b.u.g. mafia - O lume nebuna, nebuna de tot (feat. ViLLy) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский b.u.g. mafia - O lume nebuna, nebuna de tot (feat. ViLLy)

O lume nebuna, nebuna de tot (feat. ViLLy)
A Crazy World, Crazy as Hell (feat. ViLLy)
Frate, cand te-ai nascut eram plecat dar mi-amintesc si-acum
Sister, when you were born I was away but I still remember
Cand m-am intors si te-am vazut, erai cat un pumn
When I came back and saw you, you were as small as a fist
Timpu' a trecut, acum ai 14 ani jumate
Time has passed, now you're 14 and a half
Incepi sa experimentezi din viata cat se poate
You're starting to experience as much life as possible
Si toate te atrag si-n curand o sa doresti
And everything appeals to you and soon you'll want
Ca sunt multe de facut pe strazile din Bucuresti
There's a lot to do on the streets of Bucharest
In primul rand fereste-te de ha ca de dracu'
First and foremost, stay away from drugs like the devil
Si daca incepi sa bei nu iti rupe capu'
And if you start drinking, don't lose your head
Nu te apuca de furaciuni, inselaciuni si japca
Don't get into stealing, cheating and mugging
Ca tu ai sansa sa urmezi o cale mult mai dreapta
Because you have the chance to follow a much more righteous path
Indiferent, nu da inapoi atunci cand ai dreptate
Regardless, don't back down when you're right
Dar nici n-o arde aiurea, frate
But don't act tough for no reason, sister
Sti ca de la viata trebui sa te astepti la bine
Know that from life you should expect good
Dar sa fii pregatit pentru necazul care vine
But be prepared for the trouble that comes
Fiindca lumea e nebuna si rea dintotdeauna
Because the world is crazy and evil from the beginning of time
Frate, daca poti, tu sa fii mai bun ca ea.
Sister, if you can, be better than her.
E prea devreme acum...
It's too early now...
Inca mai poti sa visezi...
You can still dream...
Si lumea nu e ce crezi...
And the world is not what you think...
Nu te grabi sa o vezi...
Don't rush to see it...
Nu e despre mine sau tovarasii mei
It's not about me or my comrades
Sau despre fratii mei, dar daca ei sunt cei
Or my brothers, but if they're the ones
Care te fac sa vrei sa fii ca ei, hai sa-ti zic ceva:
Who make you want to be like them, let me tell you something:
Fratii sunt tot frati cand tovarasii sunt 'pa'
Brothers are still brothers when comrades are 'gone'
Asa ca da, ai incredere in cine crezi
So yes, trust who you believe
Si vezi ce faci, sa nu faci tot ce vezi
And watch what you do, don't do everything you see
Ca vezi whisky, bei cu sticla, faci combinatii
Because you see whiskey, you drink by the bottle, you make combinations
Gandesti, ai si tu o varsta, te grabesti sa cresti
You think, you are old enough, you are in a hurry to grow up
Nu, ia inchipuie-ti acum altceva
No, imagine something else now
Uite familia ta la inmormantarea ta
Look at your family at your funeral
Nu arati prea bine, plange maica-ta
You don't look too good, your mother is crying
Dac-ar putea ar vrea sa moara si ea
If she could, she would want to die too
Asa de mic ai murit, te-ai grabit (esti mort!)
You died so young, you hurried (you're dead!)
Mult prea mic in lumea asta nebuna de tot
Far too young in this crazy world
Ce ce zic din partea mea, sa mor
What I'm saying, for my part, is that you'll die
Poti sa bagi ha pana mori.
You can smoke dope until you die.
Lumea e nebuna, vad copii cu ani mai multi ca mine
The world is crazy, I see kids years older than me
Cu parul alb ce inca nu disting raul de bine
With white hair who still don't know right from wrong
Dau sentimente grele in cuvinte fine pentru tine
They say heavy feelings in gentle words for you
Esti impotriva tuturor de mic, retine
You're against everyone from a young age, remember
N-ai inca buletin dar de copilarie ai uitat de mult.
You don't have an ID yet, but you forgot about your childhood a long time ago.
Si gandurile-ti stau la smecherie, la bogatie
And your thoughts are on mischief, on wealth
Tu stii ca despre saracie se pot face multe filme insa nu vreo comedie?
You know that about poverty you can make a lot of movies but not comedy?
Si e o zi proasta, o luna proasta, sau deja un an prost
And it's a bad day, a bad month, or already a bad year
Se-ntreaba maica-ta si tu esti furios ca esti neputincios
Your mother asks and you are furious that you are powerless
Incepi sa furi fara folos ca nu esti norocos
You start stealing for nothing because you are not lucky
Si viata se transforma in haos
And life turns into chaos
Prea mult pentru un copil stresat, ingrijorat
Too much for a stressed, worried child
De toate greutatile care ii cad in spate peste noapte
Of all the hardships that befall her overnight
Nu-ti dau voie sa respiri, te apasa
They won't let you breathe, they crush you
Poate cineva sa te aduca inapoi la realitate?
Can anyone bring you back to reality?
Da! Tu! Nu-ti risca viata pentru niste fise
Yes! You! Don't risk your life for some money
Nici daca pare c-ai in fata usi inchise
Not even if it feels like you're facing closed doors
Tine doar de tine ca prin fapte si cuvinte zise
It's only up to you, through your actions and spoken words
Sa te-apropii de ce numesti acum vise.
To get closer to what you now call dreams.

Авторы: alin adrian demeter, dragoş vlad neagu, vlad irimia

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