mimiss - Nu Ma Intrec - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский mimiss - Nu Ma Intrec

Nu Ma Intrec
Nu Ma Intrec
Sa ma intrec?
Should I start?
Sincer nu am cu cine, ai uitat esti repetent?
Honestly, I have no one to compete with, did you forget you failed?
Uite, ti-l dau in rate ca deloc nu ai talent
Look, I'll give it to you in installments because you have absolutely no talent
Vezi ca dobanda-i mare nu suntem la provident
Watch out, the interest is high, we're not at a loan company
Sa ma intrec?
Should I start?
Sincer nu am cu cine, ai uitat esti repetent?
Honestly, I have no one to compete with, did you forget you failed?
Uite, ti-l dau in rate ca deloc nu ai talent
Look, I'll give it to you in installments because you have absolutely no talent
Vezi ca dobanda-i mare noi nu suntem provident
Watch out, the interest is high, we're not a loan company
Poti sa o iei pe gagica-ta ca este cam buna
You can take your girl because she's a bit of a looker
E mai pula decat tine, ce crezi da si ea din gura
She's more of a slut than you, what do you think, that she'll blow you too?
A venit in brigada si-a rupt curu e nebuna
She came in the brigade and broke her ass, she's crazy
Pizdo iti mai zic o vorba, esti prea prost o iei de buna
Slut, I'll tell you one more thing, you're too stupid to get it
Ce faci?
What are you doing?
Cum tragi
How are you pulling?
Mimis ce-mi faci?
Mimis, what are you doing to me?
Misca din cur
Move your ass
Si da pe bassi
And play the bass
Chilotii jos
Pants down
Mana pe craci
Hands on my thighs
Uda toata
Wet everything
E in sevraj
It's in withdrawal
E in sevraj
It's in withdrawal
Ca sunt drogu' ei, n-am facut nimic sa ma placi
Because they're my drugs, I didn't do anything to make you like me
Fata mea fina, zapada multa peisaj
My fine girl, a lot of snow, nice view
Uite iti dau o poza ca am facut iar prea mult cash
Look, I'll give you a picture because I made too much cash again
Sa ma intrec?
Should I start?
Sincer nu am cu cine, ai uitat esti repetent?
Honestly, I have no one to compete with, did you forget you failed?
Uite, ti-l dau in rate ca deloc nu ai talent
Look, I'll give it to you in installments because you have absolutely no talent
Vezi ca dobanda-i mare nu suntem la provident
Watch out, the interest is high, we're not at a loan company
Sa ma intrec?
Should I start?
Sincer nu am cu cine, ai uitat esti repetent?
Honestly, I have no one to compete with, did you forget you failed?
Uite, ti-l dau in rate ca deloc nu ai talent
Look, I'll give it to you in installments because you have absolutely no talent
Vezi ca dobanda-i mare noi nu suntem provident
Watch out, the interest is high, we're not a loan company
Se uita pe mine a ramas hipnotizata
She looks at me, mesmerized
Nu fac eu magie, dar bagheta o s-o faca
I don't do magic, but the wand will do it
N am multa incredere in ea, ca e o thoata
I don't have much faith in it, because it's a slut
Te fut doar o data fiindca esti o bagaboanta
I'll fuck you only once because you're a slut
Mi bonita hai cu mine in dormitor
My beautiful lady, come to the bedroom with me
Iti bag pula in suflet sa ma ai la corason
I'll put my dick in your soul so you'll have me in your heart
Fraierii ca voi, nu au ce sa-mi faca
Losers like you can't do anything to me
Va sunati femeia cand e vorba de cearta
You call your woman when it's time to argue
Ai sunat-o, in telefon vorbea
You called her, she was talking on the phone
Ii bagam pula in pizda nu de mila iti plangea
I put my dick in her pussy, she wasn't crying out of pity
Te vedea pe strada si imediat fugea
She saw you on the street and ran away immediately
Normal cum sa se uite la un martalog asa
Of course, how could she look at such a fool?
Sa ma intrec?
Should I start?
Sincer nu am cu cine, ai uitat esti repetent?
Honestly, I have no one to compete with, did you forget you failed?
Uite, ti-l dau in rate ca deloc nu ai talent
Look, I'll give it to you in installments because you have absolutely no talent
Vezi ca dobanda-i mare nu suntem la provident
Watch out, the interest is high, we're not at a loan company
Sa ma intrec?
Should I start?
Sincer nu am cu cine, ai uitat esti repetent?
Honestly, I have no one to compete with, did you forget you failed?
Uite, ti-l dau in rate ca deloc nu ai talent
Look, I'll give it to you in installments because you have absolutely no talent
Vezi ca dobanda-i mare noi nu suntem provident
Watch out, the interest is high, we're not a loan company

Авторы: Cristian Mimis

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