lecheromon oficial - Persecución - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский lecheromon oficial - Persecución

Ha ha uno con dos si lecheromon
Ha ha one with two yes lecheromon
Care tuto producciones dice asi
Care tuto productions says like this
Cuidado los pacos vienen detras
Watch out, the cops are coming
Patas pa que te quiero
Legs for what I want you
Hay que puro arrancar
We have to run
La cosa esta pelua
Things are hairy
Mi zoronca va a estallar
My heart is going to explode
Yo no quiero pagar
I don't want to pay
Ninguna multa re culia
No fucking fine
Cuidado los pacos vienen detras
Watch out, the cops are coming
Patas pa que te quiero
Legs for what I want you
Hay que puro arrancar
We have to run
La cosa esta pelua
Things are hairy
Mi zoronca va a estallar
My heart is going to explode
Yo no quiero pagar
I don't want to pay
Ninguna multa re culia
No fucking fine
Unas pocas moneas
A few coins
Haciendo pa unas chelas
Making for some beers
Tambien pa unos cigarros
Also for some cigarettes
O cualquier wea que sea
Or whatever it is
Cinco lucas fue el monto
Five lucas was the amount
Que hicimos en esa noche
We did that night
Sin saber que el destino
Without knowing that destiny
Nos daria el manso boche
Would give us the slow punch
Vamos pa la botica
Let's go to the pharmacy
Iba toda la clika
The whole clique was going
A comprar un copete
To buy a drink
Y rescatar guachitas ricas
And rescue rich chicks
Compramos rescatamos
We buy, we rescue
Y llegamos donde mismo
And we arrive at the same place
Sin imaginarnos de algo
Without imagining something
Malo y de imprevisto
Bad and unforeseen
Nos tomamos las chelas
We drink the beers
Hicimos pa una garrafa
We made for a bottle
Habia bastante vino
There was plenty of wine
Nadie se iba pa la casa
Nobody was going home
Teniamos mansa bulla
We had a slow bull
Nos miraban viejas sapas
Old mares were looking at us
Aparecen los pacos
The cops appear
Y la trifulca se desata
And the brawl breaks out
Todos salen de vuelo
Everyone flies out
La garrafa en el suelo
The bottle on the floor
Recogen la garrincha
They pick up the garrincha
Y las patas ni se le vieron
And the legs were not even seen
Unos la hicieron corta
Some made it short
Pero otros no pudieron
But others couldn't
Yo estaba en la lista
I was on the list
De los que nunca corrieron
Of those who never ran
Cuidado los pacos vienen detras
Watch out, the cops are coming
Patas pa que te quiero
Legs for what I want you
Hay que puro arrancar
We have to run
La cosa esta pelua
Things are hairy
Mi zoronca va a estallar
My heart is going to explode
Yo no quiero pagar
I don't want to pay
Ninguna multa re culia
No fucking fine
Cuidado los pacos vienen detras
Watch out, the cops are coming
Patas pa que te quiero
Legs for what I want you
Hay que puro arrancar
We have to run
La cosa esta pelua
Things are hairy
Mi zoronca va a estallar
My heart is going to explode
Yo no quiero pagar
I don't want to pay
Ninguna multa re culia
No fucking fine
Fuimos tres los que nos
We were the three of us
Quedamos nos atraparon
They caught us
Nos pusieron manos arriba
They put our hands up
Hasta los cocos revisaron
They even checked the coconuts
Niuna wea encontraron
They didn't find a damn thing
Para dar el manso jugo
To give the slow juice
Tenian las medias pepas
They had half pills
Se cacho que andaban duro
It showed that they were hard
Roca parece que
Rock it seems that
Rescataron muy poca
They rescued very little
Abusaron de su power
They abused their power
Parecian yeguas locas
They looked like crazy mares
Pero el mundo da vuelta
But the world turns around
Despues a ellos les toca
Then it's their turn
El juzgado es pequeño
The court is small
Y el de arriba es el que enfoca
And the one above is the one who focuses
Hicieron un chequeo
They did a check
Por si hemos sido reos
In case we've been inmates
No tenimo antecedentes
We have no criminal record
Que el paco corte el webeo
Let the cop cut the bullshit
Por el olor a vino
Because of the smell of wine
Querian puro llevarnos
They just wanted to take us away
Uno no aguanto
One couldn't take it
Por eso salio arrancando
That's why he ran away
Ahora quedamos dos
Now there are two of us left
Le rogabamos a dios
We begged god
Que los pacos nos soltaran
That the cops would let us go
Sin llevarnos a prision
Without taking us to prison
Me pescan de un brazo
They catch me by one arm
A la patrulla entro yo
I got into the patrol car
Abro la otra puerta
I open the other door
Y arranco sin compasion
And I run without mercy
Cuidado los pacos vienen detras
Watch out, the cops are coming
Patas pa que te quiero
Legs for what I want you
Hay que puro arrancar
We have to run
La cosa esta pelua
Things are hairy
Mi zoronca va a estallar
My heart is going to explode
Yo no quiero pagar
I don't want to pay
Ninguna multa re culia
No fucking fine
Cuidado los pacos vienen detras
Watch out, the cops are coming
Patas pa que te quiero
Legs for what I want you
Hay que puro arrancar
We have to run
La cosa esta pelua
Things are hairy
Mi zoronca va a estallar
My heart is going to explode
Yo no quiero pagar
I don't want to pay
Ninguna multa re culia
No fucking fine
Arrancando por pasajes
Starting through passages
Mi zoronca fuerte late
My heart beats hard
Hay cualquier adrenalina
There is any adrenaline
Para llegar al escape
To get to the escape
Ya siento las balizas
I already feel the beacons
Que se acercan bien deprisa
That are approaching very quickly
Estaba asustado
I was scared
Pues nada me daba risa
Well, nothing made me laugh
Saltando panderetas
Jumping fences
Arrancando por potreros
Starting through pastures
Los perros me ladraban
The dogs barked at me
Como si fuera cuatrero
As if I were a cattle thief
Entero embarao
Whole pregnant
Me siguen pacos culiaos
Fucking cops are following me
Los escuchos en todos laos
I hear them everywhere
Parece que estoy rodeao
I think I'm surrounded
Debajo de un auto
Under a car
Me escondo bien fondo
I hide very deep
Paso una patrulla
A patrol passes
Puedo respirar bien hondo
I can breathe deeply
Me pego un percinazo
I hit myself
Y salgo debajo del auto
And I get out from under the car
Llegue bien para mi casa
I arrived home safely
Con ataque estan los pacos
The cops are on the attack
Hay que tener cuidado
You have to be careful
Si estay tomando en la calle
If you are drinking in the street
Los pacos estan alerta
The cops are on alert
De nosotros usted lo sabe
You know about us
Ni ahi con los que roban
Not there with those who steal
Quieren puro sacar multas
They just want to get fines
Es asi la policia
This is how the police are
Son puros hijos de puta
They are all sons of bitches
Cuidado los pacos vienen detras
Watch out, the cops are coming
Patas pa que te quiero
Legs for what I want you
Hay que puro arrancar
We have to run
La cosa esta pelua
Things are hairy
Mi zoronca va a estallar
My heart is going to explode
Yo no quiero pagar
I don't want to pay
Ninguna multa re culia
No fucking fine
Cuidado los pacos vienen detras
Watch out, the cops are coming
Patas pa que te quiero
Legs for what I want you
Hay que puro arrancar
We have to run
La cosa esta pelua
Things are hairy
Mi zoronca va a estallar
My heart is going to explode
Yo no quiero pagar
I don't want to pay
Ninguna multa re culia
No fucking fine
Tengan cuidado al tomar
Be careful when drinking
La policia es muy corrupta hermano
The police are very corrupt brother
No esta ni ahi con nada
Not even there with anything
Solamente sacar multas
Just get fines

Авторы: Francisco Abalos Morales

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