Đorđe Balašević - Lagana stvar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Đorđe Balašević - Lagana stvar

Lagana stvar
Little thing
Tad još nisam birao
Then I hadn't chosen at all
Ni gde, ni šta sam svirao
Where and what to play
A baš u tom je čar
It's that, what's fascinating
Ona je došla tad i rekla
She came and said
"Pokušaj, napravi jednom bar"
"Try to make something sometime"
"Za mene neku finu, sporu stvar"
"For me something nice, a slow thing"
"Finu, laganu stvar"
"Nice, little thing"
I od dva-tri akorda
And from two or three chords
Jer ni ne umem bolje ja
'Cause I can't do any better
Pesma je nastala
A song was made
I čim su čuli nju, laganu pesmu tu
And when they heard it, that little song
Svi su pevušili
They all hummed it
I svi su zaneseni plesali
And all entranced they danced
Uz tu laganu stvar
To that little thing
Čule su me krupne zveri
Heard me wild beasts
Producenti, menedžeri
Producers, managers
Shvatili su kakav imam dar
They understood what kind of gift I have
Nudili mi rajsko voće
They offered me heavenly fruits
Mnogo love, slavu, ploće
Much love, fame, applause
Ubrzo sam postao superstar
I soon became a superstar
Zahvaljujuči muzici
Thanks to the music
Baš k'o kuče na uzici
Just like a dog on the leash
Svetom me vodili
They took me through the world
Pričali "To je taj, čudo od deteta"
They'd say "That's him, what a child prodigy"
A ja sam pevao milion puta
And I sang a million times
Jednu istu stvar
One and the same thing
Finu, laganu stvar
Nice, little thing
Verovali ili ne
Believe it or not
Za sve moguče novine
For all possible newspapers
Dao sam intervju
I gave an interview
Svi su me snimali i očekivali
They all filmed and expected me
Da kažem kad i gde sam
To say when and where I
Tako genijalno smislio
Thought of something so ingenious
Finu, laganu stvar
Nice, little thing
Pisali su da sam zlatan
They wrote that I'm a goldmine
Ili da sam čist šarlatan
Or that I'm a pure charlatan
I sve manje ja sam bio svoj
And less and less I was my own
Kad sam razmislio o tom
When I thought about it
Zamislih se nad zivotom
I thought about life
Rekoh sebi "Kući, stari moj"
I said to myself "Home, my old chap"
Želeo sam život nov
I wanted a new life
U senci bresta crven krov
Red roof in the shade of the elm
I moju Draganu
And my Dragana
Gde god sam bivao
Wherever I have been
O njoj sam snivao od onog dana još
I have dreamt of her since that day
Kad je poželela da napišem
When she wished me to write
Finu, laganu stvar
Nice, little thing
Želeo sam naći nju
I wanted to find her
I čim stigoh na stanicu
And as soon as I arrived at the station
Upitah dal' je tu
I asked if she were right there
Tad su mi rekli da se davno udala
Then they told me that she got married long ago
Za nekog mangupa
For some hooligan
S' kojim je zanesena plesala
With whom she danced
Uz tu laganu stvar
To that little thing

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