lecheromon oficial - Andate De Chile - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский lecheromon oficial - Andate De Chile

Andate De Chile
Get Out of Chile
Esto no es imitacion
This isn't an imitation,
Tampoco es español
It's also not Spanish,
Ni cagando es frances
It's not freaking French,
Ni mucho menos nueva york
And it's definitely not New York,
Esto es chileno y nace
This is Chilean and it's born
Desde santiago
From Santiago,
Si se cree de otro pais
If you think it's from another country,
Entonces en esto ya cago
Then you're already screwed up on this.
Soy rapero de esta larga
I'm a rapper from this long
Y angosta faja de tierra
And narrow strip of land,
Y seguire diciendo esto
And I will keep saying this
Aunque cruce la frontera
Even if I cross the border.
Aqui conoci
Here I knew
El hiphop que aprendi
The hip-hop I learned,
No es en usa ni en españa
It's not from the USA or Spain,
No es en fracia ni en haiti
It's not from France or Haiti.
Solamente desde aqui
Only from here,
Desde atras de la cordillera
From behind the Andes,
Donde se toma la chicha
Where they drink chicha
En cacho y con espuelas
In a bull's horn and with spurs,
Donde la calle pasa a ser
Where the street becomes
La unica escuela
The only school,
Y el pobre es simbolo
And the poor are a symbol
Como la bandera chilena
Like the Chilean flag.
Por eso me da pena
That's why I feel sorry
Los que se creen gansta
For those who think they're gangsters,
Parecen ratones
They look like mice
Infectados con hanta
Infected with hantavirus.
Si no estan en usa
If they're not in the USA,
Entoces estan en francia
Then they're in France,
Solo ven un avion
They only see a plane
Y de subirse le dan ancias
And they get the urge to get on it.
Por eso me dan nauceas
That's why they make me nauseous,
Porque no ven a su alrrededor
Because they don't look around them,
No hay torre de einfel
There's no Eiffel Tower
Ni estatuas de liberacion
Or Statue of Liberty.
Esto es chile que esta lleno
This is Chile, which is full
De gente alcoholica
Of alcoholic people.
Rije un presidente
We mock a president,
Y no isabel de la catolica
And not Isabella the Catholic.
No estoy tirando mierda
I'm not talking shit
Para otros paises
About other countries,
Si no pa los que tienen
But about those who have
La mente como perdices
Minds like partridges,
Pa que se contradise
To contradict themselves
Si ya tiene sus raices
If they already have their roots.
Es buena es chilena
It's good, it's Chilean,
No es pa que la desperdicie
Don't waste it.
Si no te gusta chile
If you don't like Chile,
Entonces andate de el
Then get out of it,
Agarra otro destino
Take another destination
Si aqui te vay a perder
Because here you're going to lose yourself.
No hay que ser inmigrante
You don't have to be an immigrant
Para darte a conocer
To make yourself known.
Si podi en otro pais
If you can in another country,
Como aqui no vay a poder
You won't be able to here.
Si no te gusta chile
If you don't like Chile,
Entonces andate de el
Then get out of it,
Agarra otro destino
Take another destination
Si aqui te vay a perder
Because here you're going to lose yourself.
No hay que ser inmigrante
You don't have to be an immigrant
Para darte a conocer
To make yourself known.
Si podi en otro pais
If you can in another country,
Como aqui no vay a poder
You won't be able to here.
Muchos se van pa afuera
Many go abroad
Porque afuera hay dinero
Because there's money out there,
Se hacen millonarios
They become millionaires
Con el hiphop que aprendieron
With the hip-hop they learned.
Se hicieron comerciales
They went commercial
Y en eso la vendieron
And sold out on that.
Se olvidaron de su pobla
They forgot about their neighborhood
Y tambien de chile entero
And also about all of Chile.
Soy un cabro de poblacion
I'm a kid from the hood
Y no tengo los medios
And I don't have the means
Para hacer mi musica
To make my music
Apoyando a los raperos
Supporting the real rappers
Verdaderos que de niño
Who, since childhood,
Resaltan con rimas puras
Stand out with pure rhymes
Y suben a las micros
And get on the mics
A expresar nuestra cultura
To express our culture.
La dura no hay que
Listen up, there's no need
Envidiarle nada a otro pais
To envy any other country,
Aqui eres un maestro
Here you're a master
Pero alla eres aprendiz
But there you're an apprentice.
La cosa es asi
That's how it is
Y sera en todas partes
And it will be everywhere,
Discriminaran tu estilo
They will discriminate against your style
Y de vuelta van a mandarte
And they'll send you back.
A este chile querido
To this beloved Chile
Donde aprendiste el rap
Where you learned rap,
Ese el que no es de cuento
The one that's not a fairytale,
Ese el que habla la realidad
The one that speaks the reality
De arica a punta arenas
From Arica to Punta Arenas,
Remarcando este lugar
Highlighting this place.
No cambio a mi chilito
I wouldn't trade my little Chile
Porque es muy especial
Because it's very special.
Si sueñas ser inmigrante
If you dream of being an immigrant
Y desaparecer del mapa
And disappearing from the map,
Veras que estar afuera
You'll see that being away
Realmente no es tan papa
Really isn't all that great.
Muchos te haran la tapa
Many will try to screw you over,
La soledad te atrapa
Loneliness will trap you,
Y ahi te cordaras que tu
And that's when you'll remember that your
Mama te espera en casa
Mom is waiting for you at home.
Si no te gusta chile
If you don't like Chile,
Ya deja de joder
Then stop messing around,
Andate a la chucha
Go to hell
Y que jamas queray volver
And never come back,
Porque en otro pais
Because in another country
Nunca vay a pertenecer
You will never belong,
Aunque te nacionalisi
Even if you become a citizen,
Aunque no queray entender
Even if you don't want to understand.
Si no te gusta chile
If you don't like Chile,
Entonces andate de el
Then get out of it,
Agarra otro destino
Take another destination
Si aqui te vay a perder
Because here you're going to lose yourself.
No hay que ser inmigrante
You don't have to be an immigrant
Para darte a conocer
To make yourself known.
Si podi en otro pais
If you can in another country,
Como aqui no vay a poder
You won't be able to here.
Si no te gusta chile
If you don't like Chile,
Entonces andate de el
Then get out of it,
Agarra otro destino
Take another destination
Si aqui te vay a perder
Because here you're going to lose yourself.
No hay que ser inmigrante
You don't have to be an immigrant
Para darte a conocer
To make yourself known.
Si podi en otro pais
If you can in another country,
Como aqui no vay a poder
You won't be able to here.
Lecheromon care tuto
Lecheromon care tuto
Uno con dos tambien
One with two too
Dos mil cinco
Two thousand five

Авторы: Francisco Abalos Morales

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