sankki - AF1 (feat. barri) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский sankki - AF1 (feat. barri)

AF1 (feat. barri)
AF1 (feat. barri)
Ella vol sortir
She wants to go out
Mai tornarà
But she'll be back
Aquesta nit
Per tu i per mi
For you and me
Quan em poso les airforce
When I put on my Air Force Ones
Per sortir a ballar
To go out dancing
Jo només somio
I only dream
N acabar-te trobant
Of finding you again
Quan em poso les airforce
When I put on my Air Force Ones
Per sortir a ballar
To go out dancing
Jo només somio
I only dream
N acabar-te trobant
Of finding you again
Sembla q em coneixis
She seems to know me
Per com em mires
By the way she looks at me
Tu dius que t'agrado
You say you like me
Pro s mentida
But it's a lie
D'aquí res m'oblides
You'll forget me soon enough
Una llum al party
A light at the party
Els teus ulls em criden
Your eyes are calling me
Me'n recordaré
I'll remember this
Per tota la vida
For the rest of my life
Preguntant-me, iwa?
Asking myself, why?
Un amor suïcida
A love that's suicide
I quan et veig pel barri
And when I see you in the neighborhood
M'han dit q sempre surts d safari
I've been told you're always out on a safari
Ho intento no hi ha manera q em parli
I try, but there's no way to get you to talk to me
Ballem junts com feien els d calgary
We dance together like they did in Calgary
Que l'amor no s'acabi
May our love never end
Ja no hi ha frontera q em pari
There's no border that can stop me now
Jo em fico les airforce
I put on my Air Force Ones
Per sortir a l'escenari
To go out on stage
No hi ha més excuses
There are no more excuses
No hi ha res que ens separi
There's nothing to keep us apart
Aquesta nit es nostra
This night is ours
Et donaré el q em demanis
I'll give you whatever you ask
Quan em poso les airforce
When I put on my Air Force Ones
Per sortir a ballar
To go out dancing
Jo només somio
I only dream
N acabar-te trobant
Of finding you again
Quan em poso les airforce
When I put on my Air Force Ones
Per sortir a ballar
To go out dancing
Jo només somio
I only dream
N acabar-te trobant
Of finding you again
Mami t'ho juro ho sento
Babe, I swear I'm sorry
No volia pecar
I didn't mean to sin
Només volia jugar
I just wanted to play
Pro te'm vas anar apropant
But you came close to me
Se'ns va anar d les mans
It got out of hand
Per voler-te estimar (Per voler-te estimar)
For wanting to love you (For wanting to love you)
Si estiguessis amb mi (Només amb mi)
If you were with me (Only with me)
Compliria aquell desig (Emoticono d una vela)
I would fulfill that wish (Candle Emoji)
D llepar-te el pit amb xocolata i vernís
To lick your chest with chocolate and polish
Com Syd es menja un pastís
Like Syd eats a cake
Quin sentit té? (What is love)
What's the point? (What is love)
Sortir sense saber (Baby don't hurt me)
Going out without knowing (Baby don't hurt me)
Si tu i jo ens creuarem (Don't hurt me)
If you and I will cross paths (Don't hurt me)
O no ens veurem mai més (No more)
Or if we'll never see each other again (No more)
Ai no
Oh no
Quin sentit
What's the point
Sortir sense saber
Going out without knowing
Si tu i jo ens creuarem
If you and I will cross paths
O no ens veurem mai més
Or if we'll never see each other again
A la platja amb Xibeca comença l'afterparty
On the beach with Xibeca, the afterparty begins
Tranquila bonica q Aron portarà mari
Don't worry, beautiful, Aron will bring weed
Q lo nostre no acabi
May our love never end
Q d mi no et separin
May they not separate you from me
Vull estar amb tu i fer-te un tour per Cali
I want to be with you and take you on a tour of Cali
I sempre em demana q ens juntem como legos
And she always asks me to join together like Legos
I es transforma amb la música d Tego
And she transforms with Tego's music
Se li puja el ego si le digo te quiero
Her ego soars if I tell her I love her
Porque no se cree a todos esos embusteros
Because she doesn't believe all those liars
Quan em poso les airforce
When I put on my Air Force Ones
Per sortir a ballar
To go out dancing
Jo només somio
I only dream
N acabar-te trobant
Of finding you again
Quan em poso les airforce
When I put on my Air Force Ones
Per sortir a ballar
To go out dancing
Jo només somio
I only dream
N acabar-te trobant
Of finding you again
Aquesta nit
Per tu i per mi
For you and me
Aquesta nit
Per tu i per mi
For you and me

Авторы: David Mahecha

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