lecheromon oficial - Entre Choros y Hechizos - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский lecheromon oficial - Entre Choros y Hechizos

Entre Choros y Hechizos
Between Thugs and Wannabes
Terrible terrible terrible oye oye
Terrible terrible terrible hey hey
Pero que pasa wacho que pasa
What's up dude what's up
Oye me robe un panel chuchetumare
Hey I stole a whole panel dude holy crap
Me robe un panel weon
I stole a whole panel dude
Chaaa no te pitiaste
Damn you weren't kidding
La radio entera
The whole radio
No weon
Nah dude
No pude conchemimare
I couldn't damn it
Soy terrible hechizo
I'm terribly cursed
Aonde yo soy entero choro
When I'm a total thug
Yo siempre ando roando
I'm always roaming around
La pulenta la pulenta
The cash the cash
Bueno sale pa fuera po klo
Well come on out then you idiot
Que te apuesto con esta te tapizo
I bet you with this I'll cover you
Te tapizo te tapizo con esta
I'll cover you I'll cover you with this
Tay vio tay vio no tay vio
You see you see you don't see
Te doy te doy
I'll give you I'll give you
Te doy vicio toa la noche
I'll give you vice all night long
Damas y caballeros
Ladies and gentlemen
Que tengan un buen dia
Have a good day
Me dicen el lechero
They call me the milkman
Y compongo poesias
And I compose poetry
La atencion va a ser
The attention will be
Lo unica cosa que les pida
The only thing I ask of you
Para entregar mi hiphop
To deliver my hip hop
De una forma divertida
In a fun way
En la vida cotidiana
In everyday life
Los jiles caen en cana
The fools end up in jail
En la celda son las nanas
In the cell they are the maids
Y hasta le rompen la rana
And they even break their frog
Salen de adentro entero
They come out of there whole
Picaos a chorizos
Bitten by sausages
Y con la pepa abierta
And with their asses open
Con el manso orificio
With a huge hole
Les pasa por hechizos
It happens to them by spells
Por ser muy alumbraos
For being too flashy
Quieren pasar por vios
They want to pass for thugs
Y quedan como aweonaos
And they end up looking like idiots
Sera su inteligencia
It must be their intelligence
No creo porque no tienen
I don't think so because they don't have any
Ser un picao a choro
Being a wannabe thug
Es lo unico que los mantiene
It's the only thing that keeps them going
Y que los entretiene
And that entertains them
Hablar puras chorezas
Talking pure nonsense
Al toque van tirando
Right away they're throwing
La ficha sobre la mesa
Their cards on the table
A todos miran por weon
They look at everyone like they're stupid
Siempre alumbran un cañon
They always flash a gun
Y nunca han disparao
And they've never shot
Estos choros de carton
These cardboard thugs
Entre choro y hechizos
Between a thug and a wannabe
Hay mucha diferencia
There's a lot of difference
Teni que darte cuenta
You have to realize
Solamente en la presencia
Just by their presence
El choro es caballero
The thug is a gentleman
Y vacila entero piola
And chills out all cool
Mientras que el hechizo
While the wannabe
Se le cae la ficha sola
His act falls apart
Entre choro y hechizos
Between a thug and a wannabe
Hay mucha diferencia
There's a lot of difference
Teni que darte cuenta
You have to realize
Solamente en la presencia
Just by their presence
El choro es caballero
The thug is a gentleman
Y vacila entero piola
And chills out all cool
Mientras que el hechizo
While the wannabe
Se le cae la ficha sola
His act falls apart
Lecheromon uno con dos
Lecheromon one with two
Care tuto producciones
Care tuto productions
Dos mil seis
Two thousand six
Entre serio y chistoso
Between serious and funny
Ahora es la otra cara
Now it's the other side
De esta gran medalla
Of this great medal
Hablo de lo que nunca
I speak of what never
Han alumbrao sus hazañas
Have their exploits illuminated
No sacan su flaiteza
They don't bring out their thugness
Porque saben donde hacerla
Because they know where to do it
No se salvan en su pobla
They don't act up in their hood
Porque no les interesa
Because they're not interested
A los picaos a choros
Those wannabe thugs
Se los come con limon
They eat them with lemon
La pasan bien pulento
They have a great time
No importa cual vacilon
It doesn't matter what kind of party
Sea hiphop sea reggae
Be it hip hop be it reggae
Sea cumbia o reggaeton
Be it cumbia or reggaeton
Y no rayan la papa
And they don't mess things up
Aunque se tomen un bidon
Even if they drink a gallon
Si ellos quieren salvarse
If they want to get rich
Van donde hay arta plata
They go where there's lots of money
Por ejemplo en las condes
For example in Las Condes
Donde estan las mansas casas
Where the big houses are
No se pasan peliculas
They don't play games
Y viven su vola
And they live their life
Y no andan como jiles
And they don't go around like idiots
Haciendo puras pescas
Making stupid moves
Bueno yo soy rapero
Well I'm a rapper
Y respeto cualquier mente
And I respect everyone's mind
Pero no la de jiles
But not the fools'
Envolaos con la gente
Crazy with people
Ahora este lechero
Now this milkman
Termina esta cancion
Finishes this song
De los choros pulentos
Of the real thugs
Y los choros de carton
And the cardboard thugs
Entre choro y hechizos
Between a thug and a wannabe
Hay mucha diferencia
There's a lot of difference
Teni que darte cuenta
You have to realize
Solamente en la presencia
Just by their presence
El choro es caballero
The thug is a gentleman
Y vacila entero piola
And chills out all cool
Mientras que el hechizo
While the wannabe
Se le cae la ficha sola
His act falls apart
Entre choro y hechizos
Between a thug and a wannabe
Hay mucha diferencia
There's a lot of difference
Teni que darte cuenta
You have to realize
Solamente en la presencia
Just by their presence
El choro es caballero
The thug is a gentleman
Y vacila entero piola
And chills out all cool
Mientras que el hechizo
While the wannabe
Se le cae la ficha sola
His act falls apart

Авторы: Francisco Abalos

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