moumoon - トモシビ - перевод текста песни на английский

トモシビ - moumoonперевод на английский

Small Light
ここにある青空が 一度に消えてしまうとして
If all the blue skies that are here were to disappear at once,
ひとつだけ殘せるなら 愛を形にしてみたい
If I could keep just one, I would like to give shape to love.
僕と君とを このプラグでつないだら
If I connect you and me with this plug,
臆病な心 探り合うことも無い
We wouldn’t have to probe at our timid hearts.
あの日見た蜃氣樓 近づけば幻に
The mirage I saw that day, if I approached it it would become an illusion,
But now I reach out for the “things” I can’t grasp.
この燈火は 誰にも消せぬ 放って
This flame is a light that no one can extinguish.
照らし出すだろう 淚する夜も 側でずっと
It will shine, illuminating the nights you cry, always by your side.
諦めるようにして 吹き消そうとしていた 希望は
The hope I was about to blow out, as if giving up,
こんなにも強く 燃えているから
Is burning so strongly.
きみとみた夕燒けが 目を閉じればすぐそこに
The sunset we saw together is right there when I close my eyes,
フィルムより鮮やかに 燒き付いた金星のひかり
The light of the evening star more vivid than film.
僕と君との 距離がはなれてしまっても
Even if you and I become physically distant,
心配はいらない きっと迎えにいくから
Don’t worry, I will surely come for you.
人の世は萬華鏡 噓、真に惑わされ
Human life is a kaleidoscope, confused by falsehood and truth,
わからなくなったら 僕の名を呼んで
If you lose your way, call out my name.
その泣き聲は 鳴り止まない 音の無いサイレン
That sound of your crying is a silent siren that never stops.
ノイズまじりの 街に響く 本當の氣持ち
The true feelings that resound in the noise-filled town,
その胸で感じる 喜び 苦しみの 全てを
The joy and sorrow you feel in your heart,
他でもない 君が 抱きしめなきゃ
None other than you must embrace them.
With you, I wanna start
With you, I want to start
From bottom of my heart
From the bottom of my heart.
With you, I wanna start
With you, I want to start
From bottom of my heart
From the bottom of my heart.
この燈火は 誰にも消せぬ 放って
This flame is a light that no one can extinguish.
照らし出すだろう 泣きじゃくる夜も 側でずっと
It will shine, illuminating the nights you cry, always by your side.
諦めるようにして 吹き消そうとしていた 希望は
The hope I was about to blow out, as if giving up,
こんなにも強く 燃えているから
Is burning so strongly.
その泣き聲は 鳴り止まない 音の無いサイレン
That sound of your crying is a silent siren that never stops.
雨に濡れたら やさしい日差し 溫もりをきみに
If you get rained on, I will bring you a gentle sunlight and warmth.
闇にのまれそうならば 連れ出してみせるよ だから
If you are about to be swallowed by the darkness, I will take you out.
「強く」なくていい ただ 信じていて
You don't have to be “strong” just believe in me.
With you, I wanna start
With you, I want to start
From bottom of my heart
From the bottom of my heart.
With you, I wanna start
With you, I want to start
From bottom of my heart
From the bottom of my heart.

Авторы: YUKA, 柾 昊佑, 柾 昊佑, YUKA

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