lecca - NO.2 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский lecca - NO.2

今日も甘んじるNO.2 こんな自分がやんなる
Even today, I resign myself to being NO. 2, even though I'm sick of being like this.
研ぎ澄ませよ感覚 難なく勝たせちゃくれないさ
I'll sharpen my senses. You can't just let me win.
今日も甘んじるNO.2 時々自分がやんなる
Even today, I resign myself to being NO. 2, sometimes I get sick of it.
研ぎ澄ませよ感覚 でもいつかは抜け出すNO.2
I'll sharpen my senses. But someday I'll break out of being NO. 2.
遅咲きの大きなつぼみ そこかしこその時を待ち
A late-blooming beautiful bud waits patiently for its time here and there.
言葉にもならぬ思い秘め 起きだすよ産声あげて
Harboring indescribable feelings, I get up and let out a cry.
もううんざりするのよ時々 こんなポジションにはこりごり
Sometimes I get really tired of it, I'm really sick of being in this position.
I should be living in a colorful castle because I'm awesome.
I've often heard the question, "Which one is bigger?"
Unfortunately, I might just keep being "a little disappointing" forever.
I don't wanna be a loser なら食うか食われるか瀬戸際で戦い
I don't want to be a loser, so I'll fight on the edge of being eaten or eating.
I wanna be a ruler 過酷な運命には全力で抗い
I want to be a ruler, so I'll resist my harsh fate with all my might.
My efforts will be rewarded soon, so I'll keep going because it's meaningful.
Gonna be a ruler, don't be a loser ビバサバイバル勝ちにゆかん
Gonna be a ruler, don't be a loser, viva la survival, go for the win.
But when I got to where I was going, she was already there.
But the world will surely smile at me someday.
今日も甘んじるNO.2 こんな自分がやんなる
Even today, I resign myself to being NO. 2, even though I'm sick of being like this.
研ぎ澄ませよ感覚 難なく勝たせちゃくれないさ
I'll sharpen my senses. You can't just let me win.
今日も甘んじるNO.2 時々自分がやんなる
Even today, I resign myself to being NO. 2, sometimes I get sick of it.
研ぎ澄ませよ感覚 でもいつかは抜け出すNO.2
I'll sharpen my senses. But someday I'll break out of being NO. 2.
NO.2なら2らしく あのまんまるなMoonらしく
If I'm NO. 2, I'll be like the No. 2, like the round Moon.
If I feel annoyed while watching, now I'll be furious.
NO.2から抜け出す 万策尽きるまで行け
I'll get out of being NO. 2, I'll go until I've exhausted all my options.
城の陥落はすぐそこ ランチャー撃つ時は烈火のごとく
The castle's fall is just around the corner, so when it's time to fire the launcher, be furious.
勝てないわ いつまでたってもなかなか晴れないわ あの空はまだまだ
I can't win, no matter how long it takes, that sky is still cloudy.
でも負けないわ たとえ骨になってもやればいいさ やめなきゃいいさ
But I won't lose, even if I end up just skin and bones, as long as I don't give up.
But when I got to where I was going, she was already there.
But the world will surely smile at me someday.
だらだらやってるつもりはない まだまだ勝ってくわたしでいたい
I'm not going to slack off, I still want to win.
I'm always on edge, fighting in life, just praying for a brighter future.
あなたを越すため頑張れた 夜空のかなたにらみ鼻歌
I was able to keep going to get past you, glaring at the night sky and humming.
ほんとはちょっぴり甘えてた 嫌になれば勝てないせいにした
The truth is, I was a little cowardly, blaming my failures on you.
ほんとの敵はどこにいる それは遠くじゃなくってここにいる
Where is the real enemy? It's not far away, it's right here.
I flinch in no time because the one who frightens me the most is always right beside me.
心からつかみたいナンバーワン ならば続けましょHunter Run
If I really want to get the number one, then let's keep going, Hunter Run.
ひとっこひとり私の上にはいちゃいけないのよ ランランランラン
No one should be above me, la-la-la-la.
NO.2なら2らしく あのまんまるなMoonらしく
If I'm NO. 2, I'll be like the No. 2, like the round Moon.
If I feel annoyed while watching, now I'll be furious.
NO.2から抜け出す 万策尽きるまで行け
I'll get out of being NO. 2, I'll go until I've exhausted all my options.
城の陥落はすぐそこ ランチャー撃つ時は烈火のごとく
The castle's fall is just around the corner, so when it's time to fire the launcher, be furious.
今日も甘んじるNO.2 こんな自分がやんなる
Even today, I resign myself to being NO. 2, even though I'm sick of being like this.
研ぎ澄ませよ感覚 難なく勝たせちゃくれないさ
I'll sharpen my senses. You can't just let me win.
今日も甘んじるNO.2 時々自分がやんなる
Even today, I resign myself to being NO. 2, sometimes I get sick of it.
研ぎ澄ませよ感覚 でもいつかは抜け出すNO.2
I'll sharpen my senses. But someday I'll break out of being NO. 2.

Авторы: 烈火

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