noyada - VIP - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский noyada - VIP

Boo, sorry, ani nedostaneš VIP
Boo, sorry, you won't get VIP
A zapomene na celý city
And I'll forget all about you, city boy
White Walker, asi by ses měl hlídat víc
White Walker, you should probably watch yourself
Je to past if you don't know how to live it
It's a trap if you don't know how to live it
Média dostaly, jsem trochu fucked up
The media got to me, I'm a little fucked up
Můj život byl ok, pak jsem šla zas na start
My life was okay, then I went back to the start
Věci, co vidim online, dokážou nasrat
Things I see online, they can piss me off
Další puffer jacket, panda dunky, bílej buzzcut
Another puffer jacket, panda dunks, white buzzcut
A tenhle rok bude stejně dobrej joke
And this year will be just as good a joke
Jako roky předtim, v Česku pořád letí fakin dope
As the years before, fuckin' dope still flies in Czechia
Rychle letim fakin home
I'm flying fuckin' home fast
Když vidim vaše ksichty v realitě
When I see your faces in reality
Když vidim, že na IG všechny ty obličeje lžou
When I see that all those faces lie on IG
Sorry, ani nedostaneš VIP
Sorry, you won't get VIP
A zapomene na celý city
And I'll forget all about you, city boy
White Walker, asi by ses měl hlídat víc
White Walker, you should probably watch yourself
Je to past if you don't know how to live it
It's a trap if you don't know how to live it
Boo, sorry ani nedostaneš RIP
Boo, sorry you won't even get RIP
Vykopeš si hrob and you're not afraid to fill it
You dig your own grave and you're not afraid to fill it
Ksicht jako god, prej nic nemůže zničit
Face like a god, they say nothing can destroy you
Ale půjdeš, tak půjdeš jako ostatní
But when you go, you'll go like the rest
Byl quick to come, quick to go, yeah
Were quick to come, quick to go, yeah
Klíč asi bude bejt better nebo lowkey
The key is probably to be better or lowkey
Quick to come, quick to go, yeah
Quick to come, quick to go, yeah
Ráda vidim padat hvězdy, z nebe padaj phonies
I like to see falling stars, phonies fall from the sky
Byl quick to come, quick to go, yeah
Were quick to come, quick to go, yeah
Klíč asi bude bejt better nebo lowkey
The key is probably to be better or lowkey
Quick to come, quick to go, yeah
Quick to come, quick to go, yeah
Ráda koukám nahoru, když z nebe padaj phonies
I like to look up when phonies fall from the sky
Sundejte čepice, I won't cop it
Take off your hats, I won't cop it
Za vaše reklamy svým časem nechci platit
I don't want to pay with my time for your ads
Nevim, jestli vidim jeden profil
I don't know if I see one profile
Nebo každej další, kterej na vyskočí, je jenom jeho copy
Or every other one that pops up on me is just a copy of it
Kdybych měla, tak klidně dám z hlavy
If I could, I'd easily tell you off the top of my head
Kolik lidi z okolí, kolik oni maj kvalit
How many people around me, how much quality they have
Bylo jich málo a nebude jich dost
There were few and there won't be enough
A jestli další najdu, nechci se bát je lapit
And if I find more, I don't want to be afraid to catch them
Byl quick to come, quick to go, yeah
Were quick to come, quick to go, yeah
Klíč asi bude bejt better nebo lowkey
The key is probably to be better or lowkey
Quick to come, quick to go, yeah
Quick to come, quick to go, yeah
Ráda vidim padat hvězdy, z nebe padaj phonies
I like to see falling stars, phonies fall from the sky
Byl quick to come, quick to go, yeah
Were quick to come, quick to go, yeah
Klíč asi bude bejt better nebo lowkey
The key is probably to be better or lowkey
Quick to come, quick to go, yeah
Quick to come, quick to go, yeah
Ráda koukám nahoru, když z nebe padaj phonies
I like to look up when phonies fall from the sky

Авторы: Noah Houken, Vanesa Caltova

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