miquel - PART 7: sento - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский miquel - PART 7: sento

PART 7: sento
PART 7: feel
Sento que la vida se m′escapa
I feel that my life is escaping me
Que l'amor ja no és a casa
That love is no longer home
Que els records no s′esvaeixen
That memories don't fade
I tot torna a començar
And everything starts again
Que tu ja no m'acompanyes
That you are no longer with me
En la lluita d'aixecar-me
In the struggle to rise
Sóc perdut a la muntanya
I am lost in the mountain
Dels meus propis sentiments
Of my own feelings
Però llavors sento que em parles
But then I feel you speaking to me
La teva veu dolça em rescata
Your sweet voice rescues me
D′aquesta vall poblada d′arbres
From this valley populated with trees
Que ja no ni on sóc
I don't know where I am anymore
I el sol neix entre les branques
And the sun rises among the branches
M'acarícia tota la cara
It caresses my whole face
Em dóna forces per aixecar-me
It gives me strength to rise
D′aquest oblit
From this oblivion
I em vas dir
And you told me
Que hi series fins el final
That you would be with me until the end
Que et quedaries
That you would stay
Que perviuries
That you would endure
Sempre en el meu cant
Always in my song
Sempre en el meu cant
Always in my song
Sento que no hi ha més volta enrere
I feel that there is no turning back
Que la ràbia s'apodera
That anger takes over
De tot el que va ser llavors
From everything that was then
La bona vida amb tu
The good life with you
Que ja no sóc qui era
That I am no longer who I was
I que estaré així sempre
And that I will always be like this
Pensant en tot allò
Thinking of everything
Que t′hauria d'haver dit
That what I should have told you
Però és que ara sento que cantant
But it is that now I feel that singing
Et tinc a prop, et tinc davant
I have you close, I have you in front
I et puc cantar aquesta cançó
And I can sing you this song
No, no vull ser valent
No, I don't want to be brave
No vull afrontar
I don't want to face
El món on no hi ets
The world where you are not

Авторы: Miquel Nafría

miquel - PART 7: sento
PART 7: sento
дата релиза

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