lecheromon oficial - Las Fiestas - Remix - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский lecheromon oficial - Las Fiestas - Remix

Las Fiestas - Remix
The Parties - Remix
Bueno cuando uno va
Well, when you go
A una fiesta cabro
To a party, bro
Va con la mente de comerse
You go with the mindset of eating
Una mina rica
A hot chick
Con tetita potito
With big boobs and ass
Pero ten cuidado
But be careful
Con el copetito
With the little dick
Porque te podi comerte
Because you could eat
Cualquier weaita
Any little thing
Bueno para explicarle
Well, to explain it
Escuchen este tema
Listen to this song
Freestyle copete
Freestyle with a drink
Carrete hasta mañana
Party until tomorrow
Es lo suficiente
That's enough
Pa una fiesta muy insana
For a very crazy party
Guachas buenas
Good girls
Otras que son muy malas
Others who are very bad
Gordas o flacas
Fat or skinny
Potona o raja tabla
Big ass or flat
Cada uno con su gusto
Everyone with their own taste
Ojala no pasi susto
Hopefully, you don't get scared
Le hechi la culpa al copete
I blame it on the drink
Porque eso es injusto
Because that's not fair
Lo que esta comio
What you ate
Esta comio amigo mio
You ate it, my friend
No vaya a arrepentirse
Don't regret it
Porque usted ya la ha vendio
Because you already sold her
Pero igual la pasay Bacan
But you still have a good time
Ni cagando te da alca
No way you're getting rejected
Le day un besito
Give her a little kiss
Solamente para entrar
Just to get in
Como anday con copete
Since you're drunk
Teni personalidad
You have personality
Y soy un caballero
And I'm a gentleman
Pa poder agradarla mas
To make her like me more
Si te acepta el beso
If she accepts the kiss
Pulento contento
Cool, happy
Por si se da la mano
If she gives you her hand
Con el otro estay atento
Be careful with the other one
Y ahi te la jugay
And then you go for it
Primero la abrazay
First, you hug her
Le day vuelta la carita
Turn her face around
Y un atraque le pegay
And give her a good one
Por eso que la fiestas
That's why parties
Son pulentas
Are awesome
Vay a tomar copete y agarrar
Go get drunk and grab
Una tremenda que wacha
A hot chick
Nos gusta las mujeres
We like women
Que no tiran la hilacha
Who don't give up easily
Porque las que la tiran
Because those who do
Rapido se les despacha
Get dispatched quickly
Por eso que la fiestas
That's why parties
Son pulentas
Are awesome
Vay a tomar copete y agarrar
Go get drunk and grab
Una tremenda que wacha
A hot chick
Nos gusta las mujeres
We like women
Que no tiran la hilacha
Who don't give up easily
Porque las que la tiran
Because those who do
Rapido se les despacha
Get dispatched quickly
Hoooo la media guacha
Damn, what a hot chick
Pero ten cuidado wm
But be careful, man
No vaya a ser que este
Don't let her be
Contagia no se por ahi
Contagious, you know
Se ve limpiecita por fuera
She looks clean on the outside
Pero por dentro
But on the inside
Hay unos que tienen
Some have
La mala suerte de por medio
Bad luck
Se comen una horrible
They eat something horrible
O lo despachan sin remedio
Or get kicked out without a chance
No rescatan niuna
They don't get any
Mas solo que la luna
More alone than the moon
Quedan terrible bravos
They end up really pissed off
Y con la mansa ni que
And with a huge grudge
Lo unico que consuela
The only thing that comforts
El copete y la manuela
The drink and the cigarette
Derrepente un pitito
Maybe a little sniff
Para ver si este te vuela
To see if it gets you high
No pensay en tu madre
You don't think about your mom
Ni tampoco en tu abuela
Or your grandma either
Solo en esa mina
Just about that girl
Que te dejo con secuelas
Who left you with consequences
Ojo por tomarte el rastrojo
Watch out for taking the wrong turn
Las minas no te pescan
Girls don't pay attention to you
Porque anday como piojo
Because you're walking around like a louse
Teni care piante
You have a bad look
Se te empiezan a arrancarte
They start to run away from you
Anday volao en dipirula
You're flying on pills
Ya no asi ningun rescate
No one will save you anymore
Se termina la fiesta
The party ends
Y vo botao como colilla
And you're thrown out like a cigarette butt
No tuviste suerte
You didn't have luck
Pa rescatar una chiquilla
To rescue a girl
Te fuiste pa la casa
You went home
Con la vena es verdad
With the vein, it's true
No importa guacho porque
It doesn't matter, bro, because
Pa la proxima sera
Next time it will be
Por eso que la fiestas
That's why parties
Son pulentas
Are awesome
Vay a tomar copete y agarrar
Go get drunk and grab
Una tremenda que wacha
A hot chick
Nos gusta las mujeres
We like women
Que no tiran la hilacha
Who don't give up easily
Porque las que la tiran
Because those who do
Rapido se les despacha
Get dispatched quickly
Por eso que la fiestas
That's why parties
Son pulentas
Are awesome
Vay a tomar copete y agarrar
Go get drunk and grab
Una tremenda que wacha
A hot chick
Nos gusta las mujeres
We like women
Que no tiran la hilacha
Who don't give up easily
Porque las que la tiran
Because those who do
Rapido se les despacha
Get dispatched quickly
Bueno aqui lecheromon
Well, here Lecheromon
Uno con dos
One with two
Care tuto producciones
Care Tuto Productions
Entre serio y chistoso
Between serious and funny
Aqui quilicura
Here in Quilicura

Авторы: Francisco Abalos Morales

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