Ñengo Flow feat. Franco "El Gorilla" - Aquí Se Te Cobra - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ñengo Flow feat. Franco "El Gorilla" - Aquí Se Te Cobra

Aquí Se Te Cobra
Here You Pay
Oye hermano mio esto es simple
Listen, my brother, this is simple
Franco el Gorila
Franco the Gorilla
Full metal
Full metal
Los reyes del rap
The kings of rap
King Kong
King Kong
Ayer fue un dia de esos que me levante llorando
Yesterday was one of those days I woke up crying
Pensando que mis hijos van subiendo y yo bajando
Thinking that my children are going up and I'm going down
Que la rueda de la vida una vez comienza no hay reversa
That the wheel of life, once it starts, there's no going back
Por eso es sabio que con la vida conversa
That's why it's wise to talk to life
Yo tengo un par de panas que dejaron de ser panas
I have a couple of buddies who stopped being buddies
Porque ahora son chota
Because now they're snitches
Para un pajote en la calle hay que tener pelotas
To be a tough guy in the street you have to have balls
Saber hacer lo suyo y cerrar la bocota
Know how to do your thing and shut your mouth
Porque el calvo no juega el se apunta y sos azota
Because the bald guy doesn't play, he points and you get whipped
Yo e visto gangster que los tumbaban y los tumbaron
I've seen gangsters get knocked down and knocked out
Y los más asesinos bajo la presion chorrearon
And the most murderous ones cracked under pressure
Mujeres de un par de panas por dinero se prestaron
Women of a couple of buddies lent themselves for money
Y luego preguntan porque fue que las mataron
And then they ask why they were killed
El caserio al dia lo más que vende es tecata
The most the neighborhood sells these days is crack
Y dos bloques más pa abajo
And two blocks down
Los barcos y las putas
The boats and the whores
Nunca los e visto recogiendo latasen su bicicleta
I've never seen them picking up cans on their bikes
O pidiendo en la luz pa tener la cura completa
Or begging at the light to get the full cure
Con o sin tu falla
With or without your mistake
Aqui la falla se te cobra
Here the mistake is charged to you
Con o sin tu falla
With or without your mistake
Aqui la falla se te cobra
Here the mistake is charged to you
Con o sin tu falla
With or without your mistake
Aquí la falla se te cobra
Here the mistake is charged to you
Cobra, cobra, co co, cobra
Charge, charge, cha cha, charge
Aqui no existe el miedo
Here there is no fear
Aqui too somos hombre
Here we are all men
Y tenemos cojone pa que tu mente le done
And we have balls for your mind to donate
Con la bala al peine
With the bullet in the comb
Que vamos pa la pista a maquinear
That we're going to the track to scheme
El que se pase la raya
Whoever crosses the line
Con fuego se va a estrellar
Will crash with fire
Anda full sport
Go full sport
Punto coriscol
Coriscol point
Tamo desde viki
We're from viki
Alumbran como el sol
They shine like the sun
Tu eres malo mama bicho no estes formando bochinche
You're a bad mama bug, don't be making a fuss
Despues no esten llorando cuando el flaco al sol los linche
Then don't be crying when the skinny guy lynches you in the sun
A tu san carro
To your holy car
Lo frenas o nos bajamos y se quedaron
You stop it or we get off and they stayed
Si no metieron mano
If they didn't put their hands in
Ahi mismo se cagaron
They shit themselves right there
Sangre corre noche 1 dia
Blood runs night 1 day
200 averias
200 breakdowns
Te vo a enterrar a ti
I'm going to bury you
Y a tooas tus porquerias
And all your filth
Lirica encendia gracia a papa dios ta bendecida
Lyrics on fire thanks to papa god is blessed
Siempre esta lucia porque Ñengo Flow les da partida
She's always lucid because Ñengo Flow gives them a start
En el abismo
In the abyss
No es lo mismo
It's not the same
Esto es de verdad
This is for real
Gatilleros de la lirica
Lyrical gunmen
Pero gracias
But thanks
Yo soy el de la pobreza
I am the one from poverty
Con cierto aire de grandeza
With a certain air of greatness
Siempre trabajo duro pa llevar pan a mi mesa
I always work hard to bring bread to my table
Y por la jungla, yo soy animal por naturaleza
And in the jungle, I am an animal by nature
Envidiosos donde tengo mis pies quieren mi cabeza
Envious people where I have my feet want my head
Quieren enterrarme
They want to bury me
Porque no me entierran los dientes en la punta el bicho
Because they don't bury my teeth in the tip of the bug
Los tengo por techo
I have them for a roof
Como dice el dicho
As the saying goes
Este se fue derecho por te ronco estrecho
This one went straight because I snore narrow
Yo tengo pistola y tambien tengo hola
I have a gun and I also have hello
Si tu desconfia no deje a tu mujer sola
If you mistrust, don't leave your woman alone
Te lo dije que el alcohol no combina con la rola
I told you that alcohol doesn't mix with the rola
Y en las luces no te duermas porque te explota la chola
And in the lights don't fall asleep because the chola explodes
Estos gusanos, que me dan la mano
These worms, that give me their hand
Les doy un abrazo y dicen que yo soy su hermano
I give them a hug and they say I'm their brother
Van conmigo a toda lo dicen en vano
They go with me to all they say it in vain
Ustdedes son palomos
You are pigeons
Yo siempre un bocado
I always have a bite
Yo naci en la calle
I was born in the street
Yo no me dejo de ninguno
I don't let myself be fooled by anyone
Caminando en la sombra
Walking in the shadow
O en valle de muerte no temo mal alguno
Or in the valley of death I fear no evil
Yo creci en la calle
I grew up on the street
Yo no me dejo de ninguno
I don't let myself be fooled by anyone
(Los Reyes Del Rap)
(The Kings Of Rap)
Caminando en la sombra
Walking in the shadow
O en valle de muerte no temo mal alguno
Or in the valley of death I fear no evil
Con o sin tu falla
With or without your mistake
Aqui la falla se te cobra
Here the mistake is charged to you
Con o sin tu falla
With or without your mistake
Aqui la falla se te cobra
Here the mistake is charged to you
Con o sin tu falla
With or without your mistake
Aqui la falla se te cobra
Here the mistake is charged to you
Cobra, cobra, co co, cobra
Charge, charge, cha cha, charge
E.G la voz
E.G the voice
La maldita voz
The damn voice
Obi the one
Obi the one
Original gansta
Original gansta
Real G4 Life baby
Real G4 Life baby
Los reyes del rap
The kings of rap
King kong
King kong
No chulo tu sabe lo que esta pasando no?
No dude you know what's going on right?
Que te doy tiro a ti a ti
That I shoot you, you
Real G 4 Life baby
Real G 4 Life baby
Franco el gorila
Franco the gorilla
Its me
Its me
Anda suelto en la selva
On the loose in the jungle
Full metal
Full metal
Enter price
Enter price
Cazando a los cazadores
Hunting the hunters
Usted no es grato
You are not welcome
En la selva del semento
In the concrete jungle
Ñengo Flow
Ñengo Flow
En conexion con el mundo entero loco
In connection with the whole world crazy
La pendejes que te encontramos
The bullshit we find you

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