traian - elegiac (feat. Tedisaster & GNOC) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский traian - elegiac (feat. Tedisaster & GNOC)

elegiac (feat. Tedisaster & GNOC)
elegiac (feat. Tedisaster & GNOC)
Nu simt nimic de la alcool
I don't feel anything from the alcohol
Inafara de dor
Except longing
Ochii pe tavan
Eyes on the ceiling
Mana pe pistol
Hand on the pistol
Melancolia asta ma distruge
This melancholy is destroying me
Vreau sa ma distrag dar inima-mi plange
I want to distract myself but my heart is crying
Nu simt nimic de la alcool
I don't feel anything from the alcohol
Inafara de dor
Except longing
Ochii pe tavan
Eyes on the ceiling
Mana pe pistol
Hand on the pistol
Si nu reusesc sa imi scot din minte
And I can't get out of my mind
Acei ochi frumosi cum se uita la mine
Those beautiful eyes how they looked at me
Totul era perfect
Everything was perfect
Si incerc sa te inteleg
And I try to understand you
Ca imi lasi numai indicii
That you only leave me hints
Eu fac arta ca Da Vinci
I make art like Da Vinci
Si piesa asta-i magica
And this song is magical
Gen are o energie
Like it has an energy
Are o emotie in ea
It has an emotion in it
Care vreau s-ajunga la tine
That I want to reach you
Iar eu sunt cel mai bun
And I'm the best
De ce ai vrea pe altcineva
Why would you want someone else
Nu te opresc
I'm not stopping you
Asta e alegerea ta
This is your choice
Credeam ca-i un moment
I thought it was a moment
N-am crezut ca vei pleca
I didn't think you would leave
Daca-mi ziceai problema
If you told me the problem
Sigur puteam s-o repar
Surely I could fix it
Nu simt nimic de la alcool
I don't feel anything from the alcohol
Inafara de dor
Except longing
Ochii pe tavan
Eyes on the ceiling
Mana pe pistol
Hand on the pistol
Melancolia asta ma distruge
This melancholy is destroying me
Vreau sa ma distrag dar inima-mi plange
I want to distract myself but my heart is crying
Nu simt nimic de la alcool
I don't feel anything from the alcohol
Inafara de dor
Except longing
Ochii pe tavan
Eyes on the ceiling
Mana pe pistol
Hand on the pistol
Si nu reusesc sa imi scot din minte
And I can't get out of my mind
Acei ochi frumosi cum se uita la mine
Those beautiful eyes how they looked at me
Plange inima in mine in fiecare zi
My heart cries inside me every day
N-am mancat de doua zile si am obosit
I haven't eaten in two days and I'm tired
Sa mai sper la tine sa mai cred c-o sa te schimbi
Of hoping for you, of believing you'll change
Noi ne potrivim dar tu nu imi mai vii
We're a match but you're no longer coming to me
Respir si ma arde iar, gandul ca nu te am
I breathe and it burns me again, the thought that I don't have you
Gandul c-o sa dispar
The thought that I will disappear
Ca intr-o zi o s-o tai
That one day I'll end it
Nu o sa stii tu cand plang
You won't know when I cry
Zi de zi pe Pamant
Day after day on Earth
Da' stii ca ma tin de cuvant
But you know I keep my word
Dar tu esti cel mai bun
But you are the best
Nu vreau pe altcineva
I don't want anyone else
Nu vreau de noi sa uit
I don't want to forget about us
Cu niciun alt baiat
With any other guy
Palmele tale-s reci
Your palms are cold
Nici nu ma mai incalzesc
I can't even warm up anymore
Si chiar nu vreau sa plec
And I really don't want to leave
Dar nu pot sa stau asa
But I can't stay like this
Nu simt nimic de la alcool
I don't feel anything from the alcohol
Inafara de dor
Except longing
Ochii pe tavan
Eyes on the ceiling
Mana pe pistol
Hand on the pistol
Melancolia asta ma distruge
This melancholy is destroying me
Vreau sa ma distrag dar inima-mi plange
I want to distract myself but my heart is crying
Nu simt nimic de la alcool
I don't feel anything from the alcohol
Inafara de dor
Except longing
Ochii pe tavan
Eyes on the ceiling
Mana pe pistol
Hand on the pistol
Si nu reusesc sa imi scot din minte
And I can't get out of my mind
Acei ochi frumosi cum se uita la mine
Those beautiful eyes how they looked at me

Авторы: Traian Talent, Teodora Iamandi

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