lynch. - F.A.K.E. - перевод текста песни на английский

F.A.K.E. - lynch.перевод на английский

見破れないさ そう FAKE
You can't see through it, so FAKE
鋭利な嘘が まぶたを切り裂いていく
Sharp lies cut your eyelids
みやびな FAKE
Elegant FAKE
毒の華が 狂おしく世界を彩る
Poisonous flowers color the world with madness
あなたに逢えた 奇跡を歌おう
I'll sing about the miracle of meeting you
月光さえ喰らう 妖星参らん
An ominous star devours even the moonlight
No one can imitate this
漆黒舞い上がる 光明奪い去る
Pitch-black darkness rises, stealing away the light
We don't need vague names
美しき 鴉が如き翼で 奪い去りましょう 遠く
With beautiful wings like a raven, we'll snatch you away far
No thanks, I'm a fake
No thanks, I'm a fake
見破れないさ そう FAKE
You can't see through it, so FAKE
鋭利な嘘が あなたを切り裂いていく
Sharp lies cut you
みやびな FAKE
Elegant FAKE
毒の華が 狂おしく世界を彩る
Poisonous flowers color the world with madness
見たこともない華 咲かせましょう
Let's make flowers bloom that no one has ever seen
轟音 蹴散らせ 眼の前 喰らえ昇天必殺
Scatter the roar, devour the spectacle before you, rise to heaven and strike
轟音 蹴散らせ 眼の前 喰らえ脳天崩壊
Scatter the roar, devour the spectacle before you, smash your skull
首刈り賜う死神 偽の開眼問わせ
A死神grants you a beheading, asks a fake awakening
罪深き 悪魔が如き翼で 奪い去りましょう 遠く
With sinful wings like a demon, we'll snatch you away far
No thanks, I'm a fake
No thanks, I'm a fake
見破れないさ そう FAKE
You can't see through it, so FAKE
鋭利な嘘が まぶたを切り裂いていく
Sharp lies cut your eyelids
みやびな FAKE
Elegant FAKE
毒の華が 激しく狂い咲いていく
Poisonous flowers bloom furiously and madly
淫らしく 絡ませながら あなたを狂わせていく
I'll entwine you in lust, driving you疯狂
みやびな FAKE
Elegant FAKE
孤毒の歌が 狂おしく世界を彩る
A song of loneliness colors the world with madness
永遠をただ描きながら この夜 この時
Just drawing eternity, this night, this moment
あなたに逢えた 奇跡を歌おう
I'll sing about the miracle of meeting you
I'll sing for you
I'll sing for you

Авторы: Xie Yue (LYNCH.), 葉月(LYNCH.)

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