Ñengo Flow feat. Estrada - Delen Pa Atrás - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ñengo Flow feat. Estrada - Delen Pa Atrás

Delen Pa Atrás
Back Off
Bueno hoy si que nos levantamos del lado izquierdo
Alright, today we woke up on the wrong side of the bed
Yampi tamos ready? esto es Full Records ok?
Yampi, are we ready? This is Full Records, okay?
Hoy es dia de halloween noche de brujas
Today is Halloween, the night of witches
Hay que desenmascarar dos o tres.
Time to unmask two or three.
No siga hablando mierda a las espaldas de Full Records
Don't keep talking shit behind Full Records' back
Te juro por mi madre que te voy a hacer par de huecos
I swear on my mother I'm gonna put a couple of holes in you
Canto e puelco tu eres tremendo dos caras no te vivas la pelicula
You singing pig, you're a two-faced phony, don't live the movie
O te voy a rajar la cara, llego los que te baja el dedo en caravana
Or I'm gonna slash your face, the ones who bring you down are arriving in a caravan
Va a lambada al final del continente te vamos a vestir de gala
A lambada at the end of the continent, we're gonna dress you up
Pa que sepas el mono saber pa lo que trepa
So you know, the monkey knows what it climbs for
Lambete cabron y te voy a sacar del planeta
Lick it, asshole, and I'll take you off the planet
Tu no sabes na de guerra, tu no sabes un carajo
You don't know anything about war, you don't know shit
Despues que te meta cien a tu gata le doy pa bajo
After I put a hundred in you, I'm going down on your girl
Tu cree que es relajo? la gente de Full Records
You think it's a joke? The people of Full Records
El de treinta se ve quince contigo voy a romper record
The thirty looks like fifteen, I'm gonna break records with you
Mas humilde es el papillo contigo no pudo ser
The papillo is more humble, it couldn't be with you
Pero si forzas con nosotros cabron te vas a joder
But if you force things with us, asshole, you're gonna get fucked up
Hoy en dia rapeo huele bicho por placer te voy a regar
Nowadays, I rap smelling of pussy for pleasure, I'm gonna spray you
La medio ocho pa que te encierre huelel
The .38 so that the smell locks you up
Y te de tu cascarazo que yo contigo me atraso
And give you your beating, I'm falling behind with you
Si con mucha me imiteis sabe que te parto el mazo
If you imitate me with a lot, know that I'll break your face
Tu saliste maricon igual que el del boricuazo
You came out as a faggot just like the one from Boricuazo
El Ak Full lo saco por si ruff y te hago pedazo (Hahahaa Tranquii)
Ak Full took him out for being ruff and I'll tear you to pieces (Hahaha Tranquii)
Te rompo las costillas al pai te rompo el vaso
I'll break your ribs, I'll break your glass
Pa que le diga al doctor que te paso por no hacer caso
So you can tell the doctor what happened to you for not listening
Y si quedas con vida y todavia caminas
And if you're still alive and walking
Cuentale a tu socio que en Full Records no bacilan
Tell your partner that they don't mess around at Full Records
A ti te depilan con machete poto, cometes una falla
They shave you with a machete, you make a mistake
Y te sacan la loto que tu cadaver queda la peste y el roto
And they take out the lottery, your corpse will stink and rot
Le robo la señal y las baterias le agoto
I steal the signal and drain the batteries
Asi que what sa quien motherfucking ven ven
So what's up, who's the motherfucking one, come on
Te voy a sacar a pasear en mi baul como reen
I'm gonna take you for a ride in my trunk like Ren
Voy hacer que todo lo mio en la cara a ti te lo den
I'm gonna make them give you everything I have in your face
Te rezen un padre nuestro y despues te digan amen
They'll pray an Our Father for you and then say amen
Dile Yampi que no necesito papel y lapiz
Tell Yampi I don't need paper and pencil
Como ella chiquitolina enseguida me pongo happy
Like her, little girl, I get happy right away
Me meto en la cabina y le clavo hasta de gratis
I get in the booth and nail it even for free
El papillo me firmo porque yo soy el problematic (Hahahaha Fucking!! Hahahaha)
Papillo signed me because I'm the problematic one (Hahahaha Fucking!! Hahahaha)
You! Yampi poniendolo a rebotar en el suelo como sapo
You! Yampi making it bounce on the floor like a frog
Pa que sepa cabron tamo aqui activao too el tiempo
So you know, asshole, we're here activated all the time
Full Records wrifli naltu el combo que no se deja
Full Records wrifli naltu, the combo that doesn't give up
Pasandole los trailers por encima bien cargao, bien cargao
Running over the trailers fully loaded, fully loaded
Heey los tenemos a todos apagaos tan cagaos embarraos
Hey, we have them all turned off, scared shitless
Hablan mierda papi tenemos satelites en todos lados
They talk shit, daddy, we have satellites everywhere
Cuidado con lo que hablan podrian ser usados en tu contra
Be careful what you say, it could be used against you
Huele Bicho Hahahaha esto es pa e lo que va a dar queja ahora cabron
Smells like pussy Hahahaha this is for the one who's gonna complain now, asshole
Eso es lo que tu sabe llorar dejame a las cinco la mañana porque
That's what you know, crying, leaving me at five in the morning because
Yo no corro por la de nadie
I don't run for anyone
Tu lo sabes cabron.
You know it, asshole.
Malniga! what so Aka 47
Malniga! what so Aka 47
Ouch Cheat!
Ouch Cheat!
Esto no se acaba sentiras rafagas de balas
This doesn't end, you'll feel bursts of bullets
Yo no se porque fronteas huele bicho tu ni jalas
I don't know why you're fronting, pussy sniffer, you don't even pull
Yo no se porque carajo traes ese disfraz
I don't know why the fuck you're wearing that costume
Pero mirame para atras y veras de lo que soy capaz
But look behind you and you'll see what I'm capable of
La cosa no es como antes y la voz no me levante
Things aren't like they used to be and my voice doesn't rise
Que los clavo de las guaguas tengo los tumba elefantes
I nail them from the cribs, I have the elephant killers
Pa sacarte el rostro por el cristal de adelante cuando llegue
To take your face out through the front glass when the
La forense
Coroner arrives
En camilla te levanten adios carajo esto se creia un juen
They lift you up on a stretcher, goodbye asshole, this one thought he was cool
Dile que vaya pa Valencia que le voy a pasar el tren
Tell him to go to Valencia, I'm gonna run the train on him
Oye huele bicho no engañes mas a la gente dile que tu eres feca
Hey, pussy sniffer, don't deceive people anymore, tell them you're fake
Que tus canciones mienten que por joder con full perdistes los dientes
That your songs lie, that for messing with Full you lost your teeth
Tambien dile que el rifle del goldo lo que den corriente
Also tell him that the Goldo's rifle is the one that gives current
Vives en un mundo, pero de falacia te oigo las canciones
You live in a world of fallacy, I hear your songs
Y lo que me desgracia cualquiera diria que eres un maton
And what disgraces me, anyone would say you're a killer
Pero yo que te conozco digo que eres un mamon
But I, who know you, say you're a pussy
Y si te guillas de cabron te vamos a partir el melon
And if you act tough, we're gonna split your melon
Too el corillo de Full Records pa que sepas bobolon
The whole Full Records crew, so you know, dumbass
Esto es el area metro aqui la sangre corre
This is the metro area, blood runs here
Faltame el respeto y yo voy hacer que te borren
Disrespect me and I'll make them erase you
Que mama pal carajo esto no son relajo
That mom to hell, this is no joke
Te subimos a la azotea y te casco vas pa bajo
We take you to the roof and I throw you down, you're going down
Hahahahaha! pa que sepas cabron
Hahahahaha! so you know, asshole
Y si te atreves a tirar pa tra papi vas a sentir la presion
And if you dare to come here, daddy, you're gonna feel the pressure
Y esto no son chistes huele bicho yo no estoy pa jueguitos
And these are not jokes, pussy sniffer, I'm not here for games
Ni relajitos esto es la real de verdad cabron ponte bruto y tira pa tra
Or relaxation, this is the real deal, asshole, get rough and come here
Que a la que me falte el respeto tu vas a ver lo que te va
The one who disrespects me, you'll see what's gonna
A pasar huelebicho
Happen to you, pussy sniffer
Eso es lo unico que te voy a decir tu sabes quienes somos nosotros
That's the only thing I'm gonna tell you, you know who we are
Dale vete llaquea dale cabron como tu eres peliculero asi
Come on, go cry, come on, asshole, since you're a movie buff like that
Comprate cuatro chalecos vete y los rifles de esos de los que tu dices
Buy yourself four vests, go and get those rifles you talk about
Haber si es verdad que cuando te mandemos con las ostias que
Let's see if it's true that when we send you with the beatings that
Tenemos papi
We have, daddy
Se te van a salir los peos.
You're gonna shit your pants.

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