noyada - Pikachu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский noyada - Pikachu

Zapínám game
[Insert coin to play]
Zapínám hru
[Insert coin to play]
Udělej space
[Press START]
Udělej room
[Press START]
Hit never miss, yea
Hit never miss, huh
Udělám risk, ha
[Risk taken]
Udělej mi místo pro mistra
[You cleared the room! Trainer battle start!]
[Trainer battle start!]
[Trainer battle start!]
[Trainer battle start!]
[Trainer battle start!]
Kódy z jedniček a nul mi tvoří další level
Numbers of ones and zeros build a new level for me
Realita absurdní jako Samuel Beckett
Reality as absurd as Samuel Beckett
Game boy, tu game, boy, hraju jak Tekken
Game Boy, the game, boy, I play it like Tekken
Femboys tvrdí, že se ženy nemaj živit rapem
Femboys claim women shouldn't make a living from rap
Kreditní karty rýsujou lajny na stole slečen
Credit cards draw lines on the table of the young ladies
Jestli se do toho potopíš, nikdy neutečeš
If you get sucked into it, you'll never escape
Boys chytaj motyky jak pokémony každej večer
Boys catch Pokémon like butterflies every night
Otočim game, dneska Pikachu chytí Ashe
I'll turn the game around, today Pikachu will catch Ash
podepíšu revers
[I'll sign the agreement]
Každej pacient kolem
Every patient around me
Je psychopat a dement
Is a psychopath and demented
A co kritik, to degeš
And every critic is a dunce
Názory jako meme
Opinions like memes
Ctrl+c na hejty
[Copy & Paste] on hates
Co dávno lítaj světem
That have been flying around the world for a long time
Ale, vole, říkej mi misfit
[It's cool if you want to call me a misfit]
Konzumuju hate jako biscuit
[I consume hate like a biscuit]
Netrefili, missli
[You missed, loser]
Glock, boy, asi bude třeba vyčistit
[Glock, boy, probably should clean it]
Block, boy, asi bude třeba vyčistit
[Block, boy, probably should clean it]
Špatnej vliv máš, meleš nesmysli
[You're a bad influence, you talk nonsense]
Špatnej spittin, meleš, nemyslíš
[Bad spitting, talking, not thinking]
Ráno dal si dose místo müsli
[In the morning, you had a session instead of cereal]
Ráno si dávám jen business
[In the morning, I'm all about business]
Rap je sport, ňákej pátek dělám fitness
[Rap is a sport, I've been doing fitness for some time]
Každýmu, kdo mi urážel ksicht, se teďkon líbim
[I finally look good to everyone who used to insult me]
Jsem vypadala jako kluk, a proto teď mám tolik bitches
[I used to look like a guy, which is why I have so many bitches now]
Zmrdi ze základky vyhulte mi dick, posílám kisses
[Losers from primary school suck my dick, I send you kisses]
Ve tvým vyhledávání mám uloženej můj tag
[In your search history, my tag is saved]
DMs plný lidí, co na Tinderu dali match
[My DMs are full of people I matched with on Tinder]
Jestli neposlal dickpick, beztak na featu chce
[If he didn't send a dick pic, he wants me on a feature]
Jestli neumíš gramatiku, ani neposílej text
[If you can't do grammar, don't send a message]
Je to lyrika, kterou vidělo česko
These are lyrics the Czech Republic has seen
Stokrát za posledních deset let
A hundred times over the past ten years
Od velkejch artistů na každý desce
From great artists on every album
Klony zaplnily město
Clones have taken over the city
Českej rap není rap, je to pop nebo jazz
Czech rap isn't rap, it's pop or jazz
Underground pod zemí, celkem dead
Underground, totally dead
Metal ne, ani upocenej punk ani trap
Not metal, not sweaty punk or trap
Taky trash tvůj zvuk, seru studio flex
Your sound is trash too, I don't care about studio flex
Kódy z jedniček a nul mi tvoří další level
Numbers of ones and zeros build a new level for me
Realita absurdní jako Samuel Beckett
Reality as absurd as Samuel Beckett
Game boy, tu game, boy, hraju jak Tekken
Game Boy, the game, boy, I play it like Tekken
Femboys tvrdí, že se ženy nemaj živit rapem
Femboys claim women shouldn't make a living from rap
Kreditní karty rýsujou lajny na stole slečen
Credit cards draw lines on the table of the young ladies
Jestli se do toho potopíš, nikdy neutečeš
If you get sucked into it, you'll never escape
Boys chytaj motyky jak pokémony každej večer
Boys catch Pokémon like butterflies every night
Otočim game, dneska Pikachu chytí Ashe
I'll turn the game around, today Pikachu will catch Ash

Авторы: Vanesa Caltová

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