of the outlaws...
Unde-s pistoalele, unde-s pumnalele
Where are the pistols, where are the daggers
Caii si flintele haiducilor...
The horses and flintlocks of the outlaws...
Sunt aici, sunt aici, sunt aici
They are here, they are here, they are here
La mine sub tricou
Under my shirt
Rasuna-n mintea mea zi de zi ca un ecou...
They echo in my mind day after day like an echo...
Sa sufar eu pentru voi?... O zic din nou...
To suffer I for you?... I say it again...
Bag pula-n lume si v-o fac cadou!
I put my dick in the world and I'll give it to you!

Авторы: Alin Adrian Demeter

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