e.Sens - 10.18.14 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский e.Sens - 10.18.14

여긴 누구 잘되는 가만히 보네
Here nobody can stand to see someone doing well
실실 웃으면서 지내지 않으면 손해
It's a loss if you don't laugh it off and get by
그러면서 속으론 경쟁
Yet there's competition deep down
여태 배웠던게
That's what I've learned so far
그건데 어떡해 다들 뻔뻔해
But what can I do, you're all so shameless
그거 욕해봤자
Even if I curse you out
좋은 소리 전혀 못들어
I don't get to hear anything good
안나오는 꼴통이었지
I've been a good-for-nothing blockhead
언제나 꼰대입장에선
Always in the position of a loser
내가 제거대상 1호야 맨날
I'm always target number one to be eliminated
어디서 객사 팔자라네 나더러
I must have the bad luck to die in a strange land
좆까 새끼야
You fucking punk
재차 쑤셔대
I'll stab you again and again
같잖은 평가질의 정면에 우뚝섰네
I stood tall in the face of unfair criticism
아빠 들으러 너넨
You guys should go listen to your dad
This game isn't
멍청한 니가 얘기할게 아니지
For a fool like you to talk about
한국 엔터테인먼트
What is this Korean entertainment?
으어 됐고 집시의 태도로
Ugh, okay, I'll go with the attitude of a gypsy
VIP 들어가지
And enter the VIP room
비싼 술도 막걸리 같이
Even expensive drinks taste like rice wine
이런것들이 뭐라고
What's the big deal with these things
니넨 그렇게 난리냐
To you guys?
옷걸이 같은거야
You're like a coat hanger
음악하는게 아니라
You don't do music
맨날 하는 얘기
All you ever talk about is
Another level shit
Another level shit
맞는 체급
Wrong weight class
배보다 배꼽 젯밥 대충
A belly bigger than your stomach, some random feast
훑어봐도 나오지
I can't find anything of value even if I skim through it
적도 없는 애들이나
Only those who have never seen anything
그거 곧이 곧대로 믿어
Would believe that nonsense
헛소리들 뿐인 인터뷰 방긋
Interviews full of nothing but bullshit, grinning widely
예쁘게 웃고
Smiling prettily and
여러분들 사랑한다고
Telling everyone that you love them
Yeah 좋은 니가 해라 그냥
Yeah, you go ahead and do all the nice things
개털일땐 까더니
When shit happens, you just turn your back
생기니 변하는구나
But you change when things get better
씨발 니네들 음반 구라야 전부
Fuck, if I bought all your albums
멜론 1위 했던데
They would have all been number one on Melon
Good Job
Oh, Good Job

e.Sens - The Anecdote
The Anecdote
дата релиза

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